
Sunday, October 28, 2007

Sennett Talks To A Crowd in Mid Town, After His Over Night


  1. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Sennett is right. The current policies in Kingston are not working. It's time for a change. Vote Cshill

  2. Anonymous10:33 PM

    So he had a pajama party , how nice. What did he learn? Those are the criminals he will put out on the streets again and again.

  3. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Where is the crowd? Nice of him to have a sleepover...when are the residents of Midtown invited over to his house for the night?

  4. Anonymous11:05 PM

    There was a crowd of about 45 people that were there when I attended and he did ok. I'm still voting for Carnrideit.

  5. Anonymous12:44 AM

    How are these Carl Rovian Termites and their outlandish accusations surfacing even before a Candidate has a chance to screw up.

    Any AGAIN & AGAIN CRIMINALS that are on the streets of Kingston and Home Grown are the result of Donny Williams and the four decades of Republican DA's. No reasonable person would blame any of them for AGAIN & AGAIN CRIMINAL behavior.

    If all it takes is the anticipatory criticism of an uninformed electorate to decide the DA race, then why even vote ?...smitty

  6. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Gathering 45 people together in midtown sounds pretty good to me, but is Sennett listening as well as speaking? I can't help but state, over and over again, that something needs to be done about socioeconmic inequality, domestic violence, child neglect and child abuse (at the individual and institutionalized/national level) if anyone wants to see any real positive change (over the long hall) in midtown or elsewhere. Things probably ARE quite different in midtown than they are in Sennett's neighborhood, but at least he is attempting, to some degree, to familiarize himself with those differences.

  7. Anonymous7:52 AM

    to 11:00 - the midtown residents don't need to understand Jon Sennett's life - the DA needs to understand their lives - the best way to fight the problem (which isn't the residents, it's the poverty and hopelessness that goes along with it) is to understand it. Neither Bradley nor Carnright would have the heart or courage to do what Jon Sennett did. They think they're scum and should be forgotten. Jon realizes that the best way to fight crime is to be proactive, not reactive. This is a prime example of a proactive DA - all the naysayers will put their usual negative spin on it, but the fact is that Jon doesn't want to wait for the crime to happen - it's not as if the DA will be bored if crime is reduced. Jon wants to reduce the crime from happening in the first place. It's evident that Holley and Jr. really don't care about anyone other than themselves.

  8. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Dosent Mike Madson live in midtown?

  9. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Matt Ryan has been fighting for Mid-Town Kingston two years. I am glad Sennett has joined in the fight to make the 4th ward a better place. The mayor claims crime isn't an issue in the 4th ward and Sennett is saying there is, who is right and who is wrong Jeremy?

  10. Sennett is right on target.

  11. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Revitilization brings hope and direction to the masses. It can't happen with the racketeers sucking the life out of the people. New programs to put young people to work in their own communities to clean,paint, and renovate can provide skills and guidance to the kids that would otherwise turn to easy money at the expense of their health and futures. The concept of the "City-As-School" system to put kids into apprenticeships in all aspects of the service industry could very effectively boost the employability of the youth. New ideas,not status-quo. That's what we need in the long-haul. The young minds that might be wasted,still have good hands that can do more for their own neighborhoods than any degrees could. A Home Depot or Lowe's is positioned well for this endeavor. Home ownership education is also key to bringing about hope. Nothing stops the degradation of buildings like a resident/owner. People need the opportunity to get a piece of the pie so they have a goal to their lives and the financial stability to raise families that give back. Social programs that trap people in rentals at above market rates are NOT helping. They're feeding the landlords at the expense of their "inmates" who cannot free themselves.

  12. Anonymous9:16 PM

    "City as school" sounds good, but some apprenticeship programs have been laden with problems of thier own - and we definitely need to be sure (finger-print/record checks/etc) that any youth enrolled in such progams are in SAFE hands.

    We also need to see that our low income youth can get a degree from BOCES, Ulster, SUNY and/or other such institutions when they are intellectually capable of doing so.

    On top of that, getting the members of low-income and/or otherwise disenfranchized groups (young and old) to come to council meetings and such, and learn more about thier constitutional rights,how the legislative process works, etc. is a real good idea.

    Everyone should be encouraged to find thier voice. Everyone.

  13. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Equal justice,equal advocacy. I hope soon that my fingerprint is my ID. No more "pokemon" cards!

  14. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Did he hang with Clint Brown?

  15. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Where was CLINT??!!

  16. Anonymous10:12 AM


  17. Anonymous10:20 AM

    I am VERY UPSET Jeremy that Mr. Sennett did not pay a visit to Clint
    Brown the Alderman of the Ward. Jon
    has lost my vote.

  18. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Jon Sennett did pay a visit to Clint Brown - and Clint Brown was there at the hamburger/hot dog soiree. Clint is great - we're sure going to miss him when he leaves the council.

  19. Anonymous9:51 PM

    I think he paid a visit to Mike Madsen. Vote for Carnright a real man and lifelong R.


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