
Tuesday, January 08, 2008

New Hampshire Voting Starts

As of 12:01 AM 17 people have already voted. I'll have full coverage on the New Hampshire primaries.

Dixville Notch Vote has Obama and McCain Ahead


  1. Anonymous7:40 AM

    This year's election is getting really weird. Heavy turnout is always a good thing for democracy,but the emphasis on personality over stance on issues is likely to make the nomination process highly unpredictable. The cynic in me suspects that republicans are crossing over to Obama to thwart Hillary without consideration of their own political views. I can't imagine so many republicans would embrace him on his own platform. I'll be interested to see tonight how well the under 25's came out and where they put their support. Hillary is still the presumptive nominee nation-wide for democrats. Her strongest opponent,now shown to be McCain,has no where near the support to get his party's nomination. Excellent horserace to go.

  2. Anonymous11:30 AM

    This spells the end for you girl Jeremy. Good work.

  3. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Republicans are crossing over and giving up their vote on the republican side simply to stp Hillary Clinton....I suppose next you are going to tell us you know who shot JFK....quite a strech don't you think. Bottom line is people are tired of the Clintons. She is toast.

  4. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Yes Jeremy

    First Sennett

    now Hillary

    You dont know how to pick a winner.

  5. Anonymous7:10 PM

    The end for Clinton? Ludicrous. Bill lost NH in '92 remember? And someone of republican backround please explain what is so appealing about Obama? He has nothing in common with the republican platform. Is it because you think it's sabotage to the democrats to put a black guy out front? Or is it a big FU to the KKK bushies to make him president? I don't get it and it seems a little too suspicious.

  6. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Oh and the republicans aren't giving up their votes,they're voting twice like Mitt asked them to. BTW, Huckabee is selling cheeseburgers that come with immortality. Gotta love that one!

  7. 632: Sennett is a winner in my book and now that it's 11:26pm I am proud to say that Clinton won.

  8. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Jeremy, please!!!we are sick of hearing about Sennett. He and his wife are making a pretty good living, he will get a promotion and more $, on taxpayer dollar. So move on, stay with Hillary. Lets hear more on issues important to Kingston and the County.

  9. Anonymous11:18 AM

    As the great pinned striped prophet said,"It aint over till its over". In a championship title fight, you have to be ready to give 15 rounds at a 100% state of being. You win some rounds,tie some rounds, and yes could lose a few and still win. If your on top of your game and your opponiate makes a mistake, you could even score a knock out punch. Iowa was the warm up fight. New Hamphire was round one, and according to msnbc the numbers are real close.
    Round 1, Clinton.


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