
Thursday, November 01, 2007


Vincent Bradley Jr. sent out a really nasty piece of literature that among other things tries to solicit votes by using his late pathetic. The letter pretty much calls Jon Sennett a liar and takes a series of quotes made in local publications that are not only untrue but taken completely out of context. Vincent Bradley needs to remember that he's running for district attorney, the most powerful law enforcement position in the county, not class president. The ad is a sign of desperation from a desperate candidate and voters should be appalled but not surprised by Mr. Bradley's actions.

In the ad, Mr. Bradley talks about electing a candidate with integrity but in the same breath he shows us that he posses absolutely none. The people deserve a d.a. that they can trust and Mr.Bradley presenting forth a series of lies will not sit well with voters next week.

BTW- There also is a letter going around from the Tuchman's that also is full of lies and propaganda. There is also a note on the bottom where it looks as if Tom Hoffey is endorsing the letter..this is not the case. For those of you who have gotten the letter from the Tuchman's please note that Tom Hoffey strongly supports Jonathan Sennett for district attorney.

Mr. Hoffey's response

Just to clear up any misinpression that could be read into your letter. I am strongly backing John Sennett, the Democratic Candidate for Ulster County District Attorney.

For the nine years I served as Chairman, I presided over the county nominating conventions, petitioning process and campaigns. I supported the candidates...all the candidates nominated by the Ulster County Democratic Committee. I expected committee members, representing their election districts, to do the same.

I think John Sennett has brought an intellectual strength to this campaign that makes me enthusiastic in supporting his candidacy for Ulster County District Attorney. I am disappointed that you would use my name, even as a reference point, in your support of a Conservative candidate. Please correct this error.



  1. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Dadly & friends are getting so desperate, I can smell their sweat from here!! The negative ads were really sad... Now this? How could this guy live with himself, he is taking all these people down with him...
    DADLY, give it up. Election Day is going to be the longest day of your life...

  2. Anonymous8:13 PM

    I thought Vince Bradley's mailing was a devestating blow to Jon Sennett. The truth certainly hurts Jon but it's good for the public to know what kind of guy he is.

    As for Hoffay, how many county wide races did Democrats win while he was chair? Hinchey, Cahill, and Kirschner do not count. They were first elected before Tom Hoffay came on board as chair.

    The race is over for Jon. Everything points to a Holly vs. Vince nailbiter. Sennett may end up costing Democrats DA race this year.

  3. Anonymous8:18 PM

    The offensive mailer also states that he is a registered Democrat. Is this the truth?

    Bradleys whole campaign has been about his families' legacy and he is owed the office of district attorney. I don't want the county's law enforcement led by this putz.

    The Tuchman's are out of their minds. A candidate on paper is not the same as a candidate in front of a group.

    Let's unplug ourselves from the good old boys network right now.

  4. Anonymous9:35 PM

    People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Vince, stop the madness.

  5. Anonymous10:59 PM

    8:13, Listen Rian, you're insane, find someone to talk you and your severely outclassed brother in off the ledge...
    What part about the mailing hurts Sennett? The part where Dadly lies about endorsements from the Warwarsing and Ulster Dem committees? Cause that LIE, my friend, is going to bite your bald comprade in the ass...
    Have fun on 11/6, and don't say we didn't warn you...

  6. Anonymous12:18 AM

    The letter from Michelle Tuchman was accurate. Only a moron would think that it implied an endorsement from Hoffay or Parete. It simply illustrated that Michelle was the vice chair under the current and past chair and no more.

  7. Anonymous5:28 AM

    Bradley also claims endorsements by Town and City Committees that were made BEFORE he lost the nomination.

    To act as if the committees were still officially endorsing him is misleading and disingenuous

    By the way Vince Jr. ...
    you overestimate your father's popularity.

  8. Anonymous8:20 AM

    As the Chair of the Good Ol' Boys Network, I don't see what all the fuss is about?

    Al S.

  9. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Sounds like the Sennett people dont like the truth. They also dont like to play hardball when it comes to politics.You certainly are giving yourselves alot of excuses and thing to cry about when you lose. At this point your tryng not to lose vs trying to win!

  10. Anonymous11:09 AM

    The race is between Sennett and Carnright. Bradley is a non-factor.

