
Saturday, September 29, 2007

Gov. Spitzer's License Program Gains Support from AFL-CIO

Gov. Eliot Spitzer finally picked up a friend in the increasingly bitter debate over his move to allow illegal immigrants to obtain drivers licenses. New York State AFL-CIO President Denis Hughes called it “strictly a matter of fairness” and said Spitzer “should be applauded for taking a pro-active approach on this issue, while the federal government has done little to address immigration reform.”

“Governor Spitzer’s actions will shine a light on those who are willing to become productive members of our society and workforce. As such, greater scrutiny will reduce the opportunities for those who would otherwise take advantage of individuals willing to work and provide for their families. The ability to protect a workers’ livelihood is essential, regardless of immigration status.

“As a progressive, enlightened society it is our responsibility to ensure a level playing field for all who want to work in this country. This policy change is a step toward eliminating exploitation.”


  1. Anonymous3:53 AM

    That's a very distinguised picture of the Governor. Spitzr continues to make us proud. Good to see you supporting the union again Blaber!

  2. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Yea, like which part of Illegal Immigrant does Spitzer NOT understand? For the 'Sherriff of Wall Street', he sure is overlooking some simple Federal Statutes. He is willing to follow DOT laws, as he is NOT allowing illegals to obtain CDLs. Come on, let's be FAIR, level the playing field! Why not? FEDERAL highway DOLLARS. Now there is motivation. If he were trully 'elightened', he'd say no to the highway dollars, and allow illegals to get their CDLs.

    I wonder if non-driver's ID's will also be available.

    If you progressives want to move towards a National ID card system, since state driver's licenses will be a meaningless form of ID, this is certainly the way to do it.

  3. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Unless you are a true One World Government, open borders liberal, I cannot see how anyone can be for this, and argue how it will benefit us.

    Driving is NOT a right people.

    How is getting a license going to make you a better driver? And how about those who fail the test? You think they will stop driving?

  4. Anonymous9:20 AM

    I'm sorry, I just can't let this go. There are so many reasons NOT to allow this.

    FAIR, do you want to talk about FAIR! Fair are the immigrants to PLAYED by the rules, and are here legally! The ones who payed their dues, waited on lines, studied for the citizenship exam, and waited their turn. Not FAIR, are the ones who SNUCK across our border, went into the gang controlled underground, and made their way to 'friendly' cities. They are 'Line Jumpers'. I've never seen anyone standing on a long line at the bank (or Wallgreens), and allow a line jumper. Even progressives have a problem with line jumpers.

  5. Anonymous9:29 AM

    If a drivers license is considered legal id. How can someone illegal have legal id. This whole deal doesn't make sense on so many levels. The best way to handle this is to have INS wait at dmv offices and deport people right out of line. We as a country can't even take care of our own people. I mean how many US citizens have no medical insurance? We need to remove illegals in massive numbers. If you want to come here legally, that's great, come on over, get a job and pay taxes. If not, pack you sh*t and get out.

  6. Anonymous10:58 AM

    The only possible benefit to licensing illegal immigrants is if it's used as a sting operation designed to identify and deport any dumb enough to apply.

    Obviously, Denis Hughes see an opportunity for additional "check-Off"

  7. Anonymous12:09 PM

    10:58, yes. Just like the old days when cable companies would send a signal advertising somthing for free, that only illegal descramblers would pick up. Then the viewer would call the number, an hour later some 'representitives' from the cable company would be knocking at your door.

  8. Anonymous3:21 PM

    The guy reminds me a lot of Sennett.

  9. Anonymous10:09 PM

    So Spitzer says lets give an illegal a license if they have a valid passport.

    Odd...if an illegal had a valid passport wouldn't they be legal??

  10. Anonymous11:35 AM

    I understand, democrat heroin, Gilibrand has come out AGAINST licenses for illegals. How about that, she is a stand up chick.


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