
Monday, October 15, 2007

Sennett releases policy paper


Democrat and Working Families Ulster county district attorney candidate Jonathan Sennett Sunday released a policy paper on his strategy to fight crime if elected next month.

The 18-page plan addresses ways of combating gangs, drugs, violent crime and domestic violence as well as a means to upgrade the DA’s office with “cost-effective technology” to help streamline the way the office handles cases.

“The county has changed in the last decade and the office of the district attorney needs to be proactive and stay steps ahead of those who chose to break the law,” Sennett said.
The DA’s race with be three way with Sennett, Republican Holley Carnright and Conservative Vincent Bradley, Jr.


  1. Anonymous1:34 AM

    Not sure how many converts from the Bradley camp Jon will get with the policy paper, since most of them can't read anyway.


  2. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Still it should be demoralizing to know Bradley's not the smart one in this race. Let them vote in shame.

  3. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Where's the link to it?

  4. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Is that the paper under issues on his site? Sounds good.

  5. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Well some of them can read. They've been co-opting almost every issue Sennett supports - early case evaluation being the latest (see today's Freeman) - except of course the death penalty, decriminalization of marijuana and abortion. Bradley flip-flops like crazy on the big issues.

    Whether you agree with him or not, give Jonathan Sennet credit for standing firm in what he believes.

    Bradley hasn't had an original idea since the campaign started.

  6. Anonymous12:44 PM

    It's obvious that Jon Sennett is up to the job of District Attorney. He is the most qualified of the three, a thoughtful law-and-order guy capable of bringing the DAs office into the 21st century. I heard that they call him the "agressive-progressive."

  7. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Well I'm an aggressive progressive and I'm wearing my "impeach Cheney" hat to show it. I strongly endorse Jon Sennett and pledge to keep fighting to put him in office. He's up to the task at hand and he enjoys the support of us all."impeach Cheney" hats are available at, official website of the aggressive progressives.

  8. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Carnright's the one

  9. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Carnright wishes he was the one... he's old fashioned in his thinking, is way too cocky and hasn't presented a single solid arguement in quite a while. Im sick of candidates just saying what they think the people from their affiliation will like to hear. And I have to be honest, some of the things he says are completely and utterly assinine. sorry to tell u bradley and carnright are a mess.
    Sennett is the only candidate with original ANYTHING and the balls to be real about it.
    He doesn't let anyone bully him, and that to me is what a DA is supposed to be all about... no one party should have the DA in their pocket at all!

  10. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Come on JB! You are not going to post a comment quoting the Daily Freeman? There was no inflamatory remarks! Now we are squashing free speach?

  11. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Carnright and Jr. are running scared...time to attack the front-runner!

    See today's Freeman, then check out the online poll and notice how Jon Sennett's views are more mainstream than hughey thought when he printed the lopsided article.

    I love vindication!

  12. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Carnright wasn't as stupid as Bradley last night. I don't think violence against door knobs qualifies as violent crime. The Freeman article showed everybody that both Carnright and Bradley want to protect the interests of marijuana growers instead of justice. Don't they know that these republicans that grow it all are just mobsters? Hinchey's work to reform marijuana laws isn't intended to make sales legal,just usage. The IRS is still going to bust tax evaders. That's what got Al Capone. Idiots.

  13. Anonymous10:13 PM

    To 2:27pm,

    The leader of your progressive party is not even supporting the impeachment of Cheney anymore. If Moe is out you better leave.
    ....and turn off the lights on your way out.

  14. Anonymous10:38 PM

    Hinchey hasn't been the leader of the progressives in some time now. He is on the wrong side right now. But is Rudy Guiliani,the frontrunner on the red side,supporting pro-life positions? Politicians play the middle ground for votes. It's the people that pull that middle ground around. When it wasn't popular to oppose the war,we pulled the middle out from under the bushies. Now the middle on the pot issue is to legalize it. The middle wants justice for the Bush/Cheney crew,we can wait to indict rather than impeach. I'm still wearing the hat just to piss you people off in your face. Did you really think it was about supporting Kucinich for president? It's about pulling the middle to your side. We're winning big time. The right-wing is no longer on terra firma,it's now the lunatic fringe. Confirmed by their MRI's to be insane. Conservative thinking is now a bonafide mental illness.

  15. Anonymous11:37 PM

    Bush should be impeached, even if they don't have enough votes to remove him. Let the proceedings begin!!!



    ps. No foul for Maurice on this one, he's doing a great job, and now it's our turn to reap some pork windfall.

  16. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Twelve house republicans down and still a year to go. I smell bacon.

  17. Anonymous7:48 AM

    This is to "Hat Man":

    "Oh, this is the worst-looking hat I ever saw. What, when you buy a hat like this I bet you get a free bowl of soup, huh? Oh, it looks good on you though."

    Hinchey IS moving with the middle. That's why he got off the nutty impeachment bandwagon.

  18. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Did I say impeachment was the middle? No,not yet and impeachment is for the history books,indictments on war crimes are more appropriate. I'm well aware of Maurice's positions. The middle is moving our way.

  19. Anonymous4:02 AM

    7:48. Now Now, you're fishing without any bait. No Fish for you.


  20. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Talking to me? The hat is free. There's no catch. If you notice,I had to black-out the question mark.I think it was supposed to be an exclamation point. Next time we meet Vince I'll be happy to talk to you. Just not in front of or in earshot of anyone.

  21. Anonymous3:49 AM




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