
Saturday, November 03, 2007

Councilman Craig Artist Endorses Woerner for Supervisor

Republican Town Councilman Craig Artist has endorsed Nick Woerner for town of Ulster Supervisor. This is significant because Woerner is a Democrat and Artist a republican and Ulster is a very Republican town. Mr. Artist is going out on a large limb in his support of Supervisor Woerner. That really speaks volumes to the leadership of Mr. Woerner.


  1. Anonymous8:42 PM

    It speaks bigger volumes for Councilman Craig - he's a turncoat.

  2. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Artist is a weasel and fits in good with Nickie.

  3. Anonymous11:36 PM

    If Nickie thought he could pick up a few votes or some cash, he would except an endorsement from Hitler.

  4. Anonymous1:13 AM

    Isn't that the same Mr Artist who got Nick to get his girlfriend a job, and got Nock to get Steve Aaron to give Artist the Lawn Doctor Contracts for some of his properties. Isn't that like "buying an Endorsement", so I guess that's one endorsement Republican or otherwise that a good, honest candidate could do without.
    Sorry Craig, but payback is a isn't it.

  5. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Artist is a turncoat who was probably paid off by Aaron for his vote on the Chambers project.

    Let's see where Lawn Doctor goes this spring. Anyone want to bet it is all the Birchez properties?

  6. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Lets not go to hard on Mr. Artist, Yes he has compromised his character and our trust, but keep focus on the real character here, It is Nicks tactics that corrupt, I'm sure he learned while working for Aaron, it is obvious he is still working for him or at the least paying him back, It is a shame, Nick once stood for some very fine qualities, his ideas for the future of the town might once have been genuine, he once had me convinced, but I'm sure the voices in his ear, the Aarons and Zwebens and, well just go down list of contibutors and you can get a clearer picture, these men I believe have Nick convinced he is being groomed for a higher calling, maybe State Assembly or even Congressman in DC, The problem is he is using the backs of the people of the Town of Ulster as a step stool to get there. His reasons might once have been altruistic, but when you sleep with dogs you get fleas and as we all know, Power Corrupts.......

  7. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Jeremy take Nick's advice stay out of it, you're killing him. Blind ambition=Nick, Blind Faith=Blabber.
    And both deaf to the issues of our Residents, You must be spending time at Callanan when they do all that blasting, It damages the hearing, just ask the people of East Kingston

  8. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Artist is a sell out and he should move out of town.

    He sold out (and lied to) his neighbors with the chambers project, and now he is selling out his own party.
    What a weak character this "man" has.

  9. Anonymous11:19 AM


    Cahill Denounces Group

    I STRONGLY denounce the use of an email I sent to 2 local newspapers by the people behind the Ulster Visions political newspaper that was distributed on Sunday November 4,2007 in the town of Ulster.

    I did not give permission for this to be used and vehemently oppose the use of the tactics used by this group.

    I stand by my comments on the length of term for the office of Supervisor. However, I will not sit idly by as my good name and reputation are carelessly damaged by a group of people who are not known to me for their own personal political gain.

    Brian B. Cahill (D - Ulster)

  10. Anonymous5:41 AM

    Our Boy Nicky is gonna win because he is the best candidate, and his opponent is from a party that supports the likes of Larry Craig R-Idaho and A republican judicial candidate not named John Parker from Hurley.

    The choice has never been clearer.

    For your family's sake, vote row A in Ulster.

    DK in the Town of Kingston

  11. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Not Hitler, but close. I see your old friend Yankee James is back.


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