
Sunday, January 13, 2008

Mike Huckabee: Give Fred Thompson Some Metamucil!


  1. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Agh. I can't resist. Did you folks know that Mike Huckabee "attended a fundraising luncheon (up to $4,600 per couple)" at the Houston, Texas residence of Steven Hotze, who is reputedly the leader of the Christian Reconstructionist Movement (which is allegedly one of the most radical far right fundamental Christian groups out there...)? One of the hosts was Rick Scarborough, a Baptist Minister and the "founder of Vision America, who endorsed Huckabee."

    ["Freethought Today;" 12/2007; Freedom From Religion Foundation;; p. 9; "The Washington Post;" 12/20/2007.]

  2. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Nell endorses Huckabeee,Huckabeeee! Hey Honda just put out an ad with whacko Norris, "tough meets class". Time for an e-mail campaign to their pr department. Honda puts out christian radical as spokesperson. Those e-mails halted the Ford photo-ops with the chimp.

  3. Anonymous3:55 PM

    I'm not going to accuse either of them of actually saying the words, but...

    It seems that both Huckabee, and for that matter, Jeremy Blaber, think Fred Thompson is full of $hit.

    And I agree.

  4. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Nevermind the E-mail. Honda doesn't accept E-mail. I'll have to call in person and ridicule them.

  5. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Who's Fred Thompson?

  6. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Fred Thompson is another candidate in this mix who appears to lean towards the (radical) religous right. At least to those of us that believe that faith should be a private matter and not unduly attached (who can tell if they are telling the truth to begin with?) to a political platform or the funding of political candidates.

  7. Anonymous1:25 AM

    There will be NEWS AND EXPERT COMMENTARY on the Michigan race coming soon on Cahill's blog. I frankly can't wait. I know Rich will have the scoop on this decisive race.I watched his show tonight and was amazed at the depth of insight. I intend to use him exclusivly as my news sourse for the next few hours.

  8. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Cahill's is the "exclusiv" "sourse" of idiocy. He actually makes Sine look literate and Schultz look intelligent.


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