
Saturday, October 27, 2007


D.A. Debate reveals


Then had the nerve to portray himself in a matter where one would think he was the prosecutor on the cases he was discussing. Unreal. Whatta guy!


  1. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Hi-tech Holley did not have a good day. He got bitch slapped a few times by Bradley.

    You noticed he didn't say how many of the cases (prosecuted or defended) he won.

  2. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Holley had the experience but on the wrong side. He worked on lots of big cases but as a public defender. Glad I was at the debate.

  3. Anonymous7:15 PM

    I liked his props from 1970. Who does he think he is Ross Perot? Sennett showed class and knew the issues.

  4. Anonymous8:25 PM

    It's not so much he tried the cases but the fact he tried to sell us a bill of goods making us believe he was the prosecuter.
    Blaber please update soon!

  5. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Glad I got to see it, too. Bradley was better than I thought he would be but, by far, Sennett was the smartest. Best endorsements and all around presentation. Carnright's time has passed.
    Sennett will be our next D.A. Good call Blaber!

  6. Anonymous11:59 PM

    it's true Bradley has improved over the course of the debates, but he's still not as smart as the others. don't want to elect a dense DA, don't care what Hugh Reynolds says. he is biased anyway.

  7. Anonymous8:09 AM

    The cases Mr. Carnright claimed to prosecute were all the ones he obtained a verdict in (there were quite a few on that sheet of paper) But when you don't work in the Prosecutors Office and work in the Public Defenders Office-it's the other side. Jonathan/Holley both worked the PD side and can appreciate the complexity of law all the more for having done this.

  8. There is no problem with Holley Carnright defending these cases. I agree a prosecutor must have experiance on both sides of the law. However, Carnright presented these cases before us in a manner where we were lead to believe he was the prosecutor. Just awful.

  9. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Both of Jon's opponents have done a good job of co-opting his issues. The Freeman article today talks about how all the candidates want to modernize the office, do early case evaluation, focus on domestic violence and sex crimes, address drugs and gangs, etc. All things that Jon was the FIRST to talk about, contrary to the fictitious claims of beesmer and tuchman. Vote for the candidate that has original thoughts, not the copycats.

  10. Anonymous8:29 PM

    way to go Blabs, Holley and the corpse, good anology.

  11. Anonymous10:35 PM

    Was that just a picture of Carnreight just taking a nap in his back office? nice feet.

  12. Anonymous1:47 AM

    But Bradley is going to win so all you Sennett loving assholes can go fuck yourself.

    ROW C or D

  13. Anonymous10:31 AM

    1:47 is typical of a Bradley supporter - Sennett and Carnright supporters stick to the issues - that Bradley's a moron and has no experience prosectuing violent felonies...and then you come up with hurling epithets...real classy...

  14. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Jeremy states: "There is no problem with Holley Carnright defending these cases. I agree a prosecutor must have experiance on both sides of the law."

    Way to cover your boy's ass Jeremy. We all know that Bradley is the only one with prosecuting experience. Jon-Jon and Holley are too busy setting the bad guys free.

  15. The only candidate? What are you kidding me? Sennett has tried TRIPLE, yes triple the amount of cases a s Vince Bradley as a prosecutor.

  16. Anonymous7:41 PM

    We all can see that Bradley is a dunce. The posters that support Bradley are all so poorly educated that they really drive the point home. They can't even use profanity correctly. "Assholes" is plural. So it's "yourselves" in the plural,not "yourself" in the singular. Isn't that like third grade grammar? Did all Bradley's supporters drop out in third grade? I just can't believe they're that stupid that they'd see him as smart. There has to be some criminal intent on foisting this idiot on the public. If I don't see some indictments from this, it's looking really bad for the Kingston school district. I would be worried if I was the superintendant.

  17. Anonymous9:43 AM

    to 1:47 I'll bet Bradley is thrilled to have foul-mouthed idiots such as yourself as supporters

  18. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Bradley's new radio ads tout his "homecoming." Wait a minute. I thought he told Hugh Reynolds in a recent column that he never left Kingston? What's the deal. Can't get your story straight?

  19. Anonymous7:15 AM

    His brain never left Kingston. You can bring the country boy to the city,but you can't make him think any faster.

  20. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Bradley sends out a mailer with his Daddy's picture, claiming to be a Democrat and does nothing but slam Sennett. Little mention of his credentials.

    Carnright creates a "Willie Horton" ad complete with a black murderer and claiming opponents want "turnsyle justice".

    What garbage. Sennnett is not only the most qualified candidate, he is the most ethical.

  21. Anonymous11:42 PM

    Bradley never left Kingston. Look it up!

    And his dad's name is all he has going for himeself. Too bad the acorn fell far from the tree.

    All Junior can hope to accomplish is to play spoiler. Does anyone think that Bradley is taking away votes from Holley?

  22. Anonymous11:49 PM

    Sennett refuses to go into the gutter with Carnright and Bradley. I thought Bradley's card was ridiculous - a 17-year old photo of when he graduated college with him and his recently deceased father. That's what he and Hugh Reynolds used all along: "I'm the son of...." like anyone outside of Kingston cares. I bet he still wears his class ring! And, as another poster pointed out, nothing positive about himself (because there isn't anything), just negative stuff about Sennett. It didn't work for Lazio vs. Clinton, D'Amato vs. Schumer, and Matthews vs. Cahill. It won't work for Bradley, either. Voters don't like the negative, nasty campaigning.


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