
Sunday, October 28, 2007

Mayoral and DA Debate Monday WGHQ 920 AM

7:00- 8:00 am Kingston Mayoral Debate

Rich Cahill and Lisa Cutten will be debating. Myor Sottile has decliened the invite.


  1. Anonymous10:53 PM

    i will bet my last dollar that Jimmy Sottile will be listening to it. I bet you its killing him to stay away.

  2. Anonymous2:07 AM

    Clint Brown already won the debate before it even happened.

    Peace. Love. Unity.

    #1 Love Child

  3. Anonymous6:52 AM

    My mother has a theory that no one (including the president) should be in political office for over two years, and if you think about it, that "does" make sense in regard to limiting the amount of power (which comes with a tendency towards corruption) that any one individual accrues. Out with the old... in with the new. Can things around here (in regard to the common good) really get much worse than they are? Maybe with a changeover things will actually get better...

  4. Anonymous7:51 AM

    I read in the paper the Police and Fire Dept. endorsed Sottile. It makes sense that Mike Sass and the Fire Dept. because Mike Sass has a private contract with the City of Kingston for Fire Extinguishers. There isn't a municipal building in Kingston that doesn't have a Mike Sass Fire Extinguisher in it. What's that????? Talk about double dipping and political favors!! Mike Sass should not be President of the Fireman's Union and also at the same time have financial gain from the City of Kingston. Furthermore, the Fire Dept. just got a sweetheart contract where their actually paid by the taxpayer to stay fit! Thank you Jeremy Blaber for having a Blog where people can talk about these vital issues that impact city Government.

  5. Anonymous9:31 AM

    To. 7:51am.. i agree!!

    That makes Mike Sass, the union president for the fireman a Political Hack for the sottile/noble camp! He shouldn't have a contract with the city involving his private business AND be on the city payroll for the fire dept at the same time. It should be against the law in my mind.

  6. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Joan Beesmer, Mary Ann Bahruth, Kayla Haber, and Mr. Lafevere are all political appointed to their jobs from the sottile administration.. Who cares what these suckasses really think about the mayoral race??????????????????? If Cahill gets in, in a matter of months they'
    d have their heads right up his backside too, since clearly they are front office flunkies. and it doesnt matter who is in office you will still find them under the desk doing what they do best. You can bet they are in the bradley camp as well and not supporting the democratic endorsed John Sennett.

  7. Joan Beesmer and Kayla Haver are not appointedby the mayor. They took a civil service test and earned there job. And, none of the mentioned above are "front office flunkys" they're all dedicated employees.

  8. Anonymous4:37 PM

    They're flunkies. I hope Cahill wins and fires the whole lot.

  9. Anonymous5:30 PM

    4:37pm...Fire them? Rich, I thought you promised to be friendly to the members of the CSEA!!!!

    We'll just chalk this up to just another one of Rich's broken promises so far in this campaign.

  10. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Why does Sottile think it is not necessary for him to debate? Because of his choice to not debate at City Hall, I have made a choice to not vote for him. He needed to tell me that he aknowledges that this city in a mess and what he plans on doing to get us out of this mess. Surely Mr.Mayor you cannot drive down Broadway and feel proud.Mr. Noble, I do not even know who you are and what you do.Both of you needed to impress me in a debate because you haven't in the last six years. I was going to listen and give you a chance. Bad choice.

  11. Anonymous6:29 PM

    I'm still trying to figure out how the Fire Dept endorses Charlie Landi when last time he was in office he was leading the charge to close a firehouse!!

  12. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Support Boo Hoo Bradley as write-in candidate for Mayor!

  13. Anonymous9:39 AM

    to response to 4:37-- you are such a dufus. Do you have someone to think for you, because you certainly don't do any thinking yourself. How do you figure Cahill SAID he would fire people from SOMEONE'S SUGGESTION that he do so? Those petition-signers better get their bags packed for a January trip, Civil Service or not!

  14. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Write in CLINT!

    My Daddy

    #2 Love Child

  15. I did not write the anonymous comment about firing. I have not changed my position at all.

    I will not fire people for political reasons. I would only consider firing someone if they violated city rules to the point sufficient to justify an Article 75 proceeding.

    I will not, however, simply fire people because they are Democrats. I don't believe in that.

  16. Anonymous8:15 AM

    To Rich Cahill
    At least you realize that everyone has a choice on election day whether or not they support you

  17. Anonymous9:12 PM


    You're such a liar; it's very well known that you've already prepared a list of rank and file city CSEA employees you want removed all due to political revenge.

    Thankfully your going to lose so it'll all be moot!


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