
Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Vote: Kingston City Judge Race

The poll is now closed, thanks to all who voted.

Winner : James P. Gilpatric

Results : Poll Results


  1. Anonymous5:45 AM

    Gilpatric is the best choice for Judge. Experienced, Firm but Fair, and a man of the people who is in touch with the community. We need more like him.

  2. Anonymous6:34 AM


  3. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Why is Bradley Jr. campaigning for Bruhn Jr., a Republican?

  4. Anonymous11:25 PM

    Mike Bruhn Jr is sure to follow in his father's footsteps and make Kingston a much better place! No question who the best man for the position is!!!

  5. Anonymous2:48 AM

    I vote for Hal Turner


  6. Clint Brown isn't running running for City Judge as well? By all the Clint Brown comments of late, I thought he was on the Mayoral,At-Large,City Judge,DA, and Ward 4 alderman races.

    Don't forget to visit

  7. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Bruhn, Jr. definately is the best choice. His father has done an excellent job on the bench both as Kingston City Judge and as County Court Judge and Bruhn, Jr. has the same morals and characteristics as his father and will most definately follow in his footsteps to be one of the best judges the City and County has ever had. VOTE FOR BRUHN, JR. - THE RIGHT CHOICE

  8. Anonymous12:17 PM

    I have worked in the legal profession for many years and can attest to the professionalism displayed by Bruhn Jr. both with his private clients as well as the clients he represents through the Public Defender's Office. He will be a great asset to the citizens of Kingston as its' new Judge.

  9. Anonymous1:30 PM

    All you have to do is look at Bruhn Jr.'s track record of total professionalism with his private clients as well as his Public Defender clients - he is the ONLY choice for Kingston City Judge.

  10. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Anyone who has met Bruhn, Jr. can attest to his professionalism with both his private clients as well as Public Defender clients. He is a man who will better the City of Kingston and the entire County of Ulster.

  11. Anonymous2:14 PM

    I don't give a crap who Mike Bruhn Jr.'s father is. That's crazy to even suggest that somehow we should vote a candidate into office based on heredity or one's parent's characteristics.

    What is this, the Middle Ages? We are not living a Feudal society where sons of the well-connected assume to inherit the thrown.


  12. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Bradley Jr. lives across the street from Bruhn Jr. - that's why he's supporting him. They are neighbors; old chums.

    Sounds like a logical reason for Bradley to disregard his own so-called "democratic beliefs" so that he can campaign for his Republican neighbor. Because everyone knows that supporting your neighbor, regardless of political affiliation or philosophy, is more imporant than standing up for your own beliefs.

    This is exactly the kind of DA we need in this county. A man of real substance who stands firm on what he believes.

  13. Anonymous2:33 PM

    yeah yeah yeah let's reward someone with taxpayer money not because he's the best choice but because his father is insulting

  14. Anonymous2:49 PM

    I hope Jr. is a little cleaner than Papa.

  15. 249, do you REALLY want to get into scramble about one's past. I like Gilpatric, but showing up to court drunk? You really don't want to get into a past mistakes pissing contest.

  16. Anonymous7:02 PM

    I agree with the many here who cite Mike Jr.'s reputation for unmatched professionalism---I've known him as an attorney and have never found that he conducts himself in any way other then with incredible integrity. I think he's the best choice because of his reputation preceeding this campaign and his sincere desire for and commitment to the city judge position.

    Those who are bashing him because of his family connection to the judiciary are missing the point. Bruhn respects the people of Kingston enough to know that he's not going to be "voted into office based on heredity" (re: message posted 2:14pm) and he doesn't "assume to inherit the thrown," as is evident by his hard work locally in the private sector, as well as in the Ulster County Public Defenders Office, for over 15 years. I think his supporters are trying to point out that, given his upbringing, he probably has learned a great deal about the law and has an enormous respect for it. We all know that children often inherit and learn what they see at home. Furthermore, the morals and characteristics he displays appear to be in line with those of Bruhn Sr., who has proven to be an asset as a judge in this community for nearly 30 years.

    And regarding the "cleaner than his papa" post: I checked it out. Looks like in was a slap on the wrist from the 1980's. Why try to sling that kind of mud? Remember..."those who live in glass houses." This has been a stellar campaign thus far in terms of honesty and civility. Let's keep it that way and give all political parties and voters a campaign for which Kingston can be proud!

