
Sunday, February 03, 2008


Barack Obama once again has proved to be the ultimate hypocrite, Obama claims to want to rise above Washington style attack dog politics; yet he puts out an ad that is just that. We can't entirely blame Obama, his campaign staff sees the writing on the wall and is getting more desperate by the day. We would expect however that his attacks would be original and truthful and not distortion straight out of the GOP play book. The below ad released by Obama is the classic Harry and Louise attack ad that ran in 1992 funded by the GOP, in response to Hillary's first attempt to make health care available for all Americans.

What the Obama campaign fails to mention is that his plan leaves over 16 million Americans uninsured. The plan is done in a cowardly way to try and appeal to both sides of the aisle. Senator Clinton continues in her quest as an advocate for affordable health care for all Americans. The bottom line is that Obama's plan falls short.


  1. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Obama's campaign was subverted by anti-Hillary pro-McCain people a while ago. It's now the furthest thing from "positive change" ever. He's taken every low road he could find and now he's sunk to this. For you younger people, this ad was the start of the right-wing painting Hillary as a socialist democrat nazi. Hence the reference to the neo-nazi groups. This effort continues today as that fat pig you saw on the daily show foisting his propaganda book about liberalism being nazism,with a big swastika on the cover.

  2. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Obviously, the whole concept of Health Insurance Coverage is spiraling out of control. Look at Ulster County Government-- They have only one provider-- that's Empire Blue Cross/ Blue Shield. Full-time Employees pay 15% of their total premium while part-time workers receive no coverage at all. Thats several hundred [$255.26 to be exact] dollars per month for family coverage per employee. This means that the cheapest family health insurance plan chosen by the county cost $1300 monthly. Isn't BC/BS coined the Wal-mart of health care?

    Isn't it funny when the county mentions that they might become self-insured to combat rising health insurance costs? At what rate would they compensate the doctors for services rendered? What about the hospitalization factor?

    The people have been hearing talk for years on about health insurance reform on the national level but nothing is done about it. Yet, more and more Americans are underinsured with the number increasing day by day.

    Politicians...DO SOMETHING...even if this means extending MEDICARE to all AMERICANS. Take the initiative by displaying leadership as health care coverage is deteriorating to the point of only the "Haves" rather then the "have nots" will have it.

  3. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Hey it's stupidbowl sunday again. The biggest day of the year for wife-beaters. Spectator sports are universally creditted for the fall of Rome. Looks like the hot primary race is taking back some popular interest. Obama's got another 32 mil to burn before his flame goes out. Both of them spent more in January than either McCain or Romney have left. A good haul for the media. How appropriate for CNN to use the name "Ballotbowl" for their coverage.

  4. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Only the Hillary plan includes the have-nots. Subsidized mandatory enrollment that Obama opposes. Subsidizing low income tax brackets have always worked well.

  5. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Obama doesn't want universal healthcare and he's using republican propaganda to prove it.

  6. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Ahhnuld's wife now endorses Obama. The stepford Shriver is a republican Kennedy. Still need proof Obama's a McCain surrogate?

  7. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Zogby's at it again. They consistently show Hillary's numbers 9-10% lower than reality. Are they on the Obama payroll or what? They did this in NH and claimed all this press coverage. The pundits were all writing her obituaries. Something fishy going on around here and it stinks like Chicago style politics. Btw, the McCain/Obamans are now posting as "Hillary or I'm voting for McCain" to counter their aggregious two-faced support of Obama. Neither side is really going to vote against their own platform for spite. When you hear that,you know it's a republican.

  8. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Hillary has yet to explain how you mandate someone to purchase insurance. Are you going to fine them? Garnish their wages? Or what? There are many who may be able to afford it and won't qualify to be subsidized. Obama's plan is much more realistic.

    Gallup has them tied nationally. Obama has the Big MO!

  9. Anonymous9:49 AM

    It's more realistic to not have insurance? That's just insane! Lower middle class people in this country have their taxes subsidized by deductions and therefore pay very little. These people wouldn't even notice a premium for mandated insurance as it would be less than they'd pay on the free market. Your gop talking points are just too old.

