
Saturday, September 29, 2007

New Comptroller named in Kingston

John Tuey of Lake Katrine has been named the new Comptroller for the city of Kingston. Tuey is expected to be confirmed by the council this month for a contract that will last six years with an approximate 90k annual salary. The sad part is that out of a state wide search not one single applicant was from Kingston. Don't get me wrong, Mr. Tuey, from what I understand is extremely qualified for the position....more details to follow.


  1. Anonymous1:06 AM

    There was a job opening in Kingston,WOW!!! Who do we thank for this, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT>>

    We better just forget the bullet proof vest factory, even with the crime problem and start to look for a manufacturer of ECONOMIC life rafts......smitty....

  2. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Kingston doesn't have enough jobs to offer. The industiral park is a bust. Kingston is becoming a have and have not city. There is a rich and a poor society. Where did the middle class go? Stop with low income housing already. Kingston kids are moving out of their home after graduating college because there aren't any jobs. Plus for what Kingston has to offer, taxes are high and you can't buy am home in a decent neighborhood because who can afford it. Keep helping the poor find housing and forget the ones willing to pay their way. Stop finding grant money for developers and start a first time buyer program better than RUPCO or poverty and crime are going to continue to spread outside of Midtown like a cancer.

  3. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Congratulations to John Tuey!!! He is a good choice for the job. He is an extremely bright guy, a hard worker, a family man, and was raised in Kingston.

  4. Anonymous9:39 AM

    John Tuey was born and raised in the City of Kingston -- O'Neil Street.

  5. Anonymous11:54 AM

    why didn't your bosom buddy, Sottile, appoint you, Jeremy? He certainly owes you.

  6. Anonymous3:22 PM

    John Tuey....good choice. He's got a good head on his shoulders. He is a solid family man with a tremendous background in accounting.


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