
Friday, October 12, 2007

D.A. Videos


  1. Anonymous2:54 PM


  2. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Hard to comment when I can't see them. Dial -up sucks and my I-T budget is nil. What's the best blogger's wireless solution at the lowest price? Is there a cellphone or blackberry that can give access? I don't have any high speed connects here.

  3. Is the problem that you don't have naccess to high speed in the area in whic you live, or that you are looking for the best bang for your buck? I wouldn't suggest a blackbery for watching videos..I just got one and the video is probably the same as dial up.

  4. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Where I live has it but my entire area was skipped due to sparse customers. No fiberoptics and a ridiculous $33,000 bill for cable hook-up has prevented me. I guess I could write down the six words I get every five minutes or so but it's rather time consuming. Is there any way to post a transcript? Do I need a laptop with wireless card or is there a better way? I'd rather devote my resources to Jon's campaign. Do cellphones do the trick?

  5. There very short clips, I wouldn't waste my time if I were you. Your right your recourses could be much better used helping Jon directly. If you have a laptop, you could go to a local Barnes and Noble, the library, or any other area that has a "hot spot" or WiFi. On another note this is why it's important to have county-wide WiFi like Legislator Brian Cahill proposed last year.

  6. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Nice,I'm all for it. I just don't like missing any words that I can use for lengthy dissertations. Sometimes one word turns into a giant issue to exploit. Btw, video of Bradley could be useful for clues of his psychological weaknesses. There's a "get to know the candidates" in Ellenville next tuesday I believe,I'll keep an eye out for the camera crew. Also the White Wolf thing,I'll cover your ticket if you want.

  7. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Is it just me or did Junior pause to get a signal from someone in the audience if it was okay to answer the question...

  8. I guess I'm overwhelmed what is the White Wolf thing, I don't recall hearing about it?

  9. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Go to a local library for a high-speed connection.

  10. Anonymous6:31 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Anonymous7:24 PM

    It's a fundraiser for Jon in Napanoch,26th I think (check his site) also the 16th at the Elks lodge at noon, the meet the candidates at the Resnick center,16th 6-9. Check with Jon. Now that you're the "official internet press" correspondant we need to make sure you're invited. This is the most prominent source of political news in the county after all. The least I can do is to encourage your attendance. The Elks thing is a Fraser deal,the White Wolf is our town and village event. Here's a contact for you Sylvia Kalipolites ,I've told her about your site and it's significance.You can use my name Ed Ramming. Make yourself a name tag with PRESS and the blog address. We've met,you'll recognize me.

  12. Anonymous7:59 PM

    I heard another one of the conservative candidate's zombie-like followers whining about only 260 committee people being allowed to block their candidate from the Democratic line.

    Fact: The job of the district attorney is to review law and render decisions based on the rule of law.

    Fact: Bradley did not register in time to be a member of the Democratic party.

    Fact: Bradley could have registered before leaving his permanent residence of New York City to move back to Ulster County.

    Fact: Bradley was extended an open invitation to participate in ALL democratic candidate nights and forums.

    Fact: Committee people were not impressed with his strength as a candidate.

    Fact: Bradley lost at the convention and there was no deal.

    Fact: An attempt was made to stack the deck to allow Bradley to primary.

    Fact: The primary issue was resolved by a 2 to 1 margin with the Wilson Pakula vote--a law on the books in New York State since the 1930s. Bradley denied again.

    He is not the party's choice. 260 committee people--that is the structure of the party in this county--said no thank you.

    How in the world, can anyone in Ulster County take Bradley's bid seriously when he can't apply the rule of law to himself?

    Bradley called into a radio show recently to whine at its hosts that he was not included as an in studio guest. He was told that he is not a major party candidate.

    Whining about the how unfair the world is to him seems to be a common refrain in Vince's life.

    He was rude to the host and only proved the host's point that Bradley does not act like a gentleman.

    We have no place for a whiner in the DA's office.

  13. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Well as far as I'm concerned,your the best source for political events and news. You may not be the most prominent YET. But if Google is used by any one in the world that wants info on what's happening here,it directs them to you. I found you from searching for coverage of the nomination process that started this fight. That puts you on top,the Freeman lost out. We're the third largest voting block in UC and we want your coverage. See you soon.

