
Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Blaber's News and Commentary Now Listed with Poughkeepsie Journal

Today is the first day that Blaber's News and Commentary is being listed with the Poughkeepsie Journal. I'd like to take this opportunity to welcome new readers that may be reading my blog for the first time.

This blog offers a variety of information on local issues in Ulster County and beyond. Some of the stories that you will find are news based and others are simply my commentary on the issues that I feel are important to the readers of this blog. During the next few weeks there will be several updates to the blog, including interviews with local politicians and more frequent use of the new audio blogs, that I launched a few weeks back.

I look forward to this new exciting venture and I hope that you will too. Please participate in the discussions and offer your own opinions by using our comment area. To the regular readers of my blog, I encourage you to check out the other blogs on the Poughkeepsie Journal as well. The Blaber's News and Commentary year in review will be updated shortly with a glimpse into what 2008 will bring...a must read.


  1. Anonymous10:00 PM

    Not much reading on those other blogs. No wonder they wanted yours on their list. Yours has a pulse.

  2. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Yea, A pulse about lies.

  3. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Yea lies? Did you mean yeah, lies? What lies? A see some mental midgets lying here,but not Jeremy. Perhaps your imaginary world conflicts with reality and you strike out by denouncing it as lies?

  4. Anonymous10:05 PM

    A good pulse, indeed. 2:22 please tell us all where to find the truth. You seem to present yourself as enlightened.

  5. Anonymous7:38 AM

    I'm willing to bet 2:22 watches Faux news and listens to Rush the dope addict.

  6. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Who cares about someone's television and radio preferences? Since you guys seem to be able to quote Limbaugh and Fox News at will, I must conclude that you watch as well.

  7. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Ira has a very stimulating post on his blog. More people are going to the movies on Christmas. Is that the best he can do?

    No wonder there are no new ideas coming out of the paper.

  8. Anonymous9:40 AM

    A see? Did you mean I see?

  9. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Fusfeld is exactly what is wrong with the Freeman. He is a slave to the corporate master. Despite his pontificating on NPR, he will always bend to them. Sell, Sell, Sell! He is earning a living first, being a "journalist" second. So are the rest of the Freeman staff.

    I defy anyone to dispute that thy are anything other than that. There is no integrity at the Freeman. From Reynolds to Adamis to Kirby to Fusfeld.

  10. Anonymous2:04 PM

    I see,thanks. Typo. In 2:22's case I was wondering if it was "yea" as in hooray, or yeah. And I've never quoted either Faux news or the dope addict. Both of those media outlets are too idiotic to tune into.

  11. Anonymous4:28 PM

    202-You're right,that publication should be restricted to tabloid format.

  12. Congratulations Jeremy! I can't think of anyone who deserves it more than you do! *thumbs up*

    GREAT BLOG! Keep up the good work!

  13. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Yeah,but does the Poughkeepsie Journal deserve Jeremy? Aside from the hard-nosed Albany watch blog that has no posters,the other ones are just fluff. Reading through some of them,you see immediately how self-absorbed they are. Shameless self promotion by weak-minded losers. No,I'm not buying the CD. After reading that guy,I don't want to hear the music even! Jeremy has the right approach here. The Journal would do well to take notice of his methods.


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