
Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Cahill Drafted for Exec?????

I got an e-mail about a new group that has formed called " Draft Cahill for County Executive", according to the group they are a private group of citizens that feel Assemblyman Cahill is the best man for the County's newly formed Executive position. The site is not affiliated with Kevin Cahill or his campaign committee. They have an interesting website and it's apparent they are serious and have dedicated a great deal of time to the cause : Cahill for Executive

Assemblyman Kevin Cahill, meanwhile, has stated that he will wait until spring to make a decision on whether or not to run. I must say, I agree. With the recent d.a.'s race and the party leadership in shambles I think it's best that the party has time to heal before they digest a new race.

Enjoy your holidays and we'll talk shop in March...for all you political junkies out there that need their fix, there is always Blaber's News and Commentary to keep you up to date.


  1. Anonymous12:19 AM

    If the blog is not authorized by Kevin Cahill or the Friends of Kevin Cahill...who did it?

    Who has a lot of free time on their hands:

    a.) Vincent Bradley, Jr.

    b.) Bruce Tuchman

    c.) Jeremy Blaber

    d.) None of the above?

  2. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Cahill was a Democrat 1 month after he was born. Hein was a Democrat 1 month AFTER the Democrats took over the Legislature. 'Nuff said.

    Haven't we had enough of these so-called Democrats who become a Democrat to suit their own personal agendas?

    I hope it is Kevin, but I will be looking at any other qualified Democrat that comes out.

    I want a REAL DEMOCRAT running Ulster County, not a pseudo, opportunity driven Democrat.

    I posted this over on Cahill's blog. If Hein had one, I would post it there too.

  3. Anonymous6:38 AM

    There is nothing in Cahill's "record of accomplishment" to suggest he is even remotely qualified to be County Executive.

  4. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Well it says that they're a group maybe Braldey, Tuchman and Blaber hsve teamed up and formed this website?

  5. Anonymous9:45 AM

    I don't think the Bradley folks are too happy with Cahill. He did support Sennett after all. I don't think it is them.

    I would say Hein is more likely to get those supporters than Cahill. He is the big golf club guy. Watch the money flow and you will see right away. If Hein has more then 10K by New Years, you know who is backers are.

  6. Anonymous10:13 AM

    I'd rather have Rich Cahill than Kevin.

  7. 8:59 AM : the answer is no, I hve not teamed up with anyone.

  8. Anonymous7:49 PM

    the Friends of Cahill wont allow anonymous posts ... yet wont identify themselves

    it is Cahill that is behind it

    and all he is.. is a Shelly Silver puppet

  9. Anonymous9:55 AM

    The site allows anonymous posts. What are you talking about? I have made one because I think Kevin is the choice we could make.

  10. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Hein was a Democrat 1 month AFTER the Democrats took over the Legislature. 'Nuff said.

    No different than Sennett.

  11. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Way different than Sennett - Sennett had been a Democrat when he moved up here from NYC, but when he registered to vote, he failed to check any box as to his enrollment. But, shame on him because he obviously never voted in a primary. Had he exercised his right to vote, he would've realized his error several years ago, vs. a couple of years ago. And, as another poster pointed out, at least Sennett was an NOP (as was Bradley); Hein was a Republican.

  12. Anonymous6:48 AM

    I suspect the "anonymous" sponsor of the blog is Tuchman, Tuchman and Cahill.

  13. Anonymous5:33 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. Anonymous7:03 PM

    I can assure is not Tuchman.

  15. Anonymous7:28 PM

    I see my name being bandied about quite a bit here. I guess when you have a set of balls and sign your comments, Unlike you Anonymous pussies who are big shots with no names. Just for the record this is my first post since election day and I have no interest in further comments. Blaber brought my attention to a punk post that he deleted.

  16. Anonymous11:39 PM

    I must say Tuchman does have balls. Why don't some of you leave your names.

  17. Anonymous11:43 PM

    Bruce, some of us anonymous pussies support you 100%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Clint Brown's Love Child #2

  18. Anonymous5:15 AM


  19. Anonymous8:20 AM

    It's too bad Bruce can't write a complete sentence: I guess when you have a set of balls and sign your comments, Unlike you Anonymous pussies who are big shots with no names. Huh???

  20. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Jeremy should consider not posting unless the name is attached. It would make the dialogue much more productive....Note that you do not see crazy posts on The Daily Freeman site.

    Tuchman, although I don't always agree with him, has the guts to sign.



  21. Anonymous9:10 AM

    george w bush has balls, too. Does that mean he's right? Or intelligent?

    I submit that tuchman has balls in much the same way bush has balls. Screaming, whining, lying, cheating and bullying his way through life.

    But never having an original nor intelligent thought on which to hang his hat.

    Go away bruce. Face it, you're completely irrelevant in County politics. Nobody cares what you think, except perhaps parete. And at this point, he is pretty much irrelevant, too.

  22. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Bruce dosen't want the pay cut and the bullshit from a bunch of misinformed knukle heads.


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