
Thursday, November 29, 2007

Check out Jonathan Sennett's audio message below


  1. Anonymous1:12 AM

    Jeremy, thats a nice addition to the BLOG world. Audio clips will be a nice upgrade to the site.

    I am always amazed a what is availible to us regular folk when it comes to technology.

    I would have to say, being on Jon's campaign staff and working long hours for the better DA candidate, I got to see how the political snake pit of Kingston, looks from the outside.

    All the years I worked within the belly of the machine, only to fall out of grace when the best option was a threat to "Business as usual".

    Its great that Jon's voice is the first one to be heard on your BLOG.
    Thank you.

  2. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Who wrote that for Madsen? It is somewhat above his usual 3rd grade level of composition.

  3. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Where does it say it was from Madsen?

  4. Anonymous3:41 PM

    2:58 At the top where it says "mike madsen said ..."

  5. Anonymous5:00 PM


  6. Anonymous5:25 PM

    The love affair continues. Huh Jeremy.

  7. Anonymous5:27 PM

    You have democratic executive committee members physically attacking each other yesterday at the committee meeting and this is todays news...John Sennett begging for more votes. Come on.

  8. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Sorry Jon, The wonderful technology "available to"... "regular folks" won't let me vote. Maybe jeremy can add two votes for you from Erin and me.

  9. Anonymous11:00 AM

    - "...democratic executive committee members physically attacking each other yesterday at the committee meeting..."

    I was at the meeting. Nobody physically attacked anyone while I was there. Landi was his typical, obnoxious, loud-mouthed, aggressive self, but he was put in his place by one of the women there. Zweben was his normal, officious, oily, but still ineffective self.

    Other than that, it was a very spirited discussion about the need for change in attitudes and procedures (with the chair basically ignoring those calls for action, as usual). Then Parete and a few of his cronies stormed out of the meeting before the entire agenda was completed, after refusing a call for a show of hands on a motion to adjourn. (The motion lost by a voice vote but Parete ruled otherwise before he slunk away.)

    All in all, business as usual at the Executive Committee.

  10. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Have a little sympathy for Judy. She's stressed, over tired, worked her but off in this election, and has worked tirelessly for years, mostly unthanked by the County Dem powers that be. Judy should have been named District 3 Rep, no one worked for it more.
    She has had a very tough year personally.
    Judy got overly emotional during an argument and pushed someone. He pushed back. That was it. Both were wrong.
    Cut her a little slack.

  11. Anonymous4:04 PM

    There is no reason why we should have to "Cut her a little slack." There is ABSOLUTELY no reason why a man should ever place his hands on a woman in this way. Whether it is to punch, push, shove or anything. PERIOD. Ben Shor should be ashamed of himself.

  12. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Judy did not touch Ben. He pushed her.

  13. Anonymous9:19 PM

    6:24 - Why are you saying that Judy never touched Ben? You don't know what you're talking about. Judy pushed first and she admitted it. Unfortunately, she didn't push hard enough, but Ben did. And, for anyone to say that a man shouldn't touch a woman in an aggressive manner is ridiculous; a woman doesn't have a right to physically attack a man either. They both were wrong. And yes, Charlie was his usual obnoxious self and Andy Weasel is still a weasel. John Parete knows nothing, doesn't know how to run a meeting and continues his autocratic ways. His time is up.

  14. Anonymous10:00 AM

    9:19 I am saying a man should never touch a woman in an agressive manner. It is not a ridiculous thing for an adult to say. This is a classic case of how most domestic violence starts? A person attempts to justify some type of inappropriate conduct and no one is willing to stand up and tell them they are wrong.

  15. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Judy did not touch Ben. He pushed her and she fell to the ground. She had every right to press charges and she did not. Whoever said she admitted to touching Ben has a hearing problem.

  16. Anonymous1:59 PM

    I'm the one who said it because Judy told me she did. Where were you when you were hallucinating?

  17. Anonymous2:35 PM

    As someone who witnessed from a close proximity the argument between Ben Shor and Judy Hakam, I want to make three observations. First, it is NOT true that Judy touched Ben. She put up her arms as Ben moved closer to her during the argument but stopped short of making any physical contact with Ben. I repeat Judy did not touch Ben Shor at all. Second, it is NOT true that Judy herself said she pushed Ben first. It was Ben Shor who said "She pushed me first", as many in the room were saying call the police and urging Judy to press charges. Judy made no such statement because it is not what happened. (And, by the way, Judy deserves a great deal of credit for not wanting to make a big deal of this incident.) And, finally, the fact that disagreements between Dem committee persons are degenerating into violence should be a wake up call to all of us. We have to learn to disagree without hating each other or we will be lost.

  18. Anonymous4:41 PM

    There seems to be several perceptions on the incident at HQ on Wed. evening. It is true that Ben and I were arguing about a Marbletown Comm. issue. We were both angry. I did not touch him in any way. I also never told anyone that I touched him.

  19. Anonymous7:37 PM

    I give Judy a lot of credit for not pressing charges - Ben was getting very close to her in a heated argument and she put out her hand to basically keep her space. I don't know if she touched him or not, but it is sad that things are so heated that this incident happened at all. Judy is upset with Ben because the Marbletown Committee wrote a letter (implying unanimity) calling for Parete's resignation. Judy is a Marbletown committee member and close friend of the Paretes and didn't sign on to the letter (she wasn't at the meeting). So, she and Ben are ticked off at each other. But...though Judy deserves the credit for not being a jerk and calling the cops, she does need to see John Parete for who he really is: an ineffective leader and a liar. Parete's answer to almost every question is "I don't know"; there hasn't been a treasurer's report in months and a full accounting of the money. This is Parete's fault and there's no defending him.

  20. Anonymous10:15 PM

    1 vote for my man Sennett! It would not let me vote for some reason

  21. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Judy needs to take a break from Ulster County politics. She is too tangled in the lives of the Paretes.


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