    To disparage Tom Hoffay, a true Democrat, is the height of hypocrisy. No writer should use another person's name without their permission. We are still waiting for Ms. Tuchman's clarification that Tom requested indicating that he is an ardent Sennett supporter. According to previous posts, Ms. Tuchman had left the Democratic Party for a time, so I guess she is not a life time member.

  11. Anonymous11:25 AM

    The fuss is about a lackluster candidate who politicos tried to force down the throat of voters.

    The real candidate with the skills needed to improve the office of district attorney has gotten the short shrift from county Democratic leaders.

    In fact, they have worked against the nominated candidate.

    Democratic party leaders have poisoned their own well. Hopefully, voters will see this situation for what it is...despicable.

  12. Anonymous2:00 PM

    9:44-you "dont" have much of an education. You need to learn what an apostrophe is. Also, you're persistent mixing of singular and plural indicates that you have not finished elementary school. Isn't school required until age 16?Bradley and company will be the only ones crying next week. You can take that one to the bank.

  13. Anonymous2:19 PM

    bruce said of his lying wife: "Only a moron would think that it implied an endorsement from Hoffay or Parete. "

    That's the point. She thinks the voters are morons (like her) and would fall for such a blatant misuse of a good Democratic name. Fortunately, the vast majority of voters are smarter than both of you.

  14. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Tuchman is a toochas.

  15. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Using Bradly's family of the Bush twins must be given the office of the president in 2016.

    Who cares about the family. It is the qualifications of the candidate. Bradley looks good on paper, but it all falls apart when you meet him and realize he is a weak candidate.

    When BRadley loses, will he call for a recall vote three times and call the voters and the process illegitimate?

  16. Anonymous7:42 PM

    How did the Tuchman's get a hold of so many of our emails?

    Why is no one questioning their misuse of private information for propagandist purposes?

    Who gave them everyone's email?

  17. Anonymous9:29 PM

    RNC spies again.

  18. Anonymous11:38 PM

    Sadly, 9:29, I think someone with access to the Dem committee list gave it out, first to Mr. then to Mrs. T. That was a very sleazy act.

    However, no one cares why they are so desperate, they have no influence. They will LOSE, maybe more than just an election--but no one cares.

    The voters care only about getting a bright, aggressive, vigorous District Attorney in to shake up law enforcement and investigate the Jail.

    Where's the money? That's what the voters want to know!

  19. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Bruce - you're obviously the moron who doesn't understand that there is a difference in the two prepositions "with" and "under". Your idiotic wife used the term "with", implying, of course, that Parete and Hoffay co-signed the letter. You twist it around and now use the word "under", which is more accurate and then you denigrate others. And if Michele had half a brain, why didn't she simply state the years that she was deputy chair instead of name-dropping? The misleading closing of the letter was intentional, otherwise she wouldn't have put their names on at all.

  20. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Re letter from Michelle. She actually did write the letter with "under" and I changed it to "with". It just didn't sound right with "under". My mistake in choice of words. I never run from my comments or statements in print. But I do wish those who write negative comments would actually sign them.

  21. Anonymous11:04 PM

    I am fed up with you idiots. Personal attacks, lies and trying to destroy the party many of us have spent our lives trying to help build in this county and country.
    The Tuchman's are decent people, so are Tom Hoffay and John Parete. It seems that the only people with problems are named "anonymous". Jeremy needs to put a stop to this.

  22. Anonymous11:29 PM

    Bruce - I don't post my name because I'm more important than you and therefore have more to lose.

  23. Anonymous1:58 AM

    You may not like what Tuchman says but at least he has the you know what to put his name on them. BD

  24. Anonymous8:26 AM

    I do give credit to Bruce for putting his name on his posts...he does have more you-know-what than I do. But, who's TJ Derella? What has he done for the Democratic party that he says "many of us have spent our lives trying to help build..."? I've been on the committee for a couple of decades and have never heard of him. Which town (or city?) committee are you on TJ? Do you help build the Democratic party with the Conservative candidate's signs on the lawn of your business? You must mean that you've been trying to build the Conservative party, because you certainly aren't a Democrat. Real Democrats don't publicly support the Conservative candidate just because of you're a friend or relative of his or his family. Real Democrats support the party's nominee - what you do in the voting booth is your business.

  25. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Names aren't important,ideas are.

  26. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Derella worked hard to elect Bill Clinton twice.

  27. Anonymous7:59 AM

    What did Derella do? He doesn't do anything locally.


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