  17. Anonymous8:08 PM

    The same mindset that exists for Bradley is now being applied to Bruhn - whether or not he's qualified makes no difference - he thinks he's the heir apparent. Gilpatric has been on the bench for 14 years - he has the experience and knowledge needed for the job (and I don't know or care who is father is). Bradley's support of Bruhn because they're friends and neighbors is understandable but not acceptable -it proves that Bradley is NOT a team player and has no allegiance to the Democratic Party (they obviously knew that and that's why they didn't endorse him). But Bradley didn't learn his lesson from Sottile's mistake of standing on the stairs of City Hall and endorsing Pataki - you're supposed to lay low when endorsing someone from the opposite political party because people will never forget or forgive what you did. Bradley could very well cost Gilpatric the election - and the Dems will be furious with him if that happens. Not only that, but Gilpatric will go back to his part-time judgeship, thereby booting Larry Ball out. That won't sit well with the Jordans...

  18. Anonymous8:19 PM

    As a NYC firefighter who comes from a 3 generations of Ulster County firefighters I think mentioning family tradition is completely appropriate. I went into my job with an understanding and reverence that I would have lacked if not brought up in a public service household. I think that to get a judge like J. Michael Bruhn Jr. means getting a professional who's earned his own stripes but comes with the bonus of having a lifetime of learning about being a judge!

  19. Anonymous11:41 PM

    Do you think you can learn to be a judge by watching your father? How do you do that? Do you sit in the courtroom and accompany him to the law library? Do you read the cases berfore him and learn about precedent? Do you think that privilege should come with a family legacy? I'm not saying that Bruhn is not competent and capable, but to vote for him because of his father, while ignoring Gilpatric's 14 years of actually being the judge, is ludicrous. That's very nice that you're a 3-generation firefighter. Are you the best firefighter in your company because of your father and grandfather? I'm sure your comrades would agree with your self-assessment and they'd agree they lack the understanding and reverence that you have because their father wasn't a firefighter. What professions get "handed down"? If your mother was a teacher does that mean you're going to be a great teacher and the school district should hire you? What about earning the job or winning the election on your own merit?

  20. Anonymous12:51 AM

    Why don't we end this nonsense right one is saying Mike Bruhn Jr. is "owed" a job due to family legacy or should win the race because of his childhood. Let's stick to the relevant facts. Bruhn Jr. has earned his fine reputation through his own hard work in his private practice and working in the courts as a public defender. Stop trying to make this about his father. I doubt he'd want that, and frankly, all it does is attempt to make an issue where there isn't any.

  21. Anonymous5:53 AM

    clint brown for judge here cmes the judge here comes the judge.

  22. Anonymous9:29 AM

    I wholeheartedly agree with 12:51 - this shouldn't be about his father - this should be about Jr. vs. Gilpatric. When people compare him or bring up his father, it turns people off. It didn't work for Bradley; don't try it with Bruhn. I don't know either candidate, so I find it offensive (and I'll be less likely to vote for him) if people start telling me about his father. Look at George Bush - he's way worse than his father!

  23. Anonymous2:23 PM

    bruhn jr is like bradley jr lite...thinks he should get the job because daddy had a job...look at what bush jr did to the country and he got the job because daddy had the job years ago...people vote gilpatric and keep it clean. this isn't about a family affair

  24. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Comparing Bruhn, Jr. to Gilpatric still shows that Bruhn, Jr. is the best person for the job.

  25. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Clint Brown doesn't have to be a judge. He buys them.

    4th Ward Bloodz

  26. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Hey anonymous 6:34 a.m., it's "poll", not "pool", you dufus.

  27. Anonymous5:08 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  28. Anonymous5:39 PM

    hey, cut 6:34 some slack woth pool vs poll - it was early - that's not nearly as bad as
    2:14 and 7:02 with the classic "inherit the thrown" - thrown is past tense for throw - Mike Bruhn Jr. and Vince Bradley Jr. expect to inherit the "throne"

  29. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Has Clint Brown endorsed anyone?

  30. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Anyone who lacks the ethics to know better than to condone the activities of the republican party is quite obviously unfit for public office,regardless of professionalism,personal success,or neighborly friendship.

  31. Anonymous11:12 PM

    Gilpatric seems to have the edge with experience as city court judge but it seems like Bruhn wins hands down when it comes to past performance and professionalism. He has a stellar reputation without any baggage, definately a candidate worth considering for this job

  32. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Stellar? You must be a supporter of Sen. Joe McCarthy!It is simply not possible for a politician to lay claim to moral high ground without renouncing the republican party.