  10. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Thank you New York Giants for a fabulous season and a Glorious Superbowl.
    Friends, family,fans, and lots of old fashion fun.
    No toga parties or vomitorium that I heard of,try not to let our cynicism override our sense of humor...smitty

  11. Anonymous12:08 PM

    I find it funny that you can even accuse Obama of negaitve tactics with what Clinton has been doing for the past month through her husband with the race baiting (ironically, none of which was reproted here)...Come least give the impression you are fair. They both have been negative...big surprise there. Every election we hear how politicians are not going to be negative and then every election we listen to them tell us how their opponent has "gone" negative. It is a complete joke.

  12. Anonymous12:10 PM

    speaking of entitlements, Blabs, did you see today's Times Herald-Record? I draw your attention to Mallard Fillmore's satire on page 21.

    I won't leave you the punch line...suffice it to say that the Dynamic Duo believe in full entitlements.

  13. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Yesterday's CBS poll has Obama and Clinton tied at 41% ! Unfortunately the subsample of Feb. 5 states has Clinton 49% over Obama 31%. Beware the shifting pools of voters being used to create this "surge" of Obama's. Smoke and mirrors.

  14. Anonymous2:15 PM

    No Comment on the Daily Freeman's endorsement?

  15. Anonymous4:10 PM

    I know some Democrats had their panties up in a bunch because Clinton wasn't coronated as the Queen quite yet... That mean ol' Obama came in and took the Clinton fortress down a peg. This could be bad news for al of those fans of continuing the Bush-Clinton era. What did Ed Koch say about getting the government we deserve? :)

  16. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Let us universally ignore the Daily Freeman. Long Live Blaber!!!

  17. No, I'm not intrested in the Freeman's endorsement for President....just as I didn't care about their endorsement for D.A.

    Keep in mind that the Freeman endorsed Bush twice.

  18. Anonymous9:00 PM

    No intelligent person reading word for word what Bill Clinton said could honestly say that he was "race baiting" as the media claimed. Calling Obama's representation of his pre-Senate stance on Iraq not relevant to his Senate stance, he used the words "fairy tale" pretty harshly. But that's nothing compared to Barack's supporters being so outright nasty. Barack attempted a smear against Hillary with that Walmart remark,and she smacked him down with the Rezko issue. This race was civil until they drew first blood. Do you expect the Clintons to just grin and bear it? The Obamans can dish it out, but they whine and cry when they get hit back. Barack IS inexperienced, he can't handle criticism. He can't hide behind his blackness come November. He's got big corruption charges coming down the road and crybaby attacks on the messengers aren't going to stop the swiftboaters. If you expect him to survive until then he better toughen up or he's done. The Clintons fought this battle for sixteen years. Barack is still just a newbie. He thinks Hillary is tough? Just wait.

  19. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Ed Koch endorsed Bush.

  20. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Not race baiting then I am sure Clintons comparison of Obama to Jesse Jackson's campaign was just pure fiction. Please, he has been attacking this guy from the moment her numbers began to drop. The bottom line is she is very lucky these primaries tomorrow are not week later or she would be done. People are tired of their song. he had his eight years and she is now attached to him at the hip. Are we to expect that the same stuff that went on eight years ago will not go on under her watch? Why? I voted for the guy twice and he ended up making me sorry I did...he embarrassed the country and his family. With her you get him and I have had enough of him.

  21. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Cooruption charges? Based on what? Wome allegation you picked up on the Judge report. I am sure you have the inside scoop on that. Ironic a Clinton supporter would tell the world her opponent is going to be up on corruption charges. Thanks for the info. Wake up...if you have nothing intelligent to add you should just shut up.

  22. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Comparing Obama';s campaign in Sc is now race baiting? You're an idiot. And yes writing letters to government agencies as a state senator can lead to corruption charges when those letters promote businesses owned by your biggest contributor who's under indictment for influence peddling. I guess you don't read newspapers or watch the news. That's why Obama supporters are so gullible, they all live in a fairy tale world of stupidity. And if you're going to quote a right-wing web source, you should at least know the name. Dumb-ass.