  14. Anonymous1:32 AM

    Fact: Bradley could have registered before leaving his permanent residence of New York City to move back to Ulster County.

    I though Junior was living in Kingston commuting to NYC and was registered to vote in Kingston although not as democrat.


  15. Anonymous8:54 AM

    He just kept his voter registration at Daddy's house. He was absolutely living in the city for 10 years.

  16. Anonymous10:08 AM

    I posted this response on Fusfeld's blog entry about the Freeman not yet supporting a DA candidate. Want to take odds on whether it sees the light of day?

    "I find amusing your disengenuous attempt to deflect attention away from the fact that the Freeman is a blatant Bradley supporter. In fact, the way Hugh fawns all over him is a little disgusting."

    "Every DA story published has a decidedly Bradleyan positiveness, attempting to create a buzz where there is none. In fact, rather than a Bradley buzz, there is more of a Bradley snooze."

    "He has no charisma, little experience beyond wallowing for 10 years in the basement offices of Robert Morganthau as a lackey in the "beginners" division, and support coming almost exclusively from the fading Democratic party poo-bahs and their families."

    "Signs, bumper stickers, and tight t-shirts on nubile bodies, do not a candidate make. But, at least one of the three is fun to look at."

  17. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Vince Bradley lived in NYC and voted ILLEGALLY in Ulster County - election law states that you're supposed to register where you domicile (unless in college). Great start for a wannabe DA, huh?

  18. Anonymous3:20 PM

    I was at conservative committee and the pro choice question was not asked of either canidate Carnright or Bradley. Once again this site promises to be fair and honest and it simply cannot is full of lies. As to the facts you speak of regarding Bradley there is one fact that you fail to a result of the democratic moronic self-destructive behavior they cannot win. The SMART thing to do was to let him have the primary...if he was such a bad candidate he would of lost easily and had no choice but to drop out. But as any non-dem can see recently there are not too many smart Dems.

  19. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Jon won fair and square by the rules. Bradley's platform is his papa. He presents like a nervous 7th grader reading a book report.

    Bradley must play by the rules just like everyone else or there will be NO justice in Ulster County.

    Parete must be corrupt...politically, morally and publicly.

  20. Anonymous3:54 PM

    There is great irony in Ira Fusfeld claiming to be misquoted.

  21. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Democrats are stupid? We have the MRI to prove our intellect and the idiots posting under Al Gore's heading only prove it further. Vincent Bradley is a dunce and he proves it every day. Don't even try to compete in the field of ideas,you don't have any,nor the brains to produce them. You're just desperate and even if you succeed we'll just take it away anyway,you're doomed. Move south.

  22. Anonymous5:28 PM

    "...if he was such a bad candidate he would of lost easily ..."

    He would HAVE lost easily Bonnie, and if he was such a good candidate, he would NOT have lost 3 times in the Democratic caucus and Executive Committee process...

    And by the way, I spoke to several people who were at the conservative caucus. The reason the question wasn't asked is because the party leaders thought the answer would be pro-choice, and they didn't want the rank and file to hear it.

    However, when bradley was asked one on one by caucus participants, he claimed to be anti-choice, the panderer.

  23. Anonymous11:28 PM

    Vince Bradley lived in NYC and voted ILLEGALLY in Ulster County - election law states that you're supposed to register where you domicile (unless in college). Great start for a wannabe DA, huh?

    That is a pretty serious charge, if anyone had proof of that don't you think Sennet or Carnright would have picked up on it and made an issue of it or referred it to the DA.

    That doesn't mean I don't believe you by the way...

  24. Anonymous8:22 AM

    well, it's not as if it's a chargeable offense - no one goes to jail for it. BUT, how's this to start:
    § 5-226. Registration; voter registered in wrong district. 1. If any voter has been registered in a wrong election district, the board of elections shall, if he is a qualified voter in any election district within the jurisdiction of such board, change his registration to the correct election district. The board of elections shall thereupon give immediate notice by mail to such voter that his registration has been corrected, and also the location of the polling place of the election district in which he is a qualified voter.
    2. If such voter does not reside in any election district within the jurisdiction of the board, his registration shall be cancelled and he shall be notified of the cancellation and the reason therefore.
    - or -
    (f) Notice that political party enrollment is optional but that, in order to vote in a primary election of a political party, a voter must enroll in that political party, unless state party rules allow otherwise.
    (g) Notice that the applicant must be a citizen of the United States, is or will be at least eighteen years old not later than December thirty-first of the calendar year in which he or she registers and a resident of the county or city to which application is made.
    (g) Notice that the applicant must be a citizen of the United States, is or will be at least eighteen years old not later than December thirty-first of the calendar year in which he or she registers and a resident of the county or city to which application is made.

