
Monday, October 01, 2007

Supreme Court Justices Cahill, Teresi and Ceresia Cross-Endorsed

All three Democratic Justices, Cahill, Teresi, and Ceresia were cross-endorsed by the Republican Judicial delegates on Friday at it nominating convention in Albany. All are now ensured a 14 year term starting in January. All three are good honorable public servants and I wish them a congratulations. Even though they're all unopposed it's essential that we all support them with our vote this November.

Justice Cahill was appointed by Gov. Elliot Spitzer to fill a vacancy left by the late Justice Bradley who died earlier this year. Prior to his appointment, Justice Cahill served as Bradley's Principal law clerk. His responsibilities included keeping abreast of current law and advising Justice Bradley on a full range of legal issues as they arise at trials, conferences and hearings; researching and drafting all motion and non- jury trial decisions; presiding at settlement, discovery and scheduling conferences; training and supervising legal interns; and monitoring all rules, regulations and statutes affecting the operation of Supreme Court for compliance and advising Justice Bradley and staff of same. Justice Cahill's website

Justice Teresi was first elected in November 1993, as a Supreme Court Justice for the Third Judicial District, and took office on January 1, 1994. Judge Teresi presides over civil and criminal cases primarily in Albany County, but has served in a number of other counties throughout the state as well, including New York, Essex, Saratoga, Westchester and Warren counties.
Interesting Fact : Justice Teresi was the trial Judge for the Amadou Diallo case

Justice Ceresia Jr. was first elected to the Supreme Court of the State of New York in 1993. Judge Ceresia is one of 15 Supreme Court Justices currently serving in the Third Judicial District, which encompasses Albany, Columbia, Greene, Rensselaer, Schoharie, Sullivan and Ulster counties. Justice Ceresia's website


  1. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Congratulations to all three of these fine men for the work they have done previously and will continue to do in the future for the citizens of Ulster County. I do have some reservations with the cross-endorsements and that we, the voters, will not have the opporutnity to choose between these and any other candidates running for Supreme Court at the November 6th election. I am comforted, however, to see that all these Judges took the time out of what I am sure are busy work, personal and campaigning schedules to submit to a review with the State of New York - Third Department - Independent Judicial Election Qualification Commission and were rated as "qualified." It is important that we as voters know and can feel confident that all candidates are qualified for the judicial office to which they seek election.

  2. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Rigged elections. Great!! The judiciary in NY is corrupt.

  3. Anonymous4:46 PM

    11:57 --- please explain what this Judicial Election Qualification Commission is as I am unsure about the ratings you refer to.

  4. Anonymous6:42 PM

    4:46 The IJEQC web page can be found at "" and follow the links to the Independent Judicial Election Qualification Commission. It explains the creation and the purpose of the commission.

  5. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Now Cahill can give Vince Bradley Jr a job as his law clerk.

    You saw it here first!


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