
Monday, October 01, 2007

Lawn Signs Go Out October 6th

D.A. candidate Jon Sennett w/ Governor Elliot Spitzer

Lawn Signs can go out on October 6th (my birthday), so if you want to do something for my birthday think about putting out a Sennett or Gilpatric sign on your lawn. In all seriousness, anyone who needs a sign for Sennett or Gilpatric, please e-mail me with your address to and I'll get one to you. The D.A. race is county-wide so most people that view this site can put a sign out for our next D.A.


  1. Anonymous4:43 PM

    If signs are allowed to go out on Oct 6th then why do I already see so many on lawns? I noticed a huge effort to remove signs following the primary but a few candidates still have dozens of their signs prominently placed.

  2. The bigger signs are allowed I've seen them for Bruhn, Gilpatric Sennett and Bradley. As far as the regular lawn signs there are a few left over from the primary for each candidate. They all made every effort to take them least in Kingston.

  3. Also remember that that the "sign law" is a minicipal law not an election law. It's different for each town.

  4. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Jeremy....being a good Dem that you are - you ought to remove Noble signs.

  5. Anonymous10:44 PM

    I see my comment about the large Sennett sign at Broadway and Stuyvesant never appeared. I'd like to know where you get your information regarding "large signs are allowed" I suggest you read the law

  6. Anonymous10:27 PM you have lawn signs out already?? I bet you do!! and its not even the 6th yet.

  7. Anonymous12:59 PM

    There's a huge Bradley sign coming into Kingston on Washington Avenue - it's getting out of the future, the signs will be coming out earlier and earlier...they're obnoxious and unsightly. The only reason why no one is doing anything about it is because Bradley's signs are up, too. You can bet that if there were just Sennett and Carnright, Sottile would be saying and doing something.

  8. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Is that the same spitzer who is giving drivers licenses to illegals?


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