    AFFIDAVIT: I swear or affirm that:
    * I am a citizen of the United States.
    * I will have lived in the county, city, or village for at least 30 days before the election.
    * I meet all the requirements to register to vote in New York State.
    * This is my signature or mark on the line below.
    * All the information contained on this application is true. I
    understand that if it is not true I can be convicted and fined up
    to $5,000 and/or jailed for up to four years.

    So...maybe the reason why Carnright and Sennett haven't made a point of it is because they have too much class to start sniping. But, Bradley lived and paid income taxes in NYC, so clearly he was a resident there. What a fool - I'm told, that if he had registered down there and transferred up here and enrolled, it would've taken effect immediately, and he wouldn't have needed the Wilson-Pakula waiver. I don't feel like researching that, but someone else can. The point is, that he's not ethical - and that's not what I want in a DA.

  25. Anonymous8:56 AM

    I just checked election law, and I can't find where if Bradley transferred and changed his enrollment, he would've been considered a Democrat. As an attorney with political aspirations, you'd think he'd know something basic such as registration and enrollment requirements.

  26. Anonymous8:12 PM

    well, it's not as if it's a chargeable offense??

    * All the information contained on this application is true. I
    understand that if it is not true I can be convicted and fined up
    to $5,000 and/or jailed for up to four years.

    Sounds like it is a felony punishable by up to four years in jail...

  27. Anonymous9:09 PM

    But, Bradley lived and paid income taxes in NYC, so clearly he was a resident there. What a fool -
    Dude, if he was registered to vote in Ulster he'd be a fool to pay taxes in NYC. Only the little people pay taxes.

    Whats one felony over another?

  28. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Hmmm, what about all those SUNY New Paltz students? They are allowed to vote for Village idiots, while there residents are elsewhere.

  29. Anonymous11:36 AM

    The SUNY New Paltz students spend a majority of the year at school. It is considered their main residence.

    Nice try. Bradley give up now. This loss will follow you for your entire professional career.

  30. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Sennett releases policy paper

    Kingston – Democrat and Working Families Ulster county district attorney candidate Jonathan Sennett Sunday released a policy paper on his strategy to fight crime if elected next month.

    The 18-page plan addresses ways of combating gangs, drugs, violent crime and domestic violence as well as a means to upgrade the DA’s office with “cost-effective technology” to help streamline the way the office handles cases.

    “The county has changed in the last decade and the office of the district attorney needs to be proactive and stay steps ahead of those who chose to break the law,” Sennett said.

    The DA’s race with be three way with Sennett, Republican Holley Carnright and Conservative Vincent Bradley, Jr.

    Let's see now. Bradley is too stupid to even read an 18 page report, let alone write one. His policy paper might read. "Duuuuh, I will do whatever my handlers tell me to if elected". Carnright would get too tired (yawn), and fall asleep while reading it in his rocking chair.

    The choice on November is clear.
    Vote Democratic. Vote Sennett.


    *News Article reposted from MHNN.COM

  31. Anonymous2:31 PM

    I think if you're in college there's an exception. On the absentee ballot application there's a box to check off that you're away during election day because you're in school. I don't think there's a box that you can check that says I'm too lazy or stupid to re-register where I now live and work (and pay NYC income taxes).

  32. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Candidates released tax returns?

  33. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Candidates don't have to release tax returns, but it sure would be interesting if they did. I think Bradley would have a difficult time convincing those in the Manhattan DAs office that he lived in Ulster County while working there. Would that be so that he could retain his voter registration up here and avoid paying income taxes?

  34. Anonymous9:57 AM

    You think Williams has the balls to do something about this before he leaves office?

    Cuomo? That DA in Albany that took down Hevesi?

  35. Anonymous5:05 PM

    If Bradley is elected, can he be impeached for that?


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