
Monday, January 07, 2008

Two of the Students Charged with Rape Recieved Mayoral Award a Year Ago

Quami Daniel and Sharkey Daniel two of the students now charged with Felony rape were recipents last year of the Mayor's monthly ' Mayoral Awards'.

On September 12th 2006. both students were described as scholar students and people that were mindful of others. Now they both allegedly raped a girl. I must ask how does a person go from a model citizen to a rapist in such a short period of time..a scary thought.


  1. Anonymous12:46 AM


  2. Anonymous7:24 AM

    ...innocent until proven guilty...

  3. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Good kids do dumb things too....

  4. Anonymous3:58 PM

    I am the parent of 3 KHS students and I am so tired of hearing the race card crap. It doesn't matter what color you are when a crime happens it just matters that the crime is dealt with in a proper manner. I have had first hand dealings with the school on numerous occasions regarding all kinds of issues. First of all I have physically seen the so called security officers hanging out with the kids, standing on Broadway smoking or drinking coffee and I don’t mean just one at a time either. Sometimes it is 2 or more. I can go to the school at any time of the day and see the same thing. So where is it that they are doing their job correct. I am not saying that it is all of the security guards but I could name a few. The actual police officer that is at the school every day does more than the security. So when everyone wonders where the security was, check outside you may find him or her. This incident happened sometime between the hours of 3:30 and 4:00. I don’t want to hear that the security was gone for the day. That’s crap. Our tax dollars pay for them to be on duty until all school activities are over. For crying out loud the late bus doesn’t even leave the school until after 4:00. So that means there should be some kind of security still there. I personally am so tired of seeing things get swept under the rug. It is time the school woke up and took some responsibility for what they do wrong. Some of the School staff at the High School think that they do no wrong. They always blame everything on the parents. Well you know what wake up. The parents cannot be with the kids every second of the day. I see kids at the school that I know their parents and these kids don’t get away with things nor do they act like this at home. So don’t blame it on the parents. This incident is shocking to everyone. I have heard so much regarding this and I have taken some time to think about everything. I could see if it was one boy accused then maybe it wasn’t forced and again I say MAYBE. This was more than one boy. I am sorry but they had to have known that what they were doing was wrong. I don’t think she would make this up. I have 2 daughters of my own and I wouldn’t want anything like this to happen to either one of them. Everyone needs to really think about all of this and put your self in her shoes. She will have to live with this the rest of her life. Think of the boys and their parents. Of course everyone wants to protect their kid(s) but all kids need to learn right from wrong. No one on this earth is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes but it takes a stronger person to admit their mistakes, learn from them, and prevent them from making the same one over again. Don’t jump to conclusions. Lets hear all the facts and handle the situation properly. I also think that all parents and taxpayers in the district need to really observe what is going on within the district. I also believe we need to get people on the school staff and the school board that really care about the job and doing it right than that mighty paycheck that they receive.

    Concerned parent

  5. Anonymous5:04 PM


    Word on the street is that you were in a rap video with the two brothers

  6. Anonymous9:07 PM

    Thanks "concerned parent" --- we need your voice! And lots of others, as well!

  7. OJ Simpson received many awards also. Oh wait...OJ's innocent! *wink*


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