
Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Clinton and McCain Win Ulster County

The below link is a look at the break down of the County. Not surprisingly Hillary took in the most votes in the City of Kingston.



  1. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Not exactly the best in Kingston. Lloyd,Marlborough,Plattekill, and Wawarsing had much bigger wins for Hillary.

  2. Anonymous8:46 AM

    As an Obama supporter, I have to feel very good. Less than a 400 vote difference with 14,413 voting for Clinton or Obama. 51%-49%.

    The next seven states favor Obama. Let's all get ready for a brokered convention, a healthy sign for the Democratic Party.

    Blabs your pick results show that you clearly overestimated Clinton's appeal across the country.

  3. Anonymous12:52 PM

    8:46 Blabe does get a little love sick over his candidates. Some have bigger warts than other candidates.

  4. Anonymous1:12 PM

    You can try ot spin this anyway you want, but this was hardly a win for Clinton in Ulster County. She is OUR Senator and wins by only three points in this County. I guess that shows the local democrats satisfaction with her performance.

  5. Anonymous2:32 PM

    It is disturbing that Jeremy doesn't do his math.

    Plattekill 223 (374-151)
    Warwarsing 157 (370-213)Shawangunk 146 (289-143)
    Marlborough 135 (278-143)
    Kingston C 127 (947-820)
    Ulster 127 (411-284)

    So City of Kingston is tied for 6
    (or 5, how do you want to look at it ?) and even lower if you were to look at percentages.

  6. Jeremy Blaber posted as a comment to my Feb. 6 entry on my blog, 'Those Who Show Up,':

    "Clinton won the bigger states and the ones that matter in a general election. Clinton also took in more votes and more delegates. Obama will not win the nomination."

    Setting aside the spin that I could put on your comment, Clinton beat Obama by .4% of the total vote, and she only received roughly 5-10 more delegates. And in New York, the state that she has represented in the Senate for 7 years, she won by only 17%; Obama won Illinois by 32%.

    If that, to you, is a resounding win for the person who was supposed to be the de facto Democratic nominee, then please supply us all with whatever you have been smoking.

  7. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Yeah, it is depressing to think that Ulster County residents were shown to be the least knowledgable about nationwide news. There's definitely a lack of news coverage here. I don't think Obama's strong showing was from our high rate of black residents. New Paltz suffered from the college kids that got mesmerized by the shiny rhetoric. Everybody I spoke with in my town knew why Obama wasn't up to the task. Most stores here won't carry the Freerag.

  8. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Here's another way of looking at it: Obama got the most votes in Kingston.

  9. Anonymous11:18 PM

    Obama has the spirit and the will,but not the wisdom. Wisdom is what he's lacking and it shows in his past dealings. If he was wise, he'd get out of that house that he acquired under suspicious circumstances. Every day that he waits is another day longer he'll regret cutting ties to his old buddy. Three hundred grand saved is going to cost him a chance at the WH and subsequently his future in the Senate. Lack of the wisdom to extricate himself is his achille's heel.

  10. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Any attempt to spin this as a "win" for Hillary is farcical. She just barely is hanging on, and she got spanked, plain and simple. Obama is gaining ground every day. To characterize Ulster County voters as unknowledgable, just proves that the poster does not know UC. And to try to invoke real estate mistakes as the downfall of a Clinton opponent is quite ironic. Your multiple posts pretending to be one person are sad, at best. I echo another poster's exhortation to you - get a dog, man.

  11. Anonymous10:10 PM

    8:44-I never pretended to be more than one person. Is there a limit to one post per person here? If so,then this blog might wither. When I got here it was "you're a jerk"-"no you're a jerk" interspersed with "Clint's love child has the chronic". Don't let it go to your head, this is just a drop zone for talking points. You locals are just incidental observers. Corruption is not a real estate mistake. Whitewater was. Spinning Obama's night as a spanking just proves how uninformed you are. (You are my dog.) Clinton's leading now without the Cal. delegate count and NM. Obama might get a few more in the DC area, but he's pretty much done.

  12. Anonymous12:12 AM

    - "I never pretended to be more than one person."

    Yet another in a long string of lies, innuendo, half-truths and fear mongering tactics straight out of the rove playbook.

    Stay tuned for more spanking little "head-up-his-ass" "if-i-say-it-then-it-must-be-so" fella. (you are my Bitch)

  13. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Romney SPENT millions of his own money, Senator Clinton LOANS her campaign 5mil. Can someone tell me if there is a difference? What gives? She wan't her money back? and she'll take it from campaign donors?

    Which has/had more faith in their campaign, I wonder.

  14. Anonymous7:32 AM

    BTW, 10:10. You like working without pay?

