
Friday, October 12, 2007

Congratulations to Vice President Al Gore

Congratulations to former Vice President Al Gore, newly named co-winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. Vice President Al Gore said he hopes the honor will "elevate global consciousness" about the challenges of global warming.


  1. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Jeremy, if Algore got his way, by the time you were old enough to drink, you'd be taking a horse and carriage to the bar.

    BTW, the British high court found 8 inconvenient un-truths in inconvenient truth. How about that.

  2. Anonymous10:27 PM

    I'm sure the british high court knows much more than those silly scientists. Our high court has two idiots by the name of scalia and thomas,who believe the earth is flat! There will be no loss of transportation through the use of the fuels that both the gasoline and diesel engines were originally designed for.Alcohol and peanut oil respectively. Both can be mass produced right here without shedding a drop of american blood. Al deserves to be recognized and every attempt to discredit him has been directly linked to the petro-chemical industry.Isn't anheiser busch the outfit that illegally rented signs for Costello last year? When you do start drinking,stay away from swill like that!

  3. Anonymous4:19 AM

    Climate Change is just another sad attempt to extract wealth from affluent nations and redistribute that wealth elsewhere. It's called Communism. Al Gore is a Communist and by awarding him the Nobel Prize it is truly Al's coronation as a leading Communist in the World.

    The Greens, or REDS as they used to be called by such Great Americans like Sen. McCarthy know the Climate Lie can't perpetuate itself forever. Many of the shorter-term doom and gloom scenarios must come true soon to PROVE their points, and since they won't, then it is imperative for the Communists like Al Gore to gain the power to implement their Communist agenda as to then declare VICTORY in the fight against global warming. Of course, victory is assured, since there isn't global warming in the first place! All these charlatans have to do is raise taxes to fund these anti-global warming programs, and then declare victory. Willing sham-scientists who are no more than University funding whores will cook any climate book to suit the needs of the ilk of Gore and his minions.

    C. Arbon Newtral Jr.
    Professor Emeritus
    School of Hard Knocks
    Kingston, NY

  4. Anonymous9:41 AM

    10:27 -
    your right - Algore has all the answers as long as it doesnt affect how he does things-50,000 sq ft mansions , private jets !!!!!
    while your walking to work he taking his limo and private jet and while your living in a tent he is living in and heating his empty 50,000 sq foot mansion. keep drinking the cool aid

  5. Anonymous10:34 AM

    When are we going to see dimmable compact flourescents and led bulbs that we can afford to buy? The egyptians had low voltage batteries using vinegar for electrolytes 5000 years ago. Don't you think by now a more efficient lighting system would arise? Franklin proved that electricity could be extracted from moving air in the atmosphere passively.Isn't it obvious that the pyramids were artificial anchors to harvest that?

  6. Anonymous4:56 PM

    McCarthiesm and communism? Some real mental midgetry there. I suppose you want to build new ovens for the jews. I'm glad people with such poor intellect and gutter morals are suffering. Didn't you get the message? There are red states where you wouldn't be ridiculed and could live out your pathetic little lives in peace,but no, you think you can stay here and bitch and moan. You're obsolete and too stupid to know it. Prepare to have your fuel costs and taxes spiral,you deserve it.That stupid "Kool-aid" reference really undermines your points. Reverend Jim Jones was on your side remember? We do, and we're stepping on your heads every day for it.

  7. Anonymous7:01 PM

    4:56, remember, red COUNTIES outnumber your little 'havens' of peace and love 20 to 1. EVEN Westchester is a red county. It is you who are out of place. It is you who is running out of room. Move back to the city with the rest of the 'higher' evolved people.

  8. Anonymous7:40 PM

    10:27, Algore isn't DENYING anything the British court said. He, like Oliver Stone and Fatty, agree unproven ideas are incorporated into their films to MAKE their points.

  9. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Algore wins the nobel prize...

    Makes me want to move to Canada.

    Even inner-city Kabul is looking good.

    Wake up America.

