
Saturday, November 03, 2007

Freeman Endorses Sottile for Mayor

Congratulations to the Mayor on this endorsement. Jim Sottile deserves the support of Kingston voters this Tuesday.


  1. Anonymous2:15 AM

    Jim, this is not the best thing that could happen to you. Please read Ira Fusfalds blog. This is a real misguided missile. He quotes Hyman Roth from the Godfather movie. When we are seeking wisdom from fictional mob bosses of the 50's, will the WIT AND WISDOM OF TONY SOPRANO be far behind...smitty

  2. Anonymous4:25 AM

    How can the Daily Freeman condemn Judge Gilpatric for his actions on the job and not our mayor. He has been involved with a number of scandals including the Mariners problem, the computer scandal, not showing up for debates, etc. Granted our mayor cares about our city, but refuses to bring honor to its highest office. At least our Judge can admit his problems. I wish our Mayor the best, but eventuall he will be in an elecion and not a poplarity contest.

  3. Anonymous4:58 AM

    Because of his effective leadership Mayor Sottile has earned the endorsement of The Daily Freeman and the Kingston Times. He also has earned my vote to return to office.

    I'm proud of Mayor Sottile and look forward with great anticipation not only to what will his overwhelming victory on Tuesday but to a bright new future for our city!!

  4. Anonymous7:05 AM

    "Richard Cahill Jr., 36, is difficult to take terribly seriously. Now completing his first term as an alderman, the Republican lacks the governing experience and leadership qualities needed to be a credible candidate for running the city." - excerpt from editorial

  5. Anonymous7:11 AM


  6. Anonymous8:17 AM

    If the mayor getting the Freeman's endorsement qualifies as being newsworthy wouldn't fair and balanced reporting dictate that every candidate who gets endorsed be mentioned somewhere? Congratulations to J. Michael Bruhn Jr. on his success in this endeavor, on the campaign he has run and and good luck to him on Tuesday, November 6th.

  7. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Please, if that was an endorsment, I wouldn't want it. It was like Mother Mary Marshmellow telling me I could come back to St. Cosmos as long as I underwent a complete personality change...Good luck with that one Jim.And you thought KPA was a pain in the ass...smitty

  8. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Mayor Sottile's "invisability" is what bothers me. It reminds me of the "Wizard of Oz" where the man behind the curtain wasn't very impressive after all...

    I've always voted Democrat...

    It hurts me NOT to vote Democrat...

    But what I have seen from Richard Cahill is...

    Visability and open-ness.
    And a HEART.

    Will Richard Cahill turn into a muppet-less hairy mean wildabeast if and when he does get elected?

    I don't know.

    But chances are, from what I've seen so far, we will at least get to see the wiskers sprouting out of his nose, the fangs growing, the sneer developing, and the eyes bugging out (lol)- IF that should be the case.

    We need VISABILITY and ACCOUNTABILITY in government folks!

    NOT deceptive pseudo-wizards from behind the curtains of some children's movie --- OR scenes (remember this one?) from "Dark Shadows."

  9. Anonymous10:16 AM

    You people are unbelievable. HAve any of you actually ventured out of Kingston?
    There is a great big world and most cities do it right, and their leaders are people of honor and integrity, that have a vision.
    You all run to follow someone who thinks being a bartender, barfly and norrow minded bully, is the right choice?
    It's no wonder he is going to be re-eleceted Tuesday when he has all of you simpletons waiting for election day, so you can tell someone that you know the mayor in your little town.
    Get a life!

  10. Anonymous10:26 AM

    While the Freeman endorsements haven't been very positive in nature---it's obvious that they've chosen the best candidates thus far with their picks for city judge and mayor

  11. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Wasn't much of an endorsement. It sounded more like an apology for supporting him. A completely left handed endorsement and hypocritical considering what they said about Gilpatric.

  12. Anonymous10:47 AM

    The Kingston Times reporter is quite to new to the scene and clearly has not seen or heard first account of Sottile's antics.

    Endorsements like what Sottile got is just what he needs for his ego!

    Minds have been made up for weeks. People either vote or dont and if they do vote they know already who they are voting for.

  13. Anonymous4:03 PM

    I am sure the Freeman endorsement was a shock: After they downplayed the Mariner's incident, a step short of blatantly ignoring it. Refused to print the "ticket fixing" incident, despite overwhelming evidence that it was real. You know, there was another candidate for Mayor that the Freeman did not endorse either. He was also in his 30's, and he was running against John Amarello. They said he was a political newcomer who did not have enough experience or leadership skills. He's buried in St. Mary's Cemetery, having died way too young. I am sure you don't have to be smarter than a 5th grader to know who it is. I'm a life-long Democrat but that "D" next to my name does not stand for dumb.

  14. Anonymous1:29 AM

    Clarification, our method of determining endorsments. Call accounts payable,total up the ad numbers, then make the endorsments. It's the way it is folks...

  15. Anonymous6:07 AM

    Shut up your fucking whining, go in the booth on Tuesday and vote for Sottile.


  16. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Hey Wahid...I'm going to the booth and voting for Cahill...I can't vote for someone who thinks Bradley is great.

  17. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Good point 10:32. It was more of an apology, saying well, he was weak here, and weak there, has lots of problems, but we still support him. Sounds just like the opinions of the Sottile fan club.

    BTW, using Rich's age as a reason, could be a case of age discrimination.

  18. Anonymous8:57 PM

    TR Gallo was only 31 when he was elected. I'm not saying Cahill is TR, but I am saying that age should not be a factor.

  19. Anonymous5:56 AM

    To the Anonymous Cahill voter:

    Mister Bradley and Mayor Sottile are two different people running for 2 very different positions. All you have to do to make Mister Bradley eat camel dung is to vote for Mister Sennett like I will on Tuesday.

    You really must think twice before voting for an unqualified candidate like Mister Cahill simply because of the Mayor's misguided support for Mister Bradley.

    Assalaam Alaikum,


  20. Anonymous8:59 AM

    I disagree. Cahill is certainly qualified. What qualifications did Gallo have when he was elected? He was just an Alderman, nothing else. Why was he qualified but Cahill not? The only difference is one was a Democrat and the other a Republican.

    If Cahill was a democrat, you'd be singing his praises.


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