  15. Anonymous9:30 AM

    I'm worth millions and I could care less about pay. I think the facts bear me out time and time again,while your consistent distortions and lies fall flat. I get my satisfaction from hearing my words on every media outlet every day. You just parrot some other guy's comments to counter mine. So who's bitch are you? Check for yourself, the media and the candidates report my comments after they post here. Maybe it's time for Jeremy to track his hits again to show you. I'm not working FOR anyone, they all work for me.

  16. Anonymous10:00 AM

    You know, my original; plan called for a woman,a black guy,and a jew, but Feingold wouldn't play along. Too bad because the jew angle would have produced a better pawn than these idiotic Obama pawns. 12:12- Your supposed to come up with better criticisms,instead of getting frustrated by your lack of intelligence and spewing insults at a shadow. You haven't even used MY talking points that came out of you own boy Obama. You suck at this. Try using real facts and examples. We have a couple months to keep this going.

  17. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Huckleberry just told everybody that his form of patriotism is "to lay on the stripes and the kids see the stars"!! Advocating child beating and getting Dobson's endorsement go hand in hand. That'
    s even better than Glen Beck's "I'm an alcoholic and that's why I'm a conservative" line.

  18. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Do me a favor and re-read this thread from top to bottom... and then tell me (just an observer) what is really up????????????

    Some of you post like you designed the whole political scenerio from start to finish...

    Some of you are referring to each other as each other's "dogs" and/or "bitc#es."

    & some of you are more than likely similar to me...

    simply wanting to see an HONEST election, with HONEST candidates, who demostrate MUTUAL RESPECT (you don't have to like each other and/or love/lust each other on a political blog...) for a change!

    BTW, thanks for the post about Huckabee's views on child "discipline..." --- but don't kid yourself that this is simply a facet of the religious rights Republican "back to the good old days" rhetoric...

    because both parties have been infected with something really nasty --- and this thread, in part, reflects that.

    The ole "intelligent design" theory could mean MANY things, could it not?????

    How many folks do you think have caught on to THAT by now?????

    How stupid do you think the general populous is??????

    Is it worth the money and power one might enjoy for a little while... when one (for lack of a better way of saying it) "sells one's soul?"

    Personally, I think you might find more genuine satisfaction in planting a flower and watching something beautiful (versus something that is becoming uglier and uglier) grow...

    Which prompts me to ask some questions, purely for your own introspection...

    Who "taught" you to "be"?

    Did they abuse you?

    Are you happy?


    Are you actually full of hate?

    It isn't too late to speak the truth... but it sure would take some guts,
    wouldn't it????????????????

  19. Anonymous6:18 PM

    5:20-These little kids that support Obama are just that,little kids,frustrated by their guy not being seen as a god. Rest assured that more than 70% of both Obama and Hillary supporters are happy to support the other if nominated. The most vocal Hillary haters that have infested the web are simply a small minority and the ones that spew the same towards Barack are even smaller. The plans to fracture the red party through race,gender, and religious baiting were made years ago. It's not hatred,just cold calculating logical dissection of ethically and morally corrupt factions of our society. It makes for good spectator sport for the masses and brings in new voters. Nevermind the vitriol that some of these "newbies" bring in. They're insignificant. I only indulge them in good fun,since canine mating seems to thrill them. I would like a strategy for killing that pesky Rezko thing. I haven't gotten an intelligent response yet from any Obaman. Since Dean has made it clear they'd split the ticket before going to a brokered convention, it has become a problem. No matter who's on top,and no matter how you play it,that connection is an impediment to our success.

  20. Anonymous6:38 PM

    10:10, YOUR plan sounds like the start of a bad, sexist, racist, anti semetic joke.

  21. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Clinton can you call this good news for her. It is comical when you bring up any rumored illicit conduct by Obama. It is all rumor and innuendo, while the Clinton baggage is very hard to carry. The ironic thing about all of it is that you all ignore it. She is running WITH him. Should she not be held to task because of that. He did great things, BUT he also did things that were an embarassment. A huge embarassment to the country like no one else before him. How do you explain that and he LIED about it. She should be examined on this. The R's will make hay of this, even if we do not. Wake up. We need something new and he is it!

