
Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Jonathan R. Sennett with Governor Elliot Spitzer

Jonathan Sennett, Democratic Candidate for District Attorney, shares a moment with NYS Governor Elliot Spitzer. Gov. Spitzer was known as the Sheriff of Wall St. and tackled the toughest cases to benefit all of NYers as our Attorney General. Jonathan Sennett has a lot of similar approaches to tackling crime as Gov. Spitzer had when he served in the capacity of Attorney General.


  1. Anonymous3:03 PM


  2. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Wow, Spitzer is a good man and anyone with him has my support.

  3. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Wow! You sure have a one track mind. When I saw you at today's announcement I was looking forward to checking your blog to read your insight into the Gitter resort deal and its ramifications on the region. Instead you give us a handshake photo-op.

    Maybe I am mistaken but I feel as though you used to provide your readers with thoughtful coverage of local events. Lately it has just been political pr piece after another. Get back to your roots before you go stale.

  4. Anonymous8:11 PM

    No Comment on today's Freeman article regarding EX-Alderman Landi's deceptive signs?

    I can't believe Spitzer and the 'Evil' developer Dean Gitter see eye to eye. Even Hinchey's got a problem with the golf resort. Guess Hinchey and Spitzer are not 'with' each other.

  5. Anonymous12:08 AM

    Spitzer Sucks

    -Joe Bruno

    Maybe he can have the State Police investigate Vince Bradley 24/7

    Hee Hee

  6. Mr.Zee, I absolutly will write about today's events..I just have been busy.

  7. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Good to hear. Then maybe you can enlighten 8:11 as to Mr. Hinchey's integral involvement in negotiating the compromise that led to the Gitter agreement.

  8. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Good to See Ward Todd's lawyer so close to the Gov and Sennett! I am sure Todd's lawyer and Sennett will get to know each other very well if Sennett gets elected.

  9. Anonymous9:51 PM

    How could Mr. Sennett go on WKNY on Sunday and say he has no lawn signs out?? There is a house on LUCAS AVE with at least 10! He is not running in a primary and should not have ANY lawn signs out before 45 days prior to the election.......

    D.A. candidate doesn't have to follow the law??? What's with that??????????

  10. That was for a house party event.... and it was for the day...which is allowed...the municpal law is that signs can't be out for more then a 30 day period..whether it be an election sign or any other sign.

  11. Anonymous10:33 PM

    9:51 Bradley has a banner up in Kingston. What's up with that? How could any decent ADA work in Manhattan for 10 years and not receive a promotion?

    Bradley believes he deserves to be DA and the little people who pull the lever in the voting booth should just take his word for it.

    John Parete has shown terrible leadership skills. Good riddence to both.

  12. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Sennett also has a sign on Linderman Ave

  13. Anonymous6:19 PM

    The sign on Linderman Ave. is from a house party that the homeowner has yet to take down - all the lawn signs on Lucas Avenue are down. I drove by there last night on my way home and there were none there except for Jim Gilpatric.

  14. Anonymous6:42 PM

    You lib-dems keep on fighting each other. Ohhhh Ahhhhhhh I love it. I can see another 29-4 GOP majority in the legislature in the not too distant future. ohhhhhh ahhhhhhhh booooooooo

    The ghost of Danny Alfonso

  15. Anonymous10:32 PM

    God help us all if the republicans regain the majority - we can't afford another 39% tax increase and their hiring of all their friends and relatives at private sector salaries...we can't afford another jail debacle....the republicans have run this county into the ground and the voters continued to vote them in...they're a little slow to catch on....

  16. Anonymous8:48 AM

    I agree 100% that we need to get the Republicans out and the Democrats in. I'll be voting Democrat all the way with the exception of Kingston City Judge. After researching both candidates thoroughly I strongly feel that, even though he's a Republican, J. Michael Bruhn, Jr. is the best choice for Kingston and the County.


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