  33. 927, the democrat party hold exlusive rights to moral high ground?

  34. Anonymous6:53 PM

    JUDGE JIMMY ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  35. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Joeyb, Don't be rediculous, the Democrats don't have exclusive rights,it's just pretty obvious the Republicans have NOOOOOOOO right to it......

  36. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Judge Gilpatric is the best man for the job - he has proven that he is very competent and professional in doing the job after 13+ years on the bench - - He is very fair but firm and definitely understands both sides of the law through his judicial duties and as a lawyer for 30 years. HE DEFINITELY IS THE BEST PERSON FOR THE JOB and should continue on!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Make the right decision and VOTE GILPATRIC for CITY COURT JUDGE.

  37. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Mike Bruhn Jr. would bring a new energy, a passion for the position, that this city NEEDS! His credentials are impressive and his work ethic remarkable. Kingston has much to gain if this man becomes our new City Court Judge.

  38. Anonymous1:43 AM

    Gilpatric is the man, he is gonna win hands down.

  39. Anonymous9:49 AM

    I declare Bruhn the unofficial winner. Seems to me that regardless of how this poll ends, Bruhn has more than held his own against a guy who has 13+ years on the bench (albeit in a very part-time capacity). The closeness of this poll indicates quite clearly the confidence voters have in Bruhn's ability to do the job well. Don't Democrats outnumber Republicans in Kingston 3 to 2? Gilpatric should be leading this poll by a landslide given all that is in his favor. Once again---this poll has been a great way of seeing just how strong the (hard-earned) support is behind candidate Bruhn. Way to win Mike!

  40. Anonymous10:58 AM

    The people indicating Bruhn expects this job because of his father are ignorant. Simply because his father is a judge he therefore expects to be one too? You have not heard that come out of his mouth or anyone else that knows him. Similarly, you never heard it come out of Bradley's mouth either regarding his father. Both these individuals have gone out and gotten tremendous experience on their own, without the help of their fathers. Why should either of them apologize for the fathers' very successful careers and wonderul reputations? If the worst you can say about either of them is that their fathers were pillars of justice in this community, you better find another issue to discuss because everyone knows that does not hold water. I know both of these men and they are both fine highly experienced attorneys and great people.
    Also, I have no idea who Bradley is supporting for City Court Judge, and I know him very well, so I don't know how any of you imbeciles could know. To my knowledge he has not campaigned for either candidate. I do know he was at Gilpatric fundraiser last people obviously were not. So before you say he is out campaigning for Bruhn or Gilpatric, get your facts straight. Because I know none of you have seen him out campaigning either. He has known both his whole life so I doubt you will see him campaigning for either of them.

  41. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Voting for City Court Judge is neither a popularity contest nor a political statement. For the sake of the people who will be need the services of City Court over the next 10 years, PLEASE VOTE BASED ON EXPERIENCE AND TRACK RECORD. Do you know that Kingston City Court is one of the busiest in the entire state of NY? The full and part-time judges hear and adjudicate hundreds of cases every week, MORE THAN 10,000 CASES a year! The full-time City Court Judge needs JUDICIAL experience. Needs to have proven himself by DOING THE JOB.
    JIM GILPATRIC has been firmly, fairly and compassionately hearing cases in City Court for 13 years as the Special City Court Judge and now as the Full-time City Court Judge since April 1, 2007. He started the Domestic Violence Court 18 months ago (selected by the Office of Court Administration to do so)-- ask anyone who works with him or the victims what kind of job he is doing there. You will hear nothing but praise and gratitude. He is also presiding over Drug Court since the retirement of Judge Feeney. He has the QUALIFICATIONS AND THE EXPERIENCE for this job. He deserves your vote and Kingston needs him to continue the fine job he's been doing for the past 14 years.

  42. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Gilpatric is the best choice for City Court Judge. Ones past does not determine ones future. VOTE GILPATRIC FOR CITY COURT JUGDE!

  43. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Bruhn's cheating, of course. He went to the LittleDick school of low class politics.

  44. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Does Judge Gilpatric really want this job,
    or is he just biding his time until he can get the job he has sought for years --- Justice

  45. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Jeremy, Can you tell us the date and time that you plan to shut down this poll? It would be helpful to your readers to have an endtime.

