
Monday, January 07, 2008

Sennett on KPA Tonight

Jon Sennett will make a guest appearance tonight on Fromisano Live at 10:30 on Ch.23 Make sure you tune in!!!!


  1. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Sennett will not be going away. He attended the inauguration like a true professional.

    Where was Bradley? Skew Reynolds says he is still looking for a job.

  2. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Won't be able to receive it but I'm confident Jon will extoll the virtues of our three fine candidates that are running neck and neck in the early states. Each one would make a fine president and carry through the change in direction our country needs so desperately. Barack Obama deserves credit for energizing the younger crowd of under 25's that propelled him into the spotlight. John Edwards has done a fantastic job of highlighting the plight of the middle class. His progressive views and popularist base have added much to this race and will serve him well in the future. And of course,Hillary,who has been there fighting for our democracy for three and a half decades and is poised to become our first female president. All of our team members are supremely qualified and certain to prevail against anyone the republicans put up.

  3. Anonymous3:50 PM

    I saw the snide "back of the room" comment made by Reynolds. Despite a poor showing (he did not even carry Kingston) Bradley continues to be treated like political royalty by Reynolds.

    Why should anyone put themselves at financial, personal and professional risk to become a public servant?

    It does appear telling that Carnright said he needed Willaims' help. How long will Carnright need the training wheels?

  4. Anonymous3:52 PM

    I've answered that question some time ago. Jeremy won't print it. Sennett showed up because he will be appearing in front of DA Carnright as a Defense Attorney for Ulster County. Taxpayers have been paying his and his wife's salary for some time + benefits. It all is self serving. He will try to come back for the next run. I don't support his Liberal agenda. Oh, I'm sorry, they are now called Progressives. Com on Jeremy print this. Its OK for other points of view.

  5. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Jon Sennett has more heart, brains and class than "conservatives" Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, Fred Thompson, Rudy Guliani, John McCain, and Vincent Bradley JUNIOR - combined.

    I'm glad to see Sennett is staying in the public arena.

  6. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Liberal agenda is what this country is about. Life,LIBERTY,and the pursuit of happiness. Anti-liberal is anti-american. I suppose Carnright was self-serving in becoming the DA after working as a public defender? Are you insulting Carnright as well as Sennett or are you too stupid not to know better? Or worse than stupid a Bradley supporter?

  7. Anonymous6:17 PM

    3:50 I don't know where your getting your information but Bradley won Kingston. Sennett was killed in Saugerties. Some Democratic machine in Saugerties, all they know how to do is back Republicans. Look at who they endorse for Local seats, not wonder its difficult to get a Democratic any votes there.

  8. 617: Bradley lost Kingston to Carnright, matter of fact Bradley did not win a single town in Ulster County. Sennett won 12 including his hometowm.

  9. Anonymous6:53 PM

    i thought Bradley had a job teaching at SUNY Ulster????

  10. Anonymous6:57 PM

    To Hugh Reynolds and any other nay-sayer of Jon Sennett,

    Where did you want Jon to sit or stand at the Carnright's swearing-in ceremony??? Remember it was snowing heavily in the morning. Kavanagh was even late and he came from Woodstock because of the bad weather.

    Plain and simple, it showed class that Sennett came out to witness the event day.

  11. Anonymous12:55 AM

    Mr.Sennett looked like a well polished politician tonight. He also looked like he could be on the cover of GQ. Too bad we didn't elect him.

  12. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Now all you have to do is extract the Foaminsano from Foaminsano live and you would have the makings of a decent talk show.

    Where does he pull those statistics from and obviously money will never buy him manners?

  13. Anonymous8:22 AM

    I'm glad to see Mr. Sennett still in the public eye. And I have a great deal of respect for Alderman Matson (whom I'm also glad to see appear on KAPA) as well.

    What the "hey" :) are they doing on Formisano's show though? That is "wierd" at best.

  14. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Still picking and choosing what you put up huh Jeremy. Didn't post my comment and there was nothing wrong with it, except it disagreed with your lust of Sennett. What kind of blog censors material that does not agree with the opinion of the person who administers the blog. Aren't you the one who preaches fair and open. What is open about this type of behavior. You supress opinions that do not coincide with your own, but then let people blast others who you could care less about. Very cheap

  15. Anonymous4:11 PM

    2:35 Wise up. It's Jeremy's blog. He does not get paid for it. He is not obligated to post your pro-Bradley comments.

    If you want pro-Bradley read Skew Reynold's City Beat (I mean Shitty Beat) column.

  16. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Pro-Bradley is vulgar and pornographic in nature and cannot be posted without Jeremy losing his blog. It's in the fine print of the IP. Look it up.

  17. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Who is Sennett endorsing for President

  18. Anonymous7:02 AM

    I'm quite sure Sennett is endorsing the democratic nominee. He's a democrat.


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