
Thursday, February 21, 2008

Jeremy Blaber with NYS Comptroller Tom DiNapoli

NYS Comptroller Tom DiNapoli came down to Kingston for a round table discussion between business leaders and elected officials in Ulster County. There was a lot of talk about the discussion of the upstate economy and the state of Ulster County. Comptroller DiNapoli referred to Ulster County as above the curve on many key issues in New York State.

After the round table discussion which I only caught the last five minutes of, there was a smaller round table for the "press" which consisted of Jesse Smith, of the Kingston Times and myself getting about a half hour of one on one time with our Comptroller which was exciting and informative. There is no doubt in my mind that the State Legislature, Cahill included, made the right choice in picking DiNapoli. I found Comptroller DiNapoli to be very knowledgeable about our fiscal issues and and extremely down to earth.

Many may remember that I was one of the first in the state to support and mention DiNapoli in 2006 for the State's Chief Fiscal Post. Read post here: Blaber Endorses DiNapoli for Comptroller

Kingston Mayor James Sottile presents NYS Comptroller Tom DiNapoli with a City of Kingston lapel pin which DiNapoli sported the rest of the day.


  1. Anonymous11:18 PM

    I do not get what the point of this post is about. Don't you want to keep the people interested? I was looking for a site to inform the mayor that we will be getting snow tomorrow. I just want him to know that life goes on for many of us and there are scheduled procedures we must show up for, our children (young adults) must still drive to their jobs, and many people must travel. Clearing the streets would be helpful.The city sidewalks that our residents (KHS walkers)have to use, should be cleared in a reasonable amount of time...Of which the sidewalks on Broadway near the underpass still are not..Come on Mayor, show some interest.We, the people of Kingston dread a snowfall because it's hell until we get to the Town of Ulster line!

  2. Anonymous12:14 AM

    Two meetings in one night. I am impressed. You get around. So on the topic of Woerner saving Public Access TV.

    The Town of Ulster approved $5,000 but Public Access TV received $5,750 tonight. How did this happen? Councilman Eric Kitchen, who opposed the funding by the Town of Ulster, pledged a donation of $250 from his own funds in support of Public Access. Mr. Kitchen then went on to challenge each of his fellow Board Members to contribute from their personal funds. To his credit Supervisor Werner pledged $500. Where were the pledges from the other three Councilmen? They were dead silent. They were ok to spend the Town of Ulster Taxpayer's money but they could bring themselves about to spend their own money. Public spirited? Yes they are, but not when it comes from their own pocket.

    Please make sure that the pledges from Kitchen and Woerner are collected and deposited to the Public Access TV Bank Account.

    Inquiring minds want to know that they keep their word.

  3. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Am just shocked Blaber spent

  4. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Blaber wasn't at the $100 event.

  5. 2:55: What am I known for being cheap?

  6. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Kudos to Assemblyman Cahill for arranging and hosting this event. It was a good opportunity to talk face to face with the Comptroller and let him hear first hand what is on the minds of small businessmen. Good Job Kevin.

  7. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Wow! I saw the pin for the lapel.It read "KINGS-THONG"
    The city that's crawling up it's own arse. Profound.

  8. Anonymous6:36 PM

    I seen DiNapoli throwing the pin out the car window when he was leaving Sottile ran over picked it up, dusted it off and placed it back on his own lapel

  9. Anonymous6:58 PM



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