  22. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Barack's connection with Rezko is not rumor. Whoever told you that is lying. It's been widely reported and it sits out there in waiting for the swiftboaters to use. Clinton's baggage has been hashed over so many times it has no further value. Bill cheated on his wife and lied about it. So what? Whitewater was a bad investment that they lost money in. So what? All of these supposed embarrassments were what gave the Clintons a 65% approval rating. Other than Bill lying about his affair,neither of them were found to be guilty of anything. A small minority of whackos think they were bad people. They're marginalized. I want to know how Obama is going to deal with the inevitable saga of the influence peddling by Rezko and his involvement in it. Just denying reality doesn't make it go away. A little less than half of the delegates are in his pocket and they're at risk by this situation. What is he going top do? Claim his letters are rumor? Forgeries by Rezko employees? If he was smart he'd get out of that mansion he got from Rezko and wash his hands of it. The Clintons spent decades of their lives keeping themselves away from trouble like that. Obama needs to learn that these things need to be cut loose, not denied in the face of tangible evidence. Bill denied having sex with Monica. You can't tell me that strategy worked out so well. Barack lied at a nationally televised debate! He got nailed by a fact-check on CNN! He's a prime target for the right and that's why they want him to win. If he doesn't find a way to put this to bed, he's toast and our party will have him to thank for sticking it to us. So start digging your man out of his hole instead of digging deeper by making stupid unfounded remarks about his opponent. Your garbage is making you sound like Pat Robertson. Repetition does not make it true.

  23. Anonymous10:44 PM

    to 9:30 AM

    holy crap!

    and what color is the sky in that world of yours?

  24. Anonymous7:47 AM

    10:44- The one with the highest IQ rules the world. The internet makes it easy.

  25. Anonymous10:00 AM

    FYI re. Obama - for those not in the know, see... "Obama's Rezko Ties Deeper Than Land Deal" (

    I am a supporter of Obama's, but I don't like some of the trends I see there either...

    Still, it is small potatoes compared to the things the current pres. administration has been up to...

    And H. Clinton is too emeshed with all of THAT for my liking.

    As are, on the Republican side, Huckabee (big time) and McCain.

    The candidates need to get more specific. They need stand firm on issues to that matter to the American public. And a real boost might be an HONEST bio (Rep. & Dem.) done prior to the elections -with dirt included.

    I find it interesting that sometimes the public is not even aware of a president's "given" name, until an Almanac or some such thing comes out at a later date...

    For example, did you know that Woodrow Wilson's given name was Thomas W. Wilson? That Calvin Coolidge's name was John C. Coolidge? That Gerald Ford's given name (birth name) was Leslie King Jr.? That William "Bill" Clinton's given name (birth name) was William J. Blythe IV?

    We need to know more (in a timely fashion) - and the truth - about our candidates!

  26. Anonymous11:05 AM

    the Clinton's made money, they didn't lose money. and influence peddling? you try to accuse others, when they basically used the Lincoln bedroom as a whore house? listen, I think Bill Clinton was one of our better President's in a long time, for what he did for our economy and our stature around the globe. but don't lie and misleadingly dismiss his foibles just to try to push your right wing agenda of marginalizing Obama. it's so transparent as to be laughable.

  27. Anonymous11:19 AM

    A little long for a blog post, but worth the read:

    February 6, 2008, 8:51 pm NYTimes

    Obama: The Shock of the Red

    Take a look at what happened on Tuesday in the nearly all-white counties of Idaho, a place where the Aryan Nations once placed a boot print of hate — “the international headquarters of the white race,” as they called it.

    The neo-Nazis are long gone. But in Kootenai County, where the extremists were holed up for several decades, a record number of Democrats trudged through heavy snow on Super Duper Tuesday to help pick the next president. Guess what: Senator Barack Obama took 81 percent of Kootenai County caucus voters, matching his landslide across the state. He won all but a single county.

    The runaway victory came after a visit by Obama last Saturday, when 14,169 people filled the Taco Bell Arena in Boise to hear him speak – the largest crowd ever to fill the space, for any event. It was the biggest political rally the state has seen in more than 50 years.

    “And they told me there were no Democrats in Idaho,” Obama said.

    Okay, so Idaho is the prime rib of Red America. Ditto Utah, where Obama beat Senator Hillary Clinton 56 percent to 39 percent on Tuesday, including a 2-1 win in arguably the most Republican community in America – Provo and suburbs, a holdout of Bush dead-enders. These states would never vote Democratic in a general election.

    But those numbers, and exit polling across the nation, make a case for Obama’s electability and the inroads he has made into places where Democrats are harder to find than a decent bagel. Yes, Hillary-hatred is part of it. But something much bigger is going on among independents and white males, something that can’t all be attributed to fear of a powerful woman in a pantsuit.

    Having gone through their Hope versus Experience argument, Democrats are moving on to the numbers phase, looking for advantages in the fall. If they want to parse the Geography of Hope, they can do no better than study what happened in red counties on Tuesday.

    Overall, Obama won some big, general election swing states: Colorado, Missouri, Minnesota, and a tie in New Mexico, where they may still be counting votes from the 2004 election. All will be crucial in deciding the next president.

