
Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Please Join Justice Ceresia

Justice Ceresia is being sworn in for another term as a Supreme Court Justice, he's a good guy and I'm glad to have met him during the 2007 election. Details for his swearing in ceremony are below.

Please Join:

Hon. George B. Ceresia Jr.
for the ceremony of the administration of oath as Justice of the State Supreme Court of the State of New York.

When : Friday, December 28th at 12 noon

Where : Rensselaer County Court House

Congress and Second Streets

Troy, NY

A reception will immediately follow.


  1. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Thank you for the information, I'm just amazed at some of the rediculous rituals that go on in the political world. Then they happen at 12 noon on Friday , I guess to accomodate us working stiffs, as if any of us are that interested in them or they in us.

    Now top it off with a reception following. What are they doing, marrying their position? Renewing their vows to Justice? It doesn't merit the usual belly laugh but at least it got a good old fashion smirk out of me. Thanks Jeremy and I hope you have a good time...smitty

  2. Anonymous12:58 PM

    There are some people who are grateful that the ceremonies are held at lunchtime so we "working stiffs" can attend. Those of us who work with Judge Ceresia are happy to celebrate his success. I believe you should pay more attention to your spelling and grammar if you intend to insult those of us who understand the workings of the political machines.

  3. Anonymous11:41 PM

    Those of you who understand the political machine should be half as concerned with morals and ethics as us working stiffs are with spelling and grammer, and don't forget we pay your salary, you don't pay ours...smitty

  4. Anonymous12:05 AM

    Did you know, most of the intelligent people in life don't get hung up on spelling or grammer? Check it out in "A Thousand Pieces of Puzzling Knowledge"at your library.

  5. Anonymous3:34 AM

    If a lawyer , member of the nitpicking police, low level grammar bureaucrat got insulted or tweaked then th spelling was just fine. THANKS.

  6. Anonymous3:43 PM

    I understand the Kingston schools are getting a new Montessori make-over. I hope it helps improve the neighborhood. And spelling errors that make the meaning ambiguous are definitely an issue with intellectuals. I don't think "rediculous" falls into that category. There are much more serious things to worry about.


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