  23. Anonymous9:52 AM

    What the hell is the "Judge report" anyway? Is that some Cahill blog? Or is that just a retard for Obama dribbling on himself? I guess if you're stuck with no other news source than the Freerag, you have no idea what's happening in the real world. Tip; you can access the AP through the Dellmyway website for free,as well as every other news source in the country. I suggest you Obama morons go there and enlighten yourselves as to why a black constitutional law expert is not winning hands down. Then maybe you wouldn't say such stupid things. It's the corruption factor stupid.

  24. Anonymous12:05 AM

    I read each of those ads. There's nothing untrue, and certainly nothing that justifies calling them republican propoganda.

    More sad rovian style attacks on Sen. Obama from that strange guy who pretends to be many people and uses classic neo-con tactics.

  25. Anonymous6:01 PM

    12:05-You're a little kid,that's why you can't understand the issues or the propaganda. When you grow up you'll get it. Just ponder this; if you choose to not buy healthcare,is it alright with you if you lie dying in the street when you show up without it? This can has been kicked around the block for decades. We still treat the uninsured and that's the problem. If Obama gets in he's still not going to convince people that we should refuse treatment. And if you still think I'm pretending to be more than one person,you have some reading comprehension issues. Maybe you should start evaluating ideas instead of trying to attribute comments to shadows.

  26. Anonymous10:41 AM

    - "We still treat the uninsured and that's the problem."

    actually...that's the solution, at least for now. to deny treatment is inhuman. Obama and Clinton each have relatively ok plans. Obama's is a little better because the plan would cost less, and would not force poor people to buy insurance or pay fines if they choose not to. but neither is good enough really.

    you stop pretending to be more than one person after you get caught at it, then try to throw it back on the person who caught you.

    then you use the "lie dying in the street" scare tactic.

    try to convince us again that you're not a neo-con who comes here to try and undermine progressive minded Democrats.

    Obama scares the living crap out of repugnicans because he is inspiring and mobilizing Democrats and non-enrolled voters like nobody since JFK. Billary is just more of the same old same old and they consider her an easy opponent because of her wishywashy non-stands.

    the right is salivating over the prospect of Hillary as an opponent, and doing everything they can to marginalize Barack, including trying to convince Democrats he's more conservative than Clinton. what a joke.

  27. Anonymous10:47 AM

    by the way...I'm 52. if you had even a modicum of "reading comprehension" you would see that I'm not all that young.

    and if you really are a "millionaire" (which I seriously doubt) then it's not surprising you support Billary (you're protestations to the contrary notwithstanding), since she would leave bush's tax cuts for the rich in place.

  28. Anonymous4:47 PM

    For 52 you're an idiot. You have serious reading comprehension issues and consistently misrepresent all of the candidates' stands either out of ignorance or just plain failure of understanding. You claimed several times that I pretended to be more than one person,yet not once have you produced an example. Again you claim that Hillary's plan is to leave the tax cuts for the rich in place in an outright lie, to prove a useless point. You're pathetic and a miserable failure. At 52,even the most lazy person should have amassed at least a million. You just screwed up. And dying in the streets as a "scare tactic" requires immense stupidity and profound misunderstanding on your part. Go back and read it again and again until you get it moron.

  29. Anonymous9:54 PM

    to 4:47 PM

    lies, name calling and anger...the last refuges of a simple mind...

    and no substantive argument. just repetition of the same lame falacies, the classic neo-con trick of "if I repeat a lie often enough, people will think it's true."

    we're onto you...go're entertainment value has been all used up. now you're just annoying and sad.

  30. Anonymous9:08 AM

    9:54-Your post more aptly describes yourself. Go see a shrink. I've never lied here and "idiot" and "moron" aren't names, they're perfectly descriptive of you. You can call the sky green all day but it won't be true.

  31. Anonymous5:36 PM

    9:08 AM - we're onto you...your lame attempts to divide us aren't working...go away, you've outlived your amusement value...

  32. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Mr."we're on to you" and his dueling personalities that can't keep their lies straight goes round and round trying to find ways to divide people. Every lie he tells exposes a tactic employed by his side. He's very educational in his methods. He's also very helpful in stomping down anti-Democratic ploys. He outs all his friends well. He forgets Rove's interest in helping Obama. Barack knows all about these psuedo-Democrats. This hunt has only just begun.

  33. Anonymous8:45 PM

    ...please where can I buy a unicorn?


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