
Friday, November 30, 2007

Dem Leadership Vote Moved to December 9th

Below is an e-mail that was forwarded to me be a person that will remain anonymous, it's an e-mail from Majority Whip Robert Parete informing people that the leadership vote has been moved to another date. Which is fine, Mr. Parete's position as Whip requires him to notify the Democratic caucus. However, in the e-mail it talks about proxy voting which I just found interesting and disturbing. In my opinion there should NOT be any proxy voting.

Don't shoot the messenger, this is not an attack on Robby Parete at all...simply an fyi on the issue of proxy voting.


Due to the impending weather forecast, the Leadership vote will not take place on Sunday, December 2, 2007. Instead, the Democratic Caucus will meet on Wednesday, December 5, 2007 to discuss leadership voting, and in particular, voting by proxy. Caucus will begin at 5:30PM sharp. This caucus will take place just prior to the annual budget vote. Only those members who are part of the 2008 Democratic Caucus will be allowed to cast a vote whether to allow voting by proxy the 2008 Leadership. This will be decided on Wednesday, but the Leadership vote will be scheduled for next Sunday, December 9, 2007 at 9:30AM at Democratic HQ on Fair Street in Kingston. As indicated in my previous email, the same agenda will apply. Please note the 2005 Leadership Vote occurred on November 21st, 2005. As always, feel free to contact me should you have any suggestions. Please respond to this email so I know you received it. I have asked Kathy Mihm to contact Legislator-Elect Decker.


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