  10. Anonymous9:53 PM

    The rural redness is now purple and there are now 20 million more democrats than republicans nationwide. Plus all blue states contribute more to the federal government than they take in "socialist" programs,while the red states all take more out of the government than they put in. Move out or suffer because unless you succeed with your dismantling of public education,"the great equalizer", you future is doomed. Everyday we write more complicated legal documents and government regulations to deprive you of your ability to function without hiring a person of higher aptitude to decipher them for you.We're slowly sucking the life out of you and it shows by your ignorant posting. With every passing year ,fewer of you are "educationally viable" for employment. While we get exponentially richer,you become poorer. The wealth is not being distributed out of the country,rather, it is being redistibuted on the basis of intellectual and procreational viability. Fewer and fewer of you are able to reproduce while some of us have a green light to pass go. You can babble on with skewed readings of insignificant statistics,but the fact remains that your kind has clearly become the recipients of neanderthalian genetic traits that are allowing us to exclude you from the successes of life. Just attempt to understand the contracts required to get a loan,obtain and use health insurance,and purchase property. You no longer can without hiring a lawyer. We can. So many times I hear you people complain that you just can't understand the basic technical writing that is required in this world.It's no secret that we're making you obsolete. We're at a point at which your average IQ is no longer accepted as normal. Just recently,the IQ of 140 was deemed normal for the average video game playing third grader. Yes,video games are one of the tools we are using to hasten your obsolesence. Television programming was too slow to finish the job. So in your best interest I give you warning to seek more appropriate "pockets" of dim-witted residents in which to hide until the next generation removes you from any legitimate role in society other than farm worker. We have plans to ensure your continued employment in the near future providing our nation with the necessary fuel to survive.If you do not comply with our plan,you will be culled from existence by the survival of the fittest. We wiped out your species 60,000 years ago,but have been plagued ever since by those of us who took pity on your women and allowed them to infest our race with inferior genes. Now we have the technology to rid our society of this genetic disease over the next few generations. Go quietly into the night or your self-defeating actions to resist will continue to slowly suffocate you.Ignorance is worthy of pity,but not forever. Good luck.

  11. Anonymous10:37 PM

    YAWN! Get to the point.

    I stopped at, you amd people like you are somehow getting richer. I thought the progressive way is to KEEP the rich from getting richer, by redistribution. I am really confused. Sounds like you are playing for the wrong team. Maybe it's my inability to comprehend, or my limited vision to see that you are a total retard.

  12. Anonymous4:09 AM

    A bore is someone who deprives us of our solitude without providing companionship or enlightenment. So it is with Al and the British Scientist. Neither of whom live on my budget....smitty

  13. Anonymous4:34 AM

    9:53 PM, you are a traitor to your country. You belong in Guantanamo with Al Queda terrorists in an orange jumpsuit. You are disgusting.

    Trojan Horse

  14. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Until just recently we controlled BOTH teams,and Rudy is taking back that side for us as we speak.Does"I'm made of rubber and your made of glue,what you say bounces off and sticks to you" suit your limited intellect a little better? I don't think many people would be so foolish as to give your blythe retorts much creedence. I'm giving you more than enough warning and consideration to salvage your future. Waste it at your own peril.BTW, Ulster County is now considered to be really far uptown for New Yorkers and really far downtown for Albany. We've been here longer than most of you have been alive,our generations and lifespan are double yours.

  15. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Guantanamo is nice this time of year. Democrats are traitors to our country? No, I think that the republicans have laid claim to that one.

  16. Anonymous3:38 PM

    So america is the home of the stupid? Protect the retarded at all costs? Tell that to a military man and he'll probably kill you on the spot.

  17. Anonymous1:03 AM

    3:35, no not all Democrats are traitors to their county. Most Democrats are fine Americans, but that poster is treasonous scum. I take issue with Liberal/Communist opinions, of course, but to assume that someone would favor building ovens to kill Jews for simply disagreeing with the template illustrates my point. That poster is revolting!

    Trojan Horse

  18. Anonymous1:09 AM

    Check out this report I found in the online version of the Sydney Morning Herald. Interesting how no leftist American newspaper ran this story. Hmmmmmmm Anyway Enjoy...

    One of the world's foremost meteorologists has called the theory that helped Al Gore share the Nobel Peace Prize "ridiculous" and the product of "people who don't understand how the atmosphere works".

    Dr William Gray, a pioneer in the science of seasonal hurricane forecasts, told a packed lecture hall at the University of North Carolina that humans were not responsible for the warming of the earth.

    His comments came on the same day that the Nobel committee honored Mr Gore for his work in support of the link between humans and global warming.

    "We're brainwashing our children," said Dr Gray, 78, a long-time professor at Colorado State University. "They're going to the Gore movie [An Inconvenient Truth] and being fed all this. It's ridiculous."

    At his first appearance since the award was announced in Oslo, Mr Gore said: "We have to quickly find a way to change the world's consciousness about exactly what we're facing."

    Mr Gore shared the Nobel prize with the United Nations climate panel for their work in helping to galvanise international action against global warming.

    But Dr Gray, whose annual forecasts of the number of tropical storms and hurricanes are widely publicised, said a natural cycle of ocean water temperatures - related to the amount of salt in ocean water - was responsible for the global warming that he acknowledges has taken place.

    However, he said, that same cycle meant a period of cooling would begin soon and last for several years.

    "We'll look back on all of this in 10 or 15 years and realise how foolish it was," Dr Gray said.

    During his speech to a crowd of about 300 that included meteorology students and a host of professional meteorologists, Dr Gray also said those who had linked global warming to the increased number of hurricanes in recent years were in error.

    He cited statistics showing there were 101 hurricanes from 1900 to 1949, in a period of cooler global temperatures, compared to 83 from 1957 to 2006 when the earth warmed.

