
Saturday, September 22, 2007

Just a Reminder: Cahill's Fun Raiser will be held this Sunday

That’s right, folks -- its back!

Please join us for an afternoon of food, friends and fun!Sunday, September 23, 2007 12:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Hasbrouck Park, Delaware Avenue, Kingston Here’s the best news…the price hasn’t changed since 1985! Still $15 per person -- children under 12 are free!Music by Tuttle Soundlabs Enjoy our traditional burgers, hot dogs, (new this year -- veggie burgers!) homemade salads, desserts, beverages, children’s craft table and much, much more!
If you can come to this event please do. Assemblyman Cahill is a man that is always there for the people of the 101st District and a public servant in every sense of the word.


  1. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Don't forget Bruhn Jr's fundraiser same day 1-5 at Rotary Park with music by Hot Rod

  2. Anonymous4:01 PM

    You have been shuned by all the Kingston Democrates and for what Blabber a D.A. race? This guy will drop you in a second and you know it. Thnk of who your frieends are!

  3. Not sure what your talking about or what it has to do with Cahill's Picnic. Anyone that is not happy with who I'm support for D.A. has the right to their opinion. Sure in Kingston their are a lot of political people supporting the Kingston candidate but not the average voter. I strongly disagree with your comment regarding Sennett, he's a true friend of mine and would not "drop me".

    The guy the Kingston Pols are supporting are doing so for the wrong reasons and that really shows their true colors.

    "What shall profit a man to gain the whole world and loose his soul"

  4. Anonymous6:19 PM

    I think this will be a good event, equally so will J. Michael Bruhn, Jr.'s family fun day. Just like the first entry said, it will be at Rotary Park, 1 - 5 pm, there will be a great BBQ, a Bouncey Castle and music by HOTROD. The weather is supposed to be great so take some time and come down for a beautiful afternoon.

  5. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Jon Sennett is surely going to win the DA race - and there is polling to show it! (Don't take my word for it: ask Bradley JUNIOR.) Has Cahill endorsed Jon Sennett for DA yet?

  6. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Obviously Jeremy saw what most of us saw about Sennett,that he's a smart and caring individual that has the best vision for our county.Bradley was particulaly slow in the intelligence department and all the support from the locals in kingston aren't going to change that.Schreibman was the second choice,Bradley was last.I think the previous poster displays a fear of losing.Also most of us who support Jon and progressives like him are self-lessly promoting change and aren't really in any position to be "dropped" or even care about personal relationships with our candidates.I hope to never have to ream Jon for anything,that's the theory behind supporting the smartest candidate.The ability to work unsupervised is prevalent among intellectually superior people.

  7. Anonymous11:42 PM

    Will Sennet be at Cahill's Picnic?

    Will all the other people who are so worried about who Kevin has endorsed and who he hasn't?

    Kevin and Hinchey have laid the groundwork for all the success the Democrats have had in Ulster County. They were there back when it wasn't cool to be a Democrat in Ulster County. Some of the people involved now can't remember because they weren't born yet or still wearing diapers.

    I'll be there and I will thank Kevin for all the great things he has done for the Democrats in Ulster County for the past 25 or so years.

  8. To answer both of your questions: Assemblyman Cahill is supporting Sennett and it's my understanding Sennett will be at Cahill's event tomorrow.

  9. Anonymous2:50 AM

    A BOUNCEY Castle and a couple of HOT HEADS, sounds like a CAHILL /WALKER Administration to me.....

  10. Anonymous3:02 AM

    Sennett will be D.A. and all these naysayers will be singing his praises. My prediction is in 4 years when Sennett is up for reelection Landi will be his cheerleader.

  11. Anonymous3:14 AM

    To see how an OPEN dialogue blog would function in a dictatorship, check out RICHARD CAHILL FOR MAYOR.......

    Hope everyone has a great time at both picnics. I will be home watching football. How sweet it is to live in a free world. Thank God..

  12. Anonymous7:09 AM

    I can't think of even one accomplishment of Assemblyman Cahill, not one.

    As Assemblyman, Maurice Hinchey's principal accomplishment was establishment of the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) which is monumental. Can anyone point to an equivolent accomplishment for Cahill? In Albany hes just Shelly Silver's lapdog. In Kingston he acts like a Tamany Hall party boss.

    Anyway, when will Kevin Cahill endorse Democratic candidate for DA Jonathan Sennett? I think Hinchey has already made a financial contribution to Sennett's campaign - has Cahill?

  13. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Bratley's platform: His daddy.

