
Saturday, November 03, 2007 is back!!! is back, thanks to Robb Kinnin of Netstep Internet services who was able to get my domain from MISK, who has held it hostage after I tried to switch companies almost a year ago. Please bookmark and I hope the blog is now easier to access.


  1. Anonymous11:12 PM

    Please let me shed some insight into Kingston's problem, and be the first post here!
    As a businessman and homeowner I am appauled that any tax paying citizen in this city would vote for another 4 years under these small minded fools!
    Our city is one step away from becoming a poverty stricken hell hole and these people are to blame!
    Every time you read about anything, the words low income are involved, why? I'll tell you....
    They have no vision, and it is easier to get state funded money, then it is to go solicit a business and create a deal to bring them here, when we have nothing to offer them.
    Our schools can't pass children, our stores in Kingston are all dollar stores, dirty or closing. Our restaurants are a joke (honestly, where could you take a visiting friend to dinner in this city, and impress them?) or dirty, and our politicians are the biggest bunch of small time kingstonians with no clue on how to get into the 21st century!
    We cant even build on our shores of the river, so passing boats can look and see what a nice city we are on the river( and be drawn in), because dutchess county tells us we cant, and we are afraid to tell them to kiss our a@@!
    Just imagine if we had a riverfront that was developed how many interested parties would want to be a part of that. No...we give them stink infested roundout area, food establishments that are mediocre at best and once a year a celebration that looks like a Jerry Springer convention, that ends in a shootout! I know I cant wait for the next one , how about you?
    Kingston is a small city and should be immaculate and bustling with life for what we pay in taxes, yet look around! This administration is to blame, not anyone running for office hoping to make change.
    If these people get back in power, in four years all of the followers will be living in assisted housing because thier jobs will be in jeopardy too!

  2. Anonymous5:10 PM

    First,it's "appalled", you're absolutely right about small-minded people turning Kingston into a hellhole. You as a businessperson need to push hard for the principle of putting smart people in power,not cronies. The whole split in the democratic party is about that solution. Sennett got the nomination due to his intelligent approach to the problems that face our county. Please vote for him. Whether you are a democrat or republican,the next election should be about putting smart,forward thinking individuals in positions of power. You wouldn't hire a fool for a position of responsibilty would you? Start vetting new candidates for office now. Look for the best and brightest in every place you do business. Encourage the young and the competent from all parties and walks of life to do what Sennett did this year. I don't care which party you do it for,it doesn't matter. Push for change and do it long before the template is reset. Start now,and be persistant. I make it my business to spend my dollars in Kingston to support growth in my county. I see what it could become. Get smart people and we will help. You're on to something,and I hope you succeed. Hint-when they say you're crazy,you're right on track. I think you'll need new candidates pretty soon if Sennett gets in. Some people will be deposed. All small-minded ones. Get a ready supply of thinkers. Run yourself.

  3. Anonymous7:40 PM

    11:12 you might want to read some comments from Joe Toscano on the woerner thread for some insight into why business is so tough in Kingston. Perfect "small mind" there on display. He actually wants to chase away commerce.

  4. Anonymous10:07 PM

    Insisting on smart development is not chasing away commerce, Unless you consider another Dunk'n Donuts the kind of commerce worth attracting, it seems that is all our Supervisor invisions for the future of the TOwn of Ulster. That and over developed residential projects without Positve Declarations under the Seqra process will continue to make the Town of Ulster the doormat of the County. By now it should be obvious to any intelligent individual it is possible, Dutchess County is attracting good busineess and insisting on smart development and getting both. You don't have to sell out the intersts of a towns residents to promote growth, but its the easy way, and let the next generation clean up our mess. That according to your "small mind" is the way to go, Please stay out of politics, our kids shouldn't have to pick up your crap. If a little more work generates a better product isn't it worth the effort. Oh of course if you insisted an outside investor cut his profit margin for the sake of smart development he might not be able to cut that campaign check!

  5. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Jeremy-what businesses are Quigley and Guido representing? I've seen that crappy restaurant "Guido's" is that him? I know that moron Toscano is a falure so I'm sure I won't be helping him,but I need to know who these other mal-contents are so they never see a penny from me. Thanks

  6. Anonymous9:05 AM

    I have contemplated running for office, but I believe that this city couldn't handle my choices or decisions.
    First of all, almost every politician would have to be voted out of office. I could not see my self working with some of the "visionaries" that hold office now.
    Can you imagine trying to convince this council that everything they are doing is wrong. They actually believe that Kingston is heading in the right direction.
    Second, the bleeding hearts would not like the fact that we would have to be more assertive in moving the homeless, low income and prisoners out of our city. It doesnt matter where they go, but the cant stay here!
    down with the current business Property taxes and tax breaks for any business that can come in and offer jobs that are in any industries, that aren't retail! Bring me a factory, studio,resort anything other than another dunkin donut!(good call Joe)
    Finally, police our streets and mean it!
    Write tickets to these loitering freeloaders and so called citizens that walk in front of us everday and demand that we stop and allow them hold up traffic.
    Note to all who are in charge: They do not run this society, but we sure let them think they do. Lock them up for a night or charge them a fine, and I promise tomorrow they will move thier asses a bit quicker, not stand around begging for money or pushing thier dope!
    How could anyone expect anything to change around here, when the people in charge cannot even do basic cleanup of our city streets. We can get contractors to rebuild the downtown area(because thats easy), but we cant have our hired police actually rid of streets of these problems?
    They couldnt handle me in charge, nor could I handle working with such simple small minded fools!
    BTW...Jeremy would hate me because I do not follow any political party lines!

  7. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Apathy is yours. You fear bringing change? If you think regressives that are paid hacks will help then you might as well resign yourself to failure. The beggars and pushers on the streets are the result of parasites that need them. Eliminate the scourge of Toscano's and they will also go. Get out and run for change. And don't hire hacks like Toscano to ruin your standing as a concerned business-person. New intellectual ideas stand free of party lines. Think,don't follow. Let a party follow you and not vice-versa.

  8. Anonymous6:39 PM

    What great coversation and ideas you have. Our leaders are indeed following a party, and the favors that they are paying back are crippling our county and city! That is the real issue when you look deep enough.
    After tomorrow I fear we will be sitting here stunned that people around here treated this election like a may king celebration. JIm will get re-elected because enough people think it is cool that have had a drink with the mayor. Not look and see that this administration had been the demise of this city!
    See how small we really are and how sheltered this community is, today's front page story isnt about an heated mayoral race tomorrow. it is a story about re ennacting another moment in history.
    I will be voting for Cahill simply hoping that he hasnt been bought yet and is ready to try to build something to be proud of. Not voting for someone who is turning a once nice city into the "History of a Ghetto" story!

  9. Anonymous9:16 PM

    He's a lush isn't he? I think Cahill is probably bought and paid for. The republicans have left their libertarian roots so far behind that their platforms reflect a kind of theocratic bent. It's time to recruit new people from outside the political families. The good thing is that Sennett is an outsider to your city and will really shake up the status-quo. Kingston needs it. I hope he wins for all of our sakes. He really took the democratic party here by the horns and forced a u-turn. I like leadership like that. I wish we had more like him.


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