
Tuesday, November 13, 2007

In it to Win it : Hein Enters Race for Executive

Surrounded by family, friends and political allies Michael Hein has officially entered the race for Ulster County Executive, announcing outside the Ulster County court house. The election will take place in a little less than a year Hein has announced unusually early and there will certainly be competition in the next few months from Democrats and Republicans alike. One big relief for Hein is that Sottile is NOT running and apparently is supporting Hein.

There is a double edge sword with Hein's candidacy and that is that he has never run for public office before but that could be a good thing voters may not want a politician in that office but a business person that can lead the county from a buisness stand point, and that is Micheal Hein. Hein has worked successfully in the private and public sector most recently as County Administrator and even his harshest critics are forced to admit that he's done a hell of a job in that position. Hein in his current position has done everything one would want in an elected County Executive: open government, fiscally responsible budgets and accountability.

However, the 800 pound Gorilla in the back of the Ulster County court house that a lot of the local pols seemed to ignore today is will Kevin Cahill run? Cahill already has a group looking to recruit his candidacy (Draft Cahill) Kevin Cahill also has a large history of public service and leadership abilities and will certainly give Hein a run for his money and with his record can beat Hein. Cahill has strong ties to the community and to local labor. It will be interesting to see how this all plays out.

Note: This is not an endorsement of Hein, I think Hein is a worthy contender but it's premature in this stage of the game to support anyone. I urge people to wait and take a look at each candidate carefully before a commitment is made.


  1. Anonymous9:54 PM

    I fully support the candidacy of Mike Hein to be the first Ulster County Executive and its with eager anticipation that I look forward to his continued leadership!

  2. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Hein is a johnny come lately to the Democratic party. If we learned one lesson from the DA's race, it is that Democrats want Democrats. I am sorry to see this guy trying to force his way into this office so soon. it is going to backfire on him.

    Cahill is is teaching him a lesson right now. Hein makes his premature announcement and Cahill is getting more press. Way to go Mike!

  3. Anonymous1:27 PM

    That's great 9:54. Who are you?

  4. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Cahill has some set if the tries to exploit the johnny-come-lately issue. If Kevin was smart, he'll never bring up how long Hein has been a Democrat. Kevin's support of Bradley proves that that's not important to him, and we shouldn't judge someone by how long they've been enrolled in a party. What Bradley's supporters don't understand, is that it wasn't about how long Bradley (or any of the candidates) has been a Dem, it's that we knew Jon was the most-qualified candidate from the get-go. It was the Bradley supporters who insisted that we were all so superficial and shallow, that we dismissed Jr. on that basis. So, if the Bradley supporters don't mind someone just enrolling, they can't turn around and complain about Mike Hein.

  5. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Cahill is way too smart to bring make that an issue. He won't have to. There are many other Democrats who still feel that Hein is an opportunist regardless of what Bradley or anyone else said,did,says or does. They're right about that too. There is one big difference though, Bradley
    (and Sennett for that matter) were both Non Enrolled. Hein was a Republican.

    If the Republicans stayed in charge, Hein would still be in the party where his true fundemental beliefs reside. You don't change your moral, core beliefs at 40 years old.
    So you tell me, is he sincerely a Democrat or is he an opportunist?

  6. Anonymous6:56 PM

    I absolutely agree that Hein is an opportunist...but Bradley was too, and therein lies the potential for hypocrisy. I don't trust anyone who is a chameleon - changing colors to avoid their predators.

  7. Anonymous8:05 PM

    I don't think it matters what political party a County Exec is or was. The problem with this county is party politics gets in the way of the common good of the county. Look at what you have with a Democratic majority, more fighting than ever before. They appointed incompetent people because they supported the chair to become the chair. What have Rodriguez or Zimet done since they were made committee chairs. Blow grant money and miss opportunities for funding. So the bottom line is elect the best person, with the best vision for growth in ulster county. Elect someone who cares about this county more than their own career.

  8. Anonymous8:06 PM

    9:54 His leadership or Spada, Oliveri, and AAron Thats the question

  9. Anonymous6:15 AM

    8:06 You could not be more right! Why do I feel Deja Vu with Hein's announcement? Could we cut Hein out of the picture and paste a few other candidates in his place? Was Al Spada and crew sitting on a bench over at the Old Dutch Church watching in the background? Maybe on the 2nd floor office of the bank across the street?

    We do not need more of that. Next candidate please.

  10. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Who would Spada-Oliveri-Aaron put up? They wouldn't be behind Kevin. Which republican would they back? I agree with 8:05 (some of it, anyway, except where you trash Zimet and Rodriguez)- we can't risk electing an idiot because (s)he is popular and can raise the most money. That's the problem with a county exec - any idiot can run - there are no minimum qualifications other than a heartbeat.

  11. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Spada is behind Hein 110% so is Olerveri..they all golf together and are part of the Good Ol' Boy network.

  12. Anonymous8:13 PM

    to 5:17 - if you're sure about that, then I'll take your word for it - Hein has lost my vote, and I'm a committee-person. I'm not thrilled with Kevin either - can someone with some brains, ethics and integrity please come forward? If it's between Kevin and HeinSpadaOliveri, then I'll have to take Kevin. I don't want anyone in office who has any ties to those dirtbags.

  13. Anonymous10:02 PM

    If you want brains, they don't come much brighter than Kevin. Ask anyone that knows him well, he is as intelligent as they come. I am hard pressed to think of a better candidate in Ulster County right now. Sure there may be one, but they need to come forward. If not, I will choose Kevin without question.

  14. Anonymous10:07 PM

    We do not need another campaign with the candidate in Spada's pocket. He and his friends have to be the worst influence on Ulster County in 100 years. When will it end?

  15. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Hein is having fundraiser @ $75 a head 5 weeks after Election day.
    He is either retarded or he has some sugar daddy's just waiting to funnel the cash to make sure their boy starts off with the money advantage.

    This is text book Spada.


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