
Thursday, November 29, 2007

Billiam VanRoestenberg joins Radio Free Kingston

Gary Bischoff and Art Richter, co-hosts of Radio Free Kingston announce that Billiam VanRoestenberg will be a regular host of the program. Radio Free Kingston is a weekly radio show that airs on WKNY, 1490 on the AM dial every Sunday from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. The show started in July 2005 on Friday evenings and moved to Sunday afternoons shortly after.

Radio Free Kingston is a progressive talk show that counters a lot of the right wing propaganda that dominates talk radio today. Listeners are free to call the show and add to the discussion. The show discusses topics of interest locally and nationally.

The aim of the show is to entertain and educate listeners on a variety of topics. Most shows have local guests in the studio.

Billiam VanRoestenberg is a farmer living in Highland, NY. VanRoestenberg is active on the local political scene, and was a candidate for Ulster County Legislature in 2005.

"The addition of VanRoestenberg brings a fresh new voice to our radio program. During the weeks leading up to the election, I was not able to be on the show because of FCC regulations. We asked Billiam to 'pinch hit' for me, and he did such a great job that we invited him to be a regular host of the program. We plan to alternate and have two hosts in the studio each week. I am pleased to be working with Billiam who has proven to be a very polished, professional co-host."

- Gary Bischoff


  1. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Who is the very Racist Black man that works underneath the Department of Public works Offices? He gave me the middle finger the other day. Sottile should put that guy in check.

  2. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Billiam is a good progrssive voice
    among all those uneducated conservatives

  3. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Is it true that Marbletown Chairman Ben Shor punched and knocked to the ground a lady who recently had a hip replacement at the democratic meeting the other day?

  4. Anonymous10:41 AM

    8:01 - no, not true - the lady pushed him first, and he pushed back harder. She lost her balance and fell out of the chair. Stop the rumors of a punch because you obviously weren't there - whomever is starting the rumor evidently wasn't there either and is an idiot. I was there and saw the whole thing.

  5. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Once again we see the Democrats inability to resolve matters without resorting to physcially fighting amongst themselves. Nice defense though, she pushed me first so I knocked her and her busted hip out of her chair. Are you kidding me?? This behavior would not be tolerated from children in kindergarten but it is acceptable from adults who want to govern?

  6. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Ben Shor is a terrorist. He belongs in GITMO!

    Gus Baker

  7. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Ben is a good guy

  8. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Jeremy is ANTI Parete, so Ben Shor is his hero, what do you expect him to say? Jeremy is slanted and prejudicial. I'd bet he will never publish this comment.

    Ben Shor pulled a fast one and was called out by the committee. So he shoves a woman to the floor. Dirt bag. You can not defend that no matter what she did. She is woman and he is a man, supposedly.

  9. Im not anti-Parete and Ben Shore is not my hero

  10. Anonymous7:01 PM

    To clarify, nothing like this happened at the meeting. I was there. Perhaps it happened after Parete illegally adjourned the meeting and left with his cronies?

  11. Anonymous9:20 PM

    To clarify, yes this happened after John Parete stormed out.

  12. Anonymous12:01 AM

    So if the chariman leaves the meeting over the objection of several people it is okay to beat up a woman? Where do I register to become a member of the democratic party? Ike Turner

  13. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Don't you get it? If it is bad, you blame Parete. If it is good, you give credit anywhere else. That's the way it works when there is a collusive effort underway to get rid of someone. Ask Phil Schacter, Hector Rodriquez, Mike Harkavy, Dave Donaldson, Ben Shor, Karen Markesinis, Julie McQuain,Sue Zimet, Ralph Childers, and the few others.

    What do all of those people have in common? Aside from the occasional lucky candidate, or candidates who do it themselves, they can't get Democrats elected. That is not Parete's fault. It is their fault.

  14. Anonymous9:28 AM

    "Ike", you're an idiot - the two incidents are mutually exclusive. There's no room for you in the Dem Committee. The republicans could use someone stupid like you, though - go sign up there. And, if you don't know where to register, stay the fuck home on Election Day - you're too stupid to vote.

  15. Anonymous1:21 PM

    9:28 Peace, unity and the party of inclusion? Where's the love?

  16. Anonymous7:42 PM

    The party of inclusion shouldn't include someone who links Parete's abrupt departure to a slugfest. One has nothing to do with the other.

  17. Anonymous11:35 AM

    The love went out when Clint Brown Left

  18. Anonymous2:07 PM

    As someone who was in close proximity to the argument between Judy Hakam and Ben Shor, here are the facts: No one punched anyone. Ben Shor did in fact push Judy to the floor. Judy did not touch Ben. Ben Shor said: "She pushed me first," as people in the room were saying that the police should be called and that Judy should press charges. Judy never said that she pushed or in any way touched Ben Shor.


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