
Thursday, November 01, 2007


The New York State Fraternal Order of Police, the oldest and largest association of law enforcement professionals with over 20,000 statewide, has endorsed Jonathan Sennett for Ulster County District Attorney."As police professionals who most experience and witness the trauma and effects of criminal behavior upon our fellow citizens, we understand, all too well, the significance of dedicated public servants as you who possess the courage and compassion to promote the confidence in our government and courts," said Charles J. Caputo, president of the New York State Fraternal Order of Police Empire State Lodge.

"This endorsement is proof that members of law enforcement agree with my stance on tough prosecution. Drug dealers, gang members and anyone who commits violent, offensive or criminal acts against another person in Ulster County will face tough and appropriate prosecution," said Sennett, the Democratic and Working Families candidate.


  1. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Thank you Mr. Caputo for your organization's support. We need to solve serious crime issues with serious crime strategies that work for the betterment of our society. I'm truly grateful for your endorsement of Mr. Sennett,and I'm confident that your members will get the support for their efforts in our county with Mr. Sennett in this position.

  2. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Bradley also claims endorsements by Town and City Committees that were made BEFORE he lost the nomination.

    To act as if the committees were still officially endorsing him is misleading and disingenuous

    By the way Vince Jr. ...
    you overestimate your father's popularity.

  3. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Congratulations, DA Sennett!! You will beat those "good ole boys" yet!!

  4. Anonymous8:18 AM

    FOP won't get my check next year.

    Saddened Bradley-Backer

  5. Anonymous8:59 AM

    This is just the leadership, Mr Caputo and a few others, choosing the party. No self respecting on the street beat police officer would support the liberal stances Sennett has for drug crimes.

  6. Anonymous9:10 AM

    This organizations does not have any members in Ulster County-throughout the rest of the state yes-our county is a no go!

  7. Anonymous10:04 AM

    They'll get a check from me. I'm sure we'll cover your insignificant loss.

  8. Anonymous2:09 PM

    9:10-"this organizations does" is pathetic! You need remedial english. I guess 8:18 "saddened Bradley-backer" wasn't a member anyway? More lies from the Bradleys. You people are going to be publicly humiliated. An institution of higher learning actually lets a Bradley teach?

  9. Anonymous2:23 PM

    You are such a coward!
    Wouldnt post my comment Jimmy sending you packing?
    Maybe now you see what a bunch of fools your democrats in Kingston are.
    Maybe the republicans arent the answer, but stand up let people know how they treated you after all of you ass kissing.

  10. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Can we talk about the stances on drug crimes please??
    Lets clarify a few things for the idiot morons out there that claim to be intelligent enough to cast a vote.

    Jonathan Stands that:
    there are WORSE crimes than marijuana related crimes...
    For EXAMPLE:

    Let me tell you a few things about the reality of life...
    ALL the ABOVE MENTIONED ARE IN FACT more SERIOUS than any crime related to Marijuana.
    You have never seen someone smash into a tree, or run someone over because they were on marijuana, you see people (from Vince's functions none the less) who have had too much to drink then think it is acceptable to get behind a car and drive do it.

    You think that it is OK because YOU do it, its ok for alcoholics to kill our friends, family husbands, daughters, sons, brothers, sisters because they were drunk? No Its NOT ok, People who Do THIS should be arrested and thrown in jail, not the little stoney boys in college that are just trying to enjoy their friday night. HOW is that ANY Different than drinking....
    well the answer is its NOT, the ONLY difference IS that NO ONE WILL BE KILLED BY THE stoney boys, but we ALL have to worry about the frat boys who have been at happy hour a little too long.

    Sennett weighs the situations and understands that there is only so much time in a day, and only so much that can be done and done effectively. Dont you dare sit there because you are set in your ways and think its "Wrong" just because everyone else does.

    and if for ANY Reason ANY of you out there think that THESE ISSUES should be LESS IMPORTANT than issues related to marijuana, then you are absolutely PSYCHOTIC...
    THESE are the REAL problems that SHOULD be addressed, not petty things because you don't want to see that ULSTER COUNTY is full of Pedophiles lurking around your son or daughters school.

    If you would prefer that your daughter be raped than to be offered to smoke marijuana you are sick in the head and belong behind bars yourself.

    Find a issue With Sennett thats even REMOTELY valid, and then leave another comment, and we'll talk, until then, keep your ignorant comments to yourselves, and go right on ahead and be one of the 20 votes that Bradley is gunna get.

  11. Anonymous6:04 PM

    3:02 --- YEAH!

  12. Anonymous6:14 PM

    You forgot beating your kids as Dobson recommends. There's evidence that beatings are to blame for that portion of the brain that conservatives lack responsible for determining right from wrong. Kids who are beaten grow up to beat their wives and kids. I think that's more important than kids expanding their minds to become political geniuses.

  13. Anonymous7:58 PM

    To 3:02 Thank you for your powerful comments and your passion. These are the real crime issues in our community .

    What you stated, along with the 43mill WHITE COLLAR fiasco could keep 3 DA's busy for the next ten years....Thanks

  14. Anonymous9:51 AM

    What is this the elks lodge of ex-police officers....please. Who cares. They cannot have even looked at his stances. This guy not only did not get a local police angency endorsement....he didn't even get a vote.

  15. Anonymous12:13 AM

    302, it's also wrong to smoke dope and for illegal invading mexican scum to drive cars in NY. But people like you know that once they get that driver's license, then it's "Vote for Sennett", Si! Pathetic. You are giving your country away, and this DA's race is just one piece in the puzzle.

    Fight for America, vote for either Carnright or Bradley.

    Paid for by the Committee to elect REAL Americans.

  16. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Freeman endorses Carnright.

  17. Anonymous11:16 AM

    hey 12:13 - Sennett doesn't write or pass laws - go back to school and learn the three branches of government. Smoking dope is not the worst thing that happens in this county - getting ripped off by straight Republicans to the tune of over $40 million along with their double-digit tax increase is far worse. I'll take pot over the Republicans any day. As far as Mexican scum, there are 13 other states that give licenses to illegals - statistics show that when people drive without a license, they're 5 times more likely to be in an accident. The driver's illegality isn't the issue; it's the fact that they're getting behind the wheel without any education or training. If they know they can get a license, they'll be safer drivers and we can keep track of [some of] them. There will still be illegals who won't get a license, but for those who do, they have to get their permit, take the 5-hour course, and take the road test. They'll be better drivers for it and you and I will be safer.


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