
Sunday, December 23, 2007

Parete and Cahill Top Polls

Rich Parete pulled out a close win in a recent poll for Comptroller and readers felt that Brian Cahill should be his brother's replacement in the NYS Assembly's 101st district. Now, again, the polls are just for fun and they're hardly scientific. One thing for sure is, that the race for the Assembly in the event that Cahill is our County Executive, will be a heated one.

The last few polls have dealt with four or five candidates for one position...let's narrow the feild and see who comes out on top in head to head primary match-ups. As well as a fantasy general election...see our new polls for details.


  1. Anonymous11:47 PM

    Blaber, why don't you have Spada and Hinchey's chosen one in the list for Assembly Candidates? Woerner should primary Kevin Cahill. He is more conservative then anyone that you had listed. Come on Brian Cahill is even more of a idot than his brother.

  2. Anonymous11:50 PM

    Blaber your polls are bull. I am on your site right now and I know you voted for Cahill against Benjamin, Cahill against Hein and Benjamin against Hein.

  3. I almost never participate in my own polls. However, I know that you voted for Hein over Cahill,Hein over Benjamin, and Benjamin over Cahill.

  4. Anonymous7:07 AM

    I would like to do a write in for
    Clint Brown

  5. Anonymous8:07 AM

    11:47, You are in error on three fronts.

    1st, Bradley is done in this county.

    2nd, Woerner couldn't shine Kevin Cahill's shoes, carry his jock strap, or even pour his beer.

    3rd, Brian Cahill is very sharp and is one of the few legislators who sees the big picture right away.

    You may not like the Cahill's, but a lot of people do. Especially those of us who have actually worked with them.

  6. Anonymous10:05 AM

    I guess you wrote me out. My political career is over before it started.

  7. Bill:

    You had a good showing and should really consider seeking the nomination. Don't base your descions on a Blaber Poll.

    - Jeremy

  8. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Who's Bill Berardi? So far he's got no negatives.

  9. Anonymous3:05 PM

    I voted for Bill Berardi. He is my man. He will not take any flak from anyone...most of all the ignorant fools who regularly download onto this blog. Bill shut that very lucrative accounting practice and enter the thankless and shameful world of Ulster County public service where you can have people, including Blaber, make up nasty ridiculous things about you and write them on blogs and into letters to the editor signed by anonymous people. By the time you are done, you will not even recognize yourself. Best of luck.

  10. Anonymous12:14 AM

    Do you mean flack? You don't download a blog.

    Anyone who shuts down a profitable CPA practice to become a part time legislator is either a fool or not being honest about the success of the practice.

    On another note, the faster the Parete family is shunned from Ulster County politics the better we will all be.

  11. 305PM is full of misinformation.

    Bill Berardi is currently a CPA and does run a very lucrative buisness. However, he is NOT a county legislator that would be his cousin. But, according to Mr. 3:05, I'm the ignorant one.

    BTW- I have nothing but the utmost respect for Mike, the legislator, and only 'attacked' him once, when he was considering a primary against Nick Woerner for Ulster Supervisor.

  12. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Why shun the parete's? They are the few who know what it takes to be successful. Plus they do well in tough anti-democrat areas. When the parete's go so will the democratic victories.

  13. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Parete's do well in anti-democratic areas because they're anti-democratic. They lost this past election for democrats and have no future as democratic candidates. Unless they flip to their chosen side,the republican side,this county is doomed. Parete is a bad name here now. Synonymous with treason. The more I hear of Bill Berardi,the more I like. He sounds like an intelligent choice for comptroller. It's time we put the most intelligent candidates up front.

  14. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Jeremy this is Mr. 3:05 and where did I call Berardi a legislator? This is exactly what I am talking about you are inaccurate and make things up as you go. You have as much chance of Berardi shutting that practice and running as you do of seeing God. And I never said you attacked Bill Berardi. I said you would along with your little ignorant buddies. Trust me,I know him well and he is smarter than that. That is the problem, he is probably the best, most qualified, person for the job. You are right about that. But why would he or any other qualified sucessful individual deal with the crap from the extremists that seem to yell the loudest and make things up as they attack the candidate who does not promote their little personal agendas, and you are without question included in that group.


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