
Sunday, September 23, 2007

Photo Blog: Assemblyman Cahill's Event at the Park

Assemblyman Kevin Cahill's event at Hasbrouck park was a huge success drawing about 150 people for a day of fun with friends and supporters. The event really showed the strong support that Kevin Cahill and the Democratic party has in Kingston and Ulster County. Here are a few photos from the event.

Future D.A. Jon Sennett talks with Assemblyman Cahill
Majority Leader Reynolds with not a care in the world
Commissioner Landi with County Democratic Chairman John Parete
Alderwoman Jennifer Ringwood comes to show her support for Assemblyman Cahill
Former 5th Ward Alderman Jimmy Madden, we all miss him serving the 5th Ward. A much better Alderman then the current one.
Judge James P. Gilpatric working the crowd
U.C. Legislator Brian Cahill pauses for a photo
Future County Legislator John Martino pulls into the Cahill event in style
Judge Gilpatric applauds Assemblyman Cahill


  1. Anonymous9:37 PM

    ahhh. Blaber, it's all coming together now, you were the one that defended lickspittle in the Freeman. I'm a new reader to this blog, I saw the Woodstock Times Article last week. Cahill's a good guy. I like the blog, a nice community read.

  2. Anonymous10:13 PM

    What office is Kevin Cahill is running for in 2008? Why are we giving money for him to run when we don't even know what he is running for?

  3. Well one can only assume he will run for reelection as our Assemblyman if we're lucky maybe as our county executive.

  4. Anonymous10:39 PM

    JB...good photo with Sennett and Cahill. A historic picture would have been Parete talking with Sennett.

  5. Anonymous1:47 AM

    Democratic Commissioner Landi, Is Showing off His Independent Bradley sticker?

  6. Anonymous1:55 AM

    A request by the Republican Party. Joint Us, Blaber.

  7. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Where is my Daddy Pic?

    CB Love Child #2

  8. Anonymous7:37 AM

    My young child was there and he told me Clint Brown did a good story hour with the real small kids
    reading 'The Little Engine that Could'. Then he did a puppet show.

  9. Anonymous7:59 AM

    If you have that question, maybe you should have asked him before you donated to his campaign committee.

    Let's hope Kevin decides to throw his name in the ring for Executive. He would be my first choice. Either way, he is a great Assemblyman and will continue to be an asset to Ulster County in either job.

  10. Anonymous10:00 AM

    It was very nice of Clint Brown
    to dress up as 'Flash' the Superhero and play with the children

  11. Anonymous10:53 AM

    to 1:47 - you mean Landi wearing his Conservative Bradley sticker...

  12. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Mike Hein will be the Democratic nominee for County Executive.

  13. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Blabe, is it true that Bradley got to speak at Cahill's fun fest?

    If he allowed a NON-DEMOCRAT to speak when there was a DEMOCRATIC candidate on hand, then Cahill has not one ounce of integrity to loyalty to the party.

  14. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Cahill would be a bad choice for county executive. We don't need politics as usual. We need a CEO to cut through the political logjam and the crap in Ulster County.

  15. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Who was the gut at Bruhn's family
    fun day with dreadlocks who was rapping?

  16. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Note: Could Jen Ringwood have a more beautiful smile?

  17. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Bruhn's Family Fun Day had a special guest, Daryl McGill of the Big Smoothies, who is an incredible entertainer and especially great with children. He was gracious enough to perform a few songs (with local band Hotrod) since it was such a worthwhile, family-centered event.

  18. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Was 1:52 trying to be a racist? I didn't realize that politics didn't have room for people who wear their hair in dreads or listen to rap music. So much for the party of inclusion!!!!!

  19. Anonymous3:23 PM

    sennett and BRADLEY both spoke, Kevin did the right thing by letting them JUDGE GILPATRIC spoke also.

  20. Anonymous4:00 PM

    To 1:52. What are you taking about? HOTROD played and did a great job.

  21. Anonymous5:12 PM

    12:43 is right - Bratley is not the endorsed candidate - SENNETT is the DEMOCRATIC candidate for DA. Would it have been OK if both Gilpatric and Bruhn spoke? Of course not, and you don't need me to explain why. Cahill is a pussy -he doesn't have the balls to say no to Bratley and support his party. He's probably too embarrassed to admit that the majority of the party didn't agree with him when they didn't endorse his nominee. They didn't endorse his cousin for Family Court judge, either. Thankfully, the majority of the Democratic Committee is smart enough to not be swayed by elected officials - they think for themselves in determining who the best person for the job is. And anyone with any brains knows that SENNETT is by far more qualified than the Conservative candidate who has only prosecuted white collar crime from an office. He's never prosecuted a crime where there is a victim or any street crime. His specialty is labor and racketeering - perfect for a Conservative. Jon SENNETT has extensive prosecutorial and defense experience - he knows how a defense strategy works, he's worked with victims (and perps), and he's dealth with forensic evidence. The Conservative candidate has done none of those.

