
Friday, November 30, 2007

Here and There

Farewell to Joan Every, no, not the late Joan Every as Legislator Glenn Noonan referred to her in his Minority address a year ago. The very much alive Joan Every is retiring from the legislature with 20+ years of being elected..not 20+ years of service... It will be a benefit to all for this legislator to be shown the door, Mrs. Every is a prime example that being elected to the legislature is a popularity contest. No legislator has such a pitiful record of attendance than that of Legislator Every, or as she has come to be known by her peers as" Joanie Ducks." Mrs. Every earned that nickname due to the fact that she ducks from every meeting that has a controversial vote on the agenda. I guess as long as you show up to the pancake breakfasts and schmooze the seniors, it's enough to get elected. Mrs. Every even plans to skip the December legislative session the last meeting in which she will be a legislator... unreal.... I bet she'll show up afterward to pick up her last check.

I'm glad that the Republican that got elected in Every's legislative district was Laura Petit, I met Ms. Petit several times during the campaign trail and she will be a breath of fresh air for the legislature...someone that will be involved and dedicated to the county.

The city of Kingston's two Republican Alderman are fighting over which one will serve as the council's Minority Leader for 2008. Both Ron Polocco and Al Teetsil want the Minority post and GOP Chair Jean Jacobs refuses to step in and break the tie. In the end, smart money says Ron Polocco will take the post and that's not a bad thing. Teetsil has been another absent public official and in my opinion did not warrant reelection much less a leadership position.

And, finally it's good to see that both Shannon Schreibman ( Julian is prohibited because of his job) and Jon Sennett are staying involved in the local Democratic committee. Jon Sennett and Shannon Schreibman both attended the Dem Executive committee this past week. Sennett is staying active in his local committee and the Schreibman's have spearheaded an effort with Jay Mahler to start up the Ulster County Young Democrats. On the other hand Ulster County's hometown son, Vince Bradley Jr., is looking for a job all the way in Columbia county and has no interest in his community or anything else that does not directly focus on himself.


  1. Anonymous12:29 AM

    Al Teetsel is a closet Dem. And if he is not then he is just afraid of Jimmy Sottile.

    My vote for Minority Leader is Ron Polacco.

  2. Jean Jacobs has given her support to Al Teetsel.

  3. Anonymous1:57 AM

    I vote Clint Brown as a minority leader, for all of us minorities who will someday be the majority.

  4. Anonymous3:08 AM

    To 12;29am, your vote oh midnight cowboy, unless your name is Ron or Jean, doesn't count...

  5. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Al Teetsel should be the minority leader based on his tenure alone. Ron Polacco hasn't even been sworn in yet.

    And, it is ironic that Bradley is nowhere to be seen in the Democratic Committee's circles. Those of us who supported Schreibman or Sennett from the get-go could see that Bradley was just an opportunist. He proved that by continuing to run on the minor party lines. He has no concern for the committee or his community. Shame on his supporters for their poor character judgment. They either refused or were unable to see what Bratley was really about: Bratley. Just as his father said to Don Williams when Don refused to boot Nneji as Senior ADA and give it to Jr. (despite Sr.'s insistence), "you're done here politically in Ulster County". Buh-bye Bratley...good riddance.

  6. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Al Teetsel does nothing for the city or his ward, He is just to quiet, I vote for Ron.

  7. 9:36 AM: I agree that in most cases a leadership position should be based on tenure but Polacco has accomplished just as much as a lay person as Teetsel has in his 2 years as an Alderman. For people like me or others that would like to serve, Teetsel is a disgrace.

  8. Anonymous5:00 PM

    You probably won't post this but you can go to hell you arrogant fat piece of shit. Where do you get off calling Teetsel a disgrace. So you want to serve? Run a campaign and win a position like Al has done.

  9. If I ever did run and was given the privilege of being elected, I would do the job. Mr. Teetsel has been elected tiwce, second time without an opponent, and does nothing...we're lucky if he even shows up to a meeting at all.

    The sad truth is that I have a better attendence record to council meetings than Alderman Teetsel and I'm not even a member of the Common Council. The first ward deserves better.

  10. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Tiwce? His second term doesn't even start until January 2008. You have no idea what he may do or how effective he may or may not be in the next two years. How about giving him a chance? If not and you feel so strongly why don't you move into the first ward and run in two years. Also why not post the attendance record of all alderpersons so we can compare him with the others?

  11. I simply said that he was elected twice, I hope the second term is better then the first. As for me moving to the first Ward, I have no intrest in doing such a thing.

    I don't know what every person's attendence record is, but I do know that Mr. Teetsel has missed more then any other elected Alderman in the city.

  12. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Which GOP member was arrested
    for DWI?

  13. Anonymous10:45 PM

    Jeremy, for your next poll you should ask who should be next chair, vice chair, secretary and treasurer of UC Dem Comm, once that loser parody is gone...
    PS I am not surprised bratley is not around at all... I heard he went to Europe on election night? He slunck right off...Is he STILL not working? It must be nice... what a friggin lazy loser...can't wait to see his final report on how much he spent in total to come in distant third. Worst. Loser. Candidate. Ever.

  14. Anonymous5:53 AM

    Peter Kraft part of the Parete, parete, kraft firm in Kingston( that is when he shows up) OH I FORGOT HE IS A DEM

  15. Anonymous8:53 AM


    If you are representative of the people who are against Jon Parete, God help us.

    You can't spell. You are harboring terrible resentment. Your opinion is centered on one person who is not even on the Executive Committee.

    In short, you sound like a Goddamned idiot.

  16. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Yes, it would be interesting to compare how much Bratley spent on each vote vs. Sennett and Carnright. I bet he spent the most (and got the least).

  17. Anonymous1:06 PM


    Lat time I checked you were a Democrat... We want to hear about
    we have a Primary in Febuary. Most of your readers could care less about Joan Every a Old Banker
    and a want to be Thespian

  18. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Ron Pollaco has doen more as a lay person? What has he done? You make blanket statements as if you are in the know, but have no information. From what I understand, he is a struggling actor that did nothing prior to this. What experience is he bringing to the council and what leadership has he shown that you would annoint him to any position before he has even been sworn in and taken one vote. If you dislike Teetsel so much, you, as a committee person, should of found someone to run against him.

  19. Pollaco has done nothing same as Teetsel....believe me I tried to get someone to run.

  20. Anonymous5:09 PM

    What about the thesbian that lives at home and does not work?

  21. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Polacco got off his ass & campaigned which is more than Teetsel did this time or last for that matter. Teetsel was & still is at heart a democrat. You can't change a leopard's spots. Yet another lackey for Sottile.

  22. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Well Sylvia.........

    If I did not have a full time job and I could stay and home at sleep
    all day and not pay taxes I could
    work my ass of to get elected.

    Let's face it Polacco is a bum
    that should be hard at work at the a cement plant.


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