    "The human impact on the atmosphere is simply too small to have a major effect on global temperatures," Dr Gray said.

    He said his beliefs had made him an outsider in popular science.

    "It bothers me that my fellow scientists are not speaking out against something they know is wrong," he said. "But they also know that they'd never get any grants if they spoke out. I don't care about grants."
    End of Story

    Brought to you by your favorite Trojan Horse. And all you communists can kiss my.... you know..

  19. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Dr Gray is a fraud.The increased levels of co2 are not in dispute and neither is their source.If you keep raising these levels you only increase the intelligence gap by dumbing down the least efficient brains. Those of us with more highly evolved more efficient brains become even more superior. Already we have twice your IQ and with even more advantage the people at the bottom are really going to be sub-human.The defense of our secular democracy is real patriotism.Trojan horse member-you're a despicable theocrat and you'd make Hitler proud.We're taking you to the woodshed until your subversive anti-american agenda is dead for another fifty years.I've got the founding fathers and this thing we call a constitution on my side.All you have is your gypsy voo-doo superstition and a bunch of morons on yours.Keep praising your "allah" it suits you well.

  20. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Trojan Horse droppings- anyone who thinks that McCarthy was a great american is a bigot that endorses ethnic cleansing and genocide. Do your research instead of showing your ignorance. Your idiotic views are supporting another holocaust. You better hope you're happy with evangelism if we lose. Because you'll be forced to praise jesus at the point of a gun,and if you don't smile enough about it,they'll send you to heaven on the express route.

  21. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Anti-Communism does not equate to Anti-Sematism. Your old, worn-out liberal/communist play book doesn't work anymore.

    Your arrogance is your downfall.

    Notice the same old premise. My issues raised are not even questioned, because they are the truth. Simply attack me for something not even mentioned in my note. 30 years ago, the same morons you look down upon believed those kinds of attacks, and now that the attitude in the country appears to you to be moving leftward, its now again time to try the old tactics. It is why Conservatives must not relax and rest. We must continue to fight the stench of communism, which plagues this blog! Defend Freedom! Defend America!! God Bless our President, George W. Bush!!!

    Trojan Horse
    the anti-Communist! Unapologetic Conservative!

  22. Anonymous3:41 PM

    I don't think "Trojan Horse" even knows what the trojan horse was. His postings under that name would essentially make him Al Gore pretending to be retarded,like Stephen Colbert.

  23. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Don't worry,Troj,being conservative is not a choice,it's a biological brain defect that you have no control over.Same as being gay. No need to apologize. We accept the handicapped like you even if you do have little knowledge of which you speak. Your old tactics are just silly and ignorant because you can't fight science unless you disprove it and if you try you'll end up supporting it. Denial isn't going to cut it. The catholic church denied the earth was round until 1999 and I think that example proves my point.

  24. Anonymous6:34 PM

    3:41 you are on to something ;)

    Trojan Horse

  25. Anonymous7:28 PM

    6:34! Shhh! It's no fun arguing with myself! Post that paper already,I promise I won't criticize it until after you win.

  26. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Ignore this guy Troj. I suspect he is one of the DC posters. Arrogant is the least of his problems. The huge majority of America reject his (their) ideals, seeing how America was founded on freedom from religious persecution, not freedom FROM religion. As far as being highly 'evolved', the same principles that have made America strong, are STILL around. If he feels he has 'outgrown' these principles, he REALLY should move to trully secular societies, such as Denmark. True 'powerhouses' in the world market. lol

  27. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Not freedom from religion? Now there's a serious degenerate. Go read your constitution. You obviously haven't.This is the first true secular government and the model for all others.

  28. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Those baby bonds are just a joke on stupid people. They aren't worth five grand until eighteen years from birth,and then only if the kid graduates high school. By then with inflation the money won't even cover school books for college! Some huge giveaway!

  29. Anonymous9:14 AM

    I think what the poster was trying to say, with 'freedom from religion', is just as important it is that the government doesn't push religion on us, they should not pull it away either (Freedom from religion). In America, Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindu, Athiests, can all live and work side by side without blowing each other up. What's so degenerate about that?

  30. Anonymous2:41 PM

    You're free to practice anything you want until you go to court and have it forced on you. We're forced to use currency with christian quotes and pledge to the flag with a catholic bastardized pledge, both a result of the McCarthy era. That is why freedom of relgion is freedom from religion.Besides the logic doesn't work,is freedom of speech mean that you have no freedom from speech? No more right to remain silent? Seperation of church and state serves to protect secularists as well as religions against either side taking over. The 1950's were a stain on our constitution that needs to be removed. Doing so would take away that giant bullseye that the islamo-fascists see on us, and give us back the moral high ground to deal with theocracies like Iran.We cannot condemn them now for their theocracy without cleaning up ours. No one is taking anyones' religion from them.The christians are just offsides and have to back off for their own good.


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