  46. I'm going to shut the poll down on Saturday afternoon.

  47. Anonymous3:55 PM

    why shut it down? so bruhn and co can bombard the poll from fri to sat with two votes an hour?

  48. Anonymous6:35 PM

    We are in many ways a small town,close net community.Candidates can probably reach back to relatives who were are founding fathers. And as in many campaign's the facts get clouded. Who's running JR./SR.?,Which judgeship: supreme,county,city. It is our obligation to help inform voters. The Poll being so close can be for many reason's. One of which being, the candidates are close. All these expressed opinions & comments such as: Qualifications, Credentials, Professionalism, Local & personal Reputations,Work Ethic's, Characteristic's, neighborly, friendship, energetic & passionate; all said about both! Judge Jim Gilpatric & Mike Bruhn JR.Esq. standing side by side, they may even look similar! Why? because their Grandmother's were Sister's. These two fine men,born & raised,dedicated to Kingston residents are cousins. Same up bringing,same gene's,same roots.Same family members who love them both. Same longtime friends, neighbor's, businesses, attorney's & Judges who love them. And of course stranger's uninvolved who love them. This leaves many generations of voters torn! Let's keep it a good clean race,no losers here. The BIG DIFFERENCE is Experience & Age.If every voter had the chance to see Judge Gilpatric at work,they would vote him in to keep doing and finish his job. Continuing to make great changes with enthusiasm, intelligence, and dedication which commands respect & shows success, which benefits this City. Everything has a time & this is Judge Gilpatric's time. Mike Jr. can gain experience and run for the next judgeship at that time. With that said this poll also is close because it is so easily swayed & managed.

  49. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Remember- Politics aside no matter who win's "A Judge is voted upon to be fair and impartial!" No parties involved here!

  50. Anonymous1:52 PM

    6:35 PM,

    Thanks for the info, but

    I don't see any physical resemblance

    Bruhn is good looking :-)

  51. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Dear Admin JB,

    Given the rumor and innuendo
    circulating about this site, would you be willing to give us a definitive
    time that the polling will close
    tomorrow, in an effort to restore
    some integrity to the process ?

    For those of us not aligned with either "camp" I believe we would be re-assured that this poll was
    being conducted in a fair and even-handed manner.

  52. Anonymous6:40 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  53. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Jim is the best candidate by far. Bruin has no experience and is counting on his father's name to win. Unfortunately to many candidates count on a family name rather than their own accomplisments. Jim has proven HIMSELF that he is the best person for the job.

  54. Anonymous1:16 PM

    To the 10:53 post: Completely unfair and ignorant comment. Bruhn has almost 2 decades of experience as an attorney, the majority of that time serving in the capacity of a public defender (which translates into COURTROOM experience). If Bruhn was counting on his father's name to win he wouldn't have worked so incredibly hard thus far in the campaign and in his professional career. He will win on his own merit. Seems to me the only people making any issue about Bruhn Sr. are the ones who realize Bruhn Jr. is the better candidate and are trying to stir up controversy where there isn't any. Bad plan.

  55. Anonymous12:24 PM

    To 10:58 AM - Bradley is always invoking his father's name - every time he introduces himself to a crowd, his first sentence includes that he's the son of late Supreme Court Justice VB, Sr. Bruhn Jr. is classy enough to not do that. He learned that that doesn't go anywhere with voters. Most people are smart enough to judge people on their own credentials and experience, not their ancestors'. And, Bradley's gf donated $250 to Bruhn's campaign - not Gilpatric's. So, we know that Bradley is not supporting Democrats (I can't say "fellow Democrats", because we know he isn't a true Dem himself). You can reply that it was his gf and not Bradley himself, but since she lives and works in NYC, how would she decide to whom to donate? Even if she's a frequent visitor to Kingston, her bf should have asked that her $250 go to Gilpatric. Would she have done it without his knowledge? Not likely...why and how would she make a decision like that? She most likely is registered to vote in NYC (unlike Bradley who continued to vote here even though he didn't live here) and if she would donate to someone's campaign whom she supported, she would donate down there. So, if she's getting involved in local politics (which is fine), she's supporting a Republican. Guilt by association - Bradley, a supposed Democrat who really is conservative, is not supporting Democrats. Don't sully Mike Bruhn Jr.'s reputation by linking him with Bradley. Bruhn Jr. is way classier than Bradley could ever hope to be.


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