
Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Assemblyman Cahill Appointed Chair of Energy Committee


Assemblymember Kevin Cahill (D-Ulster, Dutchess) has been named Chair of the Assembly Energy Committee. “I am honored to have been selected to lead the Assembly in this capacity,” said Assemblymember Cahill. “I will work with the Governor and the Senate to advance energy policies that promote clean, renewable power that will lessen our collective carbon footprint, enhance air quality, reduce consumer costs and encourage economic development.”

During his tenure in the Assembly, Mr. Cahill has been a leader in promoting sound policies that have addressed the state’s energy needs while stressing conservation, efficiency, cleanliness, consumer protection and planning. As Chair of the Science and Technology Commission and Vice Chair of the Steering Committee, he helped shape the Assembly’s energy agenda over the last decade and guided the development of economic development initiatives like the successful Power for Jobs program.

“In my new capacity, I intend to continue to promote innovations in clean, renewable technology as one of the keys to the revitalization of our economy,” said Mr. Cahill. “Investing in alternative energy projects, like The Solar Energy Consortium here in the Hudson Valley, has the potential to create many well-paying jobs for New Yorkers across the state while positioning New York as a worldwide leader in energy research and development.”

“Over the twelve years that Kevin Cahill has served in the Assembly, he has earned a reputation as a dedicated and effective legislator who gets results for his constituents and all New Yorkers,” Silver said. “As chair of the Assembly Ethics and Guidance Committee for the past three years, he has repeatedly shown his commitment to integrity and the highest standards of ethics. I know that he will bring the same level of dedication and effectiveness to his leadership of the Energy Committee.”

"Kevin Cahill is an outstanding choice for energy chairman. He has had a proven track record of fighting on behalf of consumers and, undoubtedly, he will bring that same dedication and focus to his new assignment," said Paul Tonko, President and CEO of NYSERDA. "I look forward to working with him in his new leadership post."


  1. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Does this mean he's not running for county executive? What a loss for Ulster County.

  2. This is the text of this afternoons press relese from TSEC on this topic.

    The Solar Energy Consortium Congratulates New Energy Committee Chair Representative Cahill

    TSEC leadership recognizes long time legislator deep understanding of renewable energy, his experience and effective relationships in the Legislature.

    Kingston, NY, Thursday, February 07, 2008:

    Reacting to the appointment of Assemblymember Kevin Cahill (D-Ulster, Duchess) to the Chair of the Assembly Energy Committee. Vincent Cozzolino, C.E.O. of The Solar Energy Consortium said today “On behalf of The Solar Energy Consortium, I congratulate Kevin Cahill in his appointment as Chair of the Assembly Energy Committee. TSEC has no better friend than Assemblyman Cahill. His leadership has helped drive our successes to date. He is always there to help and he understands energy and more importantly the need to pursue new energy sources in New York State. TSEC is committed to helping Representative. Cahill in his new role."

    Local businessman and TSEC Vice Chair Frank Falatyn added “For a generation the Hudson Valley has been a global leader in semiconductor technology development. With Assemblyman Cahill’s new role leading the Assembly Energy Committee and with the continuing work of the Solar Energy Consortium, our region can create and grow a solar energy industry across New Your State. We look forward to working with Assemblyman Cahill to make New York State the next global center for renewable energy for a new generation of New Yorkers.”
    TSEC spokesman Blair Goodman cited Assemblyman Cahill’s experience and relationships as a benefit to the community. “It’s not just his decades of commitment and experience with Renewables, policyit is also the relationships and respect that he has won in the legislature that makes him so valuable to our district and New York State’s efforts to grow green jobs.” Goodman said.

  3. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Wow, this is big news. It is good and bad news for Ulster County. Kevin with this plum appointment, will probably be staying put. Too bad, he would have been a great county executive. Was that Zimet and Hein jumping for joy that I heard?

  4. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Cahill may be able to do more for Ulster County from his Assembly seat, than as County Executive. Creating a focus on green technologies for Ulster County is the most important economic development strategy we can employ.

  5. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Cahill already has a big head. He'll be impossible now.

  6. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Congratulations Kevin you have worked hard for this chairmanship. My father always told me, "Good things happen to good people", that sure is true in this case. Those who would disparage you should take heed.

  7. Anonymous6:32 AM

    TSEC has no better friend than Cahill? What about Hinchey?

  8. Anonymous4:11 PM

    No better could easily mean equal friends. I don't think TSEC officials were comparing the level of friendship between Kevin and Maurice.

    Is there a money:friendship ratio that has to be applied? Apparently, the folks at TSEC don't think so.
    TSEC could say the same for Ulster County officials who have helped them too. It isn't always about the amount of money. Sometimes it is the effort and support that is appreciated too.


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