  14. Anonymous12:05 PM

    And Of Cource.

    Dont forget Clint Brown will be there to face paint the Kids!

  15. Anonymous1:52 PM

    who gives a crap what some politican did 25 years ago. If anything it probably was self serving. Kevin is not a leader.

  16. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Clint Brown's fund raiser will be a "Bake Sale" held from 11pm to 5am next Saturday on the corner of Furnace and Henry, with all the proceeds from the sale of "Baked Goods" going to Clint for County Exec '08 Campaign.

    See you there... Bring your wallet!!!

  17. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Will Clint Brown's bake sale have Alice B. Tokley brownies? They're my favorite!

  18. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Not sure why anyone would want to contribute to Cahill's relection.

  19. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Did you mean Alica B. Toklas ?

  20. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Just because it isn't in the papers everyday doesn't mean Kevin hasn't done anything. He doesn't even speak to the Freeman.
    You naysayers make me sick. His fund raiser was packed today and it wasn't just political hacks as you see at most of these things.

  21. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Thanks Jeremy for the reminder,the family had a great time.Kevin's always a pleasure to talk to,and the picnic was a good opportunity to influence my legislators.I made a point of not only thanking you personally for your efforts,but also made sure the principles were aware that your blog was responsible for my attendance and my donation.Keep on going with your political future,I have a good feeling you'll make a great politician yourself.

  22. Anonymous8:41 PM

    He will need all the money he can raise. Primaries are a good thing, right?

  23. TO 8:20:

    Thank you, I appriciate it.

    - Jeremy

  24. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Primary Kevin? Go ahead, end your career. You may win New Paltz, but thats about it.

  25. Anonymous9:00 PM

    C'mon! The Freeman isn't a real newspaper, anyway - and the fact that Kevin isn't on speaking terms with the local paper seems childish, even for a Kingston pol.

    Please correct me if you think I am wrong with specific record of his accomplishments. My point is that Kevin isn't "in the papers everyday" because he never does anything newsworthy. I think it's a shame that for all his years in the state legislature, Cahill hasn't acomplished anything of consequence for the citizens he represents.

  26. Anonymous9:57 PM

    9:00 PM You have to be kidding.

    Primary Kevin and find out exactly how many people he has helped. Start out at SUNY New Paltz.

  27. Anonymous10:26 PM

    to 6:30 - yes, Alice B. Toklas - I guess I must've eaten too many myself!

  28. Anonymous11:02 PM

    to 6:45 - Kevin's fundraiser wasn't as packed as it has been in the past. There were relatively few people compared to what it used to be. Kevin's popularity is going the way of Parete's popularity - on a downward trend.

  29. Anonymous8:14 AM

    I was there yesterday. This fund raiser was actually more crowded then the past 3 or 4. So whoever said it wasn't, doesn't know what they are talking about. Kevin is a fine Assemblyman and a great guy.

    No one will even run against him, so where this nonsense of him being less popular comes from is beyond me. Whoever believes this, is not paying attention to the only people that really count, the voters.

  30. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Kevin's may not have been packed - but Bruhn Jr's party was rockin !! Hot Rod played and were excellent as usual. Bruhn, Jr is so nice when you meet him and he truly does care about the community he grew up in and wants to make a difference.

  31. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Too bad his concern is only for HIS community.

  32. Anonymous10:56 AM

    I've been to Kevin's parties in the park several times - he used to have live bands and Maurice Hinchey used to be there - and there were many more people - so, you can put your spin on it, but I know there are many people in the Dem Comm who don't like him - they're tired of his arrogance and cockiness. If someone primaried him or if the Republicans put up a formidable opponent, Kevin might have a hard time. Can you list Kevin's accomplishments? I'd be interested in knowing what they are - and in what years he has done anything that's on your list.

  33. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Kevin Cahill is AWESOME! Kevin is on a whole other level -- he can do whatever he wants, esp run for County Executive. Mike Hein will have to step aside, Kevin is our leader! Kevin would totally beat Mike Hein.

  34. Anonymous9:59 PM

    What has Cahill ever done (either privately or in public life) that would qualify him to run a multi-million dollar enterprise with hundreds of employees? Michael Hein is better prepared to do the job.

  35. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Kevin doesn't have the same experience that Mike Hein has - Kevin has legislative but not administrative experience. Mike Hein gets the nomination. Also, don't forget: Kevin nominated Bradley and now won't support Sennett. If Kevin wanted the County Exec position, it's not likely the County Committee will nominate him. If Bradley bowed out, people would forgive Kevin (and Bradley), but he's lost a lot of support because of Bradley. Bradley has wreaked havoc on the Committee, and it's going to affect a lot of people.

