
Saturday, January 12, 2008

Alderman Teetsel Flip Flops Positions

Alderman Teetsel flip flops on his positions regarding whether or not the City should of paid for Mayor Sottile's boots. On Thursday, Teetsel appeared on KCR and told a caller that he was against the Mayor receiving a pair of boots. That same day in the Kingston Times, Teetsel is quoted as saying that he is in favor of Sottile getting boots because he goes to different areas of Kingston during snow storms.
Alderman Teetsel than went on to attack the Mayor's secretary, who never even received a pair of boots but that's neither here nor there.

Well, Alderman, which is it, are you for it or against it?


  1. Anonymous12:41 PM

    If you haven't learned by now...all politicians speak out of both sides of their mouths...that's nothing new.

  2. Anonymous6:54 PM

    This goes to show how stupid these alderman sre. The only one who would of voted against it would be Mr. walker,and Mr.cahill, because they know it's wrong.

  3. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Jeremy - I am leaving the blogger world - but I want to thank you for doing this. It sure can't be easy. N.S.

  4. Anonymous4:40 AM

    Wake up. Colony Liquor is pulling out of K-Town and all you have to do is talk about shoes. Now we see why.

    Kingston deserves whatever ill fate is bestowed upon it.

  5. Anonymous2:09 PM

    I am a regular listener to KCR. You are right Al did say that he was not in favor of it.

    By the way, the Mayor should not be in the mix at a "critical" scene. Leave it to the professionals, Jim. Sure, come in and get an assessment from the commanding officer and console voters but there is no reason to be right in the mix of the mess.

    By the way, I wonder when an Alderman has gone to the scene of a mess?

  6. Anonymous9:22 AM

    To qoute a Senorism "Alderman speaks with fork in tounge"

  7. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Ya well so does Senor.....Maybe
    he learned that from Little Dick

  8. Anonymous2:36 PM

    why can't they buy their own boots. I didn't know they needed 100 dollars that bad. You would think that they could have afforded whatever footwear their jobs required.

  9. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Jimmy Sottile is totally out of control. Who is going to stop this mad man?

  10. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Richie Cahill.......What happend to your job in Troy??

    It's OK Richie you can tell us

  11. First, I do not respond to Richie or Dick. My name is Rich or Rick.

    Second, you have posted nonsense before about my employment in Rensselaer County. For the final time, I resigned from the D.A.'s office in 1999 to start my own law practice. I did that for nearly a year when I got the opportunity to come home to Kingston.


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