  22. Anonymous6:38 PM

    What's the deal with Kevin Cahill's hair? He looks terrible!!

  23. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Landi is a blowhard!!!!!

  24. Anonymous10:22 PM

    Maybe Kevin's new do is because he's going bald and so he's combing his hair forward.

  25. Anonymous10:34 PM

    carroll in a landslide.mark my words.people in ward 3 cant stand landi.i know. i live there.

  26. Anonymous11:00 PM

    We need Pat Carroll! Landi's yesterday's news with yester-years ideas and attitude.

  27. Anonymous11:32 AM

    To 10:34 and 11:00 - Do you think Carroll will be too much of a yes-man and just be an ambassador for the Jordans? Landi is nuts, but he's not anybody's yes-man.

  28. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Jim Sottile--"yes" man for the Jordan's. Noble--"yes" man for the Jordan's. Jim Gilpatric/Larry Ball--"yes" men for the Jordan's. Sounds to me like they own all the Democratic politicians. Time to vote for some others if we want anything more than a bunch of puppets attached to Jordan strings.

    Let's start with the play on words now: "attached to their purse strings"....let's have someone with "no strings attached"....can any bloggers come up with any more?

  29. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Ringwood is a hottie. Don't underestimate her...she could be an Assemblyman or Congresswoman someday. LOOKS AND BRAINS, an unstopable force.

  30. Anonymous9:14 PM

    What is a conservative candidate doing speaking at a Democratic fundraiser? Hello? death penalty. Not Democratic values.

    Cahill is a traitor to his own party.

  31. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Ringwood would have a chance if she wasn't a such a bitch. She's not as bad as DiBella (and way better-looking), but she's not a nice person. She doesn't treat people with respect at all.

  32. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Pat Carroll works for the Jordan's at Herzog's.

  33. Anonymous12:43 AM

    Look at the good Dem's all with bright futures:

    Jimmy Gilpatric
    Brian Cahill
    Bill Reynolds
    Kevin Cahill
    Jimmy Madden

    What do they have in common? All not supporting Bradley.

  34. Anonymous6:19 AM

    ringwood's not a bitch at all...she just doesn't put up with backstabbers like denny ryan

  35. Anonymous9:11 AM

    you are correct Jen Ringwood is a rude, nasty person who only cares about advancing herself and her political career to bad someone good didn,t challange her in this election she would lose badly and she does not care who she tromples over to get what She wants, it's a shame because she really did start out with good intentions until she became Dibella's lap dog and Sottile's rubberstamping yes to anything he says puppet.

  36. Anonymous1:02 PM

    9:14, do democratic values include lawlessness? I mean opening the door to illegal aliens obtaining driver licenses? I thought one had to be a NY resident to obtain a driver's license. And to be a NY resident, you must be legally in the US.

  37. Anonymous1:41 PM

    to 9:11 - I agree - I've seen Jen in action - she is rude and nasty - she has no diplomacy skills whatsoever. Jen will tell people off in front of others and have no qualms about humiliating and embarrassing them. That shows she has no class - that's no way to treat anyone.

  38. Anonymous6:16 PM

    To the Last few Posters:

    As a resident of Ward 2 I have called Ms. Ringwood several times
    and I have found her to be a nice
    and pleasent person who always quickly returnes my phone calls and
    and been helpful to me. She is well liked in the Ward and it is to bad some people want to put her down. In my view she is the best person we have had in the Coucil since Jack Finch. She has my vote.

  39. Anonymous8:54 PM

    I'd like to see Kevin Cahill with a Sennett bumper sticker on his car. Same goes for Parete, Hinchey and Ahouse. It will never happen.

    Their loss. Bradley is a dud. Let this be the end of the Kingston crowd's feeling of superiority over the rest of the county. Long live Democracy. (Yes, Bradley was allowed three chances to primary. He lost each one. He was included.)

    Father son legacies don't work well. Just look at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

  40. Anonymous10:29 PM

    As a constituent, of course Jen will treat you with respect - as long as you agree with her. But if she doesn't like you, she is disrespectful and condescending; there's never a good reason to be disrespectful toward someone who hasn't been disrespectful toward you.

  41. Anonymous5:59 AM

    the only 'person' ringwood is rude to is phil the felon, and she has every right to. only a matter of time before he gets cuffed

  42. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Nope - I've seen her be nasty several times to several others. If it was just Phil, I'd be on the sidelines cheering.


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