  36. I think the good thing is that the Democrats have a lot of good candidates to rubn for County Exwc next year... Cahill, Hien, Zimet, Reynolds..... have we even heard of a GOP candidate? It really shows you how far we have come as a party.

  37. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Kevin supported Bradley,huh? That makes me feel better that I told him I wouldn't let that idiot shine my shoes!And that I hear banjo music when passing Hurley now.He didn't have the balls to defend him.Now he knows that I know about his "other side" and that having Bradley at his fundraiser just demoted him in Albany.He's a nice guy,but he better get his act together,the new demographics require accountability.I sure he'll come around.

  38. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Kevin ran the only successful division of WellCare for the years in between his Assembly terms. He was a successful executive in that company and would be a successful executive for Ulster County.

    Mike Hein is not a leader. Don't forget, he switched parties when the Dems took over. He was a life long Republican. He is an opportunist nothing more, nothing less. No different then Bradley.

  39. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Hein or Reynolds - Zimet is too polarizing and would never win. Cahill is too arrogant.

  40. Anonymous2:19 PM

    What you anti Cahill people (or person) forget, is that you might think badly of Kevin, but the voters love him. They are the "deciders". They will decide who does what. No one else. So talk about Mike Hein, and Bill Reynolds and God forbid, Sue Zimet, all you want. None of them has the ability to beat Kevin in a primary or general election. Take it to the bank baby!

  41. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Voters recognize the name. That's about it. If they do "love" him they are probably not sure why.

  42. Anonymous5:40 PM

    I heard the opposite about Kevin - that he ran his division of WellCare into the ground. If what 7:36 is saying is true, then Kevin has my vote for County Exec - and you're right about Mike Hein. He is an opportunist - he switched sides so he could save his job. I hope the UC Democratic Committee knows this when it comes time for the nominating convention next year.

  43. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Cahill has done absolutely nothing in the NYS Assembly to merit re-election, never mind an important county wide office.

    True enough, 2:19 - Zimet would be a disaster.

  44. Anonymous6:27 PM

    I stuck my neck out for Zimet,she was a terrible candidate.I won't give my support to people who aren't serious.Sennett gets out and campaigns,she needs to see how it's done.Zimet was nowhere until Spitzer's camp. called me.I shook things up and made it competitive.I even supplied the issue for her forum in New Paltz.When the time came for her fundraiser at the canal house,one of her stooges dis-invited me,saying it wasn't child friendly.The owner of the venue called me and asked why I wasn't coming,then obviously bonacic heard and made a campaign commercial about her.Sennett would never be that stupid.She wasted a favor.

  45. Anonymous9:26 PM

    I worked with Kevin at WellCare, he did an excellent job with the Senior health division. He was a huge asset to a miserable company.
    If he runs, he has my support.

  46. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Imagine this team. (Senator) Zimet for Executive and (Mayor) Cutten for Comptroller.

    You can go get that throw up out of your mouth now.

  47. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Hey guys, what are the black residents of Kingston doing to ensure their DA isn't a conservative(bigot) who's going to pull a "Jena six" on them? Are there any black groups or organizations involved or is this support for Bradley an indication of a "whites only" democratic party in that area?Do you guys have any insight into this?

  48. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Bradley is very capable of pulling a Nifong (the DA in the Duke University case)or a Jena 6 - he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He went to private schools and has always been insulated from the real world. He has no compassion or understanding of one who hasn't had everything handed to him. The minorities in this county should be very worried should he get elected. They should come out in force and vote for Jon Sennett - and so should everyone else because it could be a case of "and then they came for me". Sottile doesn't want Jon Sennett because he knows his deal-making will have to stop.

  49. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Any names of leaders or organizations in Kingston or UC that can be mobilized?

  50. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Shirley Whitlock would truly be representing her constituents if she backed Sennett. The leaders of the predominantly African-American community (e.g., churches) should galvanize support - not just for Sennett, but to get out and vote. Minorities are historically under-represented, and elected officials know that it's safe to ignore that segment of the population because they don't put them in office nor do they keep them there. When the Bush administration was torn between cutting farm subsidies or food stamps, what do you think they chose? Farmers vote - typically the under-privileged don't. If they did, the politicians would have to answer to them. So, as a white voter, I'm voting for Sennett, because I know that he'll treat people fairly, and not judge people by their color or resources (or lack thereof).