    His victory in Colorado, by a 2-1 margin, defied most predictions. Four times as many Democrats turned out as were expected, typical of the passion level elsewhere. In Anchorage, Alaska, for example, traffic was backed for nearly a mile from people trying to get into a middle school to become part of an Obama avalanche.

    But back to Colorado. Obama won the liberal enclaves, as expected, but then he nearly ran the table in the western part of the state – ranch and mining country — and he did it with more than Ralph Lauren Democrats. In booming, energy-rich Garfield County, for instance, Obama beat Clinton 72 percent to 27 percent.

    “We won in places nobody thought we could win,” an exultant Federico Pena, the former Denver mayor, told a victory crowd on Tuesday night. Obama’s audience a few days earlier – more than 18,000 — was so big that thousands who couldn’t get in huddled on a frozen lacrosse field to hear him.

    Now broaden the picture and look at the vote among white males, traditionally the hardest sell for a Democrat. While losing California, Obama won white men in the Golden State, 55 to 35, according to exit polls, and white men in New Mexico, 59-38.

    Looking ahead to Saturday, when Washington State, Nebraska, and Louisiana hold contests, Obama should add another three states to the 13 he won on Tuesday. They’re all caucus states, each with distinct advantages for Obama.

    His problem – and it’s a big one – is among Latino voters, and older women. He got crushed by Hillary among Hispanics in California and New Mexico. To win the West, Latinos have to be in your camp.

    Only slothful thinkers still view Democrats in the West as Prius-driving latte-sippers along the Left Coast. The larger story is about home-grown identity. Eight of the 11 Western States have Democratic governors. The Democrats picked up two Senate seats in the West in the last two national elections, and are poised to pick up two more this year, in Colorado and New Mexico.

    Early on, Obama took a chance on the West, sending paid staffers to places like Boise, Idaho and Wenatchee, Washington. And the Alaska office for Obama – that was a knee-slapper at the time, but no one’s laughing now. He won the Last Frontier state by a 3-1 margin Tuesday.

    Obama has made cynics wilt, and stirred the heart of long-dead politicos in places where Democrats haven’t had a pulse in years. Cecil Andrus, the eagle-headed eminence of Idaho, a former governor and Democratic cabinet member, nearly lost his voice introducing Obama in Boise on Saturday. He recalled a time when he was a young lumberjack who drove down the Clearwater Valley to see Jack Kennedy speak in Lewiston, a day that changed his life.

    “I’m older now, some would suggest in the twilight of a mediocre political career,” Andrus said. “I, like you, can still be inspired. I can still hope.”

    This kicked off the second biggest political rally in Idaho history. And the first? That was when President Dwight Eisenhower came to visit. Last week his granddaughter, Susan Eisenhower, made a small bit of family history on her own. She said that if Obama is the nominee, “this lifelong Republican will work to get him elected.”

  28. Anonymous3:19 PM

    11:05- You're a revisionist. Do your homework.

  29. Anonymous9:04 AM

    7:47, Highest IQ, rule the world? Kind of like the 'Master Race', rule the world stuff we heard in the 1930's, huh?

    You act like a Clinton supporter. But you having neo-nazi views, I am sure she wants NO part of you.

  30. Anonymous5:27 PM

    9:04-You're another revisionist. The nazi's jailed and tortured the people with the highest IQ's. That's why we all came here. We came here to make the bomb. I guess you missed that in history class.(Parochial school perhaps?) It's pretty clear that we have our say in public policy. It's also clear that Obama himself doesn't want your vote if it's a Hillary-hater that casts it. Incessant attempts to smear me or any supporter of Hillary's with, neo-con,nazi,elitist,etc., are just pathetic rants of a loser. You obviously haven't listened to Barack's speeches lately condemning you. I'm sure that you're real allegiance is with McCain. Btw, how's the weather in Va.? Or did you get stuck in the boiler room in north Jersey?

  31. Anonymous5:33 PM

    he's not a Clinton supporter. he's a neo-con pretending to support Clinton and trying to drive a wedge between Democrats.

    don't let him get to you. he'll crawl back into his hole when we have a new Democratic President and an even larger margin in both houses of Congress next year.

    we're onto you...give it up...

  32. Anonymous7:56 PM

    5:33-You mean he's not an Obama supporter. Real supporters of either Obama or Hillary,7 out of 10,will support the other. These Hillary-haters have been condemned by Barack himself. They use mis-direction and sleazy tactics of misquoting people to try to divide the real democrats. When confronted with real criticisms of either, they attack back at the messenger and accuse them of supporting the opposition, but NEVER support their supposed candidate. Phony supporters. Likely paid bloggers from the republican side.

  33. Anonymous1:04 PM

    No Blog entry on the Potomic Primaries?


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