
Thursday, October 11, 2007

Blaber Guest Spots on WGHQ this Monday

Jeremy Blaber will be a guest on WGHQ on Monday from 7-9am with hosts Rich Parete and Mike Sweeney. I believe U.C. Minority Leader Glenn Noonan and Robb Kinnin will also be guests in addition to myself. Please tune in on 920 am Feel free to call in as well 331-9255

I reported earlier about Ira Fusfeld, the publisher of the Daily Freeman calling my blog the most prominent in the county. I never heard this, but it was told to me by a reliable source. According to Mr.Fusfeld he never referred to any blog by name and was actually referring to The Kingst'Onion. My apologies to Mr. Fusfeld for misquoting him. I too enjoy the cutting edge satire and political humor of the Kingst'Onion. I also enjoy reading Mr. Fusfeld's blog, and just the fact that Mr. Fusfeld reads my blog regularly is good enough for me.


  1. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Thank you Jeremy for keeping up on things. You helped me hit the ground running and you continue to be a veritable treasure trove of information. When you decide to enter a race,I'll be there for you,checkbook in hand.

  2. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Blabs, There will be other guests too.

    It will surely be a lively Monday morning discussion. A real tribute to Mr. Moon.

  3. Anonymous9:22 PM

    blaber, best of luck on monday

  4. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Don't think I am not going to ask when the rest of the dems are going to get the money from the fund raiser in Highland last weekend. It was advertised for that now they have to deliver. Or it was a lie!

  5. Anonymous10:32 PM

    9:57 - Who are you Jeanette Provenzano???

    Of course the money will be distributed exactly as promised. It will go to the Democratic DA candidate and the legislative candidates who NEED it. The people who organized that dinner have integrity...

    ...unlike the current chair and his hacks who collected money at their last event specifically for the county committee, then immediately deposited it in the "campaign committee" account, which was newly established and controlled only by john's cronies.

    Sadly, they gave the man at the top of the ticket only a tiny % of the money earned at the previous event($2,000 of the $35,000). He made more at the rummage sale he held in Rosendale on Monday.

    Talk about "leadership."

  6. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Jeremy, are you going to call on all your progressive friends to open their doors, and house some of these homeless who are being put out on the street due to the closing of the Kings Inn? I mean, it's the COMPASSIONATE thing to do. Don't you agree. I think Sennett should be the first to announce he is building a heated barn on his property, and anyone who needs shelter, to please feel welcome.

  7. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Nice idea,but not well thought out. A heated barn is not legel for occupancy. There are housing projects all over that social services will pay for. Closing down one dumping ground will actually help the people who need clean and safe housing.

  8. Anonymous2:31 PM

    hehehe 1:57. Neither was the King Inn. Not legal for a homeless shelter, that is. In the name of compassion, bend the rules alittle.

  9. Anonymous4:42 PM

    I'm not familiar with the particulars on that place, but the use of old hotels for the homeless and indigent has long been a problem. Perhaps a grant program for new construction of housing somewhere away from the bad influences of crime,drugs,and easy access to alchohol would help. Create an hysteria of a crisis situation,out of control and begging for attention. Then start calling every politician you can from local to federal. Squeaky wheels get all the grease. Rural solutions create influx of money and jobs for locals. You'll have to convince them to move though. Some of these unfortunates are chained to their habits and would rather sleep in a cardboard box than give them up for homes.

  10. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Your blog has over SIXTY THOUSAND VISITS, of corse it's the most prominent. I'll bet anything you get more visits than Fusfeld and he advertises his in the paper every single day! I will admit that I love the Kingst-Onion.

  11. Anonymous10:05 AM

    How about we stop throwing all our tax dollars at the thousands of homeless in Ulster County? This is ridiculous. Not one of the residents at the Kings Inn or at one of Michael Berg's shelters gives a damn about the appearance of their living arrangements. Nor do the owners care about keeping their properties well naintained. Michael Berg is the quintessential slumlord, complete with his own hudson river estate. How about we move the Kings Inn residents to his estate? He does not care about dumping drug users and lowlifes in our neighborhoods? Is anyone else tired of this? How long before all of Kingston becomes one big shelter for DSS, Family of Kingston (er I mean Woodstock) and NYS mental hygiene? Enough is enough. Shame on you Michael Berg and Shah!

  12. Anonymous5:39 PM

    These unfortunates have to be dumped AWAY from urban areas not in them. It's easy to all agree that money is wasted by preserving their habits and letting them fester in plain sight. Out in the boonies with no drugs,no alcohol and no visitors,until they work up enough money on the "county farm" to re-establish themselves. Enough IS enough. Let's put some brains to work here and SOLVE problems,not perpetuate them.

  13. Anonymous7:23 PM

    I heard Mr. Fusfeld's comments the other day. He was definitely talking about your blog. The context was the DA's race and he referenced a blog that was decidedly pro-Sennett. You absolutely take the cake in that category. Why Mr. Fusfeld would lie about that, I don't know. Put the post back up.

  14. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Very funny that Fusfeld doesn't post anonymous posters. I haven't seen his name on his here. Does he?

  15. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Fuckfeld post on


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