  51. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Where's Al Sharpton when we need him?If all the blacks are represented by religious leaders,then let's call on the Reverend to get involved! I urge all of you to contact the to ask that they do some organizing here.We shouldn't expect a march,but at least they could speak to the importance of electing their own top cop that would ensure fairness and equality for their community.They're on a roll with the Jena six issue and we can help that spread nationwide by getting them onboard with Sennett.Generalizations and diluted national coverage just won't do.We need to get out word that OUR county doesn't want a Jena six.The more of us that call and E-mail the better,they even have a blog.I've already spoken with them and they're very receptive,especially now.Please make yourselves known to them and urge them to help,thanks.

  52. Anonymous6:25 PM

    No affence to you white folk,but i aint votin for no uptighty-whity!Mr hollywood is cool with me yo!

  53. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Garlic festival this weekend in Saugerties at Cantine field! Don't forget your candidates' campaign apparel.Every vote counts!Hope to see you and Sennett there.

  54. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Hey Jeremy,do you have a contact # or E-mail for Shirley Whitlock? I thought she was your Alderman but I can't find her on the city website. No phone listing either.

  55. Clint Brown is the Alderman of the 4th Ward. Shirley hopefully will be the Alderman in January. Her home phone is 339.3739

  56. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Thanks Jeremy!

  57. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Wrong number,or at least that's what the woman said,thanks anyway. I need to discuss with her the prospect of supporting Jon. Does she visit this blog?

  58. I'm's 338.3739

  59. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Thanks,it's late now and tomorrow's probably not a good day for her so I'll call her monday. I don't want to be direspectful by discussing this on her holy day. Saw Jon at the garlic festival,working the crowd like a candidate should! Serious campaigning gets serious backing. I have great expectations from that guy. If he only lives up to half of them he'll make some real improvements in our quality of life.

  60. Anonymous9:30 AM

    For all of you people wh say Kevin doesn't do anything... read Hugh Reynolds today. That is how a professional does it. Just do your job and let the results speak themselves. The Hospitals, among many others, know how important Kevin is to their success.

  61. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Who's Hugh Reynolds? Seriously,I don't know.

  62. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Nevermind,I found out at the Freeman,how come they don't post current articles? I'd rather read online.

  63. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Hey Jeremy,the online editor says it's only news if someone endorses a republican. Is that a right-wing rag or what? I'm tempted to buy it just to go after it's advertisers! I've got a personal blacklist that's shrinking,do I need to add them? You'd think enough of them have moved by now.

  64. Anonymous2:54 PM

    8:38 - I stopped subscribing to the Freeman in 2004 when they interviewed Hinchey (and his opponent) and Cahill (and his opponent) and decided that year not to endorse anyone. They didn't have the courage to endorse Kerry after they endorsed Bush 4 years prior, nor did they have the courage to admit that they still liked Bush even though no one else did. So, they wussed out and came out with some lame excuse why they wouldn't endorse anyone that year -they wasted the time of the candidates instead. I can't support a newspaper that either lacks the courage to admit they were wrong 4 years earlier or takes an unpopular stand. The Freeman was one of only three dailies, out of 1500, in the nation that supported the impeachment of President Clinton. They don't deserve my money or my readership. I wish more people would stop buying the Freeman - you can get more up-to-date news on-line (CNN, not Fox).

  65. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Thanks,I suspected this paper was phony,their format is a deception,it should be a tabloid.The editor E-mailed back and said he was forwarding it to the newsroom,probably a dead-end.

  66. Anonymous8:22 PM

    ACTION ALERT-Bradley and his republican cohorts are putting their election signs in front of unsuspecting businesses in our county,hoping to fool people into thinking they have the endorsements of those businesses.Remember how costello smeared Adam's Fairacre Farms last year? Well they're at it again!Call any business that has a sign for these schemers and confirm their endorsement.Start by telling them that there's a sign out front that is smearing their business and that it's a dirty trick to chase away their customers.If they cop to it,tell them no democrats,the majority of UC residents, will patronize them with that sign in front.Be forceful and put them on notice. Most of these businesses are honest straight shooters with no agenda,and have no idea their property is being used illegally by these crooks. I called three today and none of them approved of the signs or the candidates.This sleazy tactic will not be tolerated.Thanks

  67. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Does anyone know who owns the property on Washington Avenue coming into Kingston off the traffic circle? There's a huge, ugly Bradley sign there. Is that public (therefore not legal)
    or private property?

  68. Anonymous6:22 PM

    I am petty sure Kevin Cahill does not own that property. His picnic was fun.


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