
Tuesday, February 05, 2008

SUPER TUESDAY ----- Vote Today

In a few hours across America, polls will open and voters will begin to select who they want to have represent their party in the general election this November. For political junkies like myself this is the real Super Bowl and it'll be very exciting to see history be made tomorrow. Whether you're a Democrat or Republican, I encourage people to participate in this historic primary.

On the Republican side tomorrow spells the end for Ron Paul, Mike Hucabee and Mitt Romney. John McCain has the momentum to lead the straight talk express across the finish line and capture his party's nomination. The GOP has once again put up a slate of candidates that are dull, boring and consist of more than the same. To think that an 80 year old white man that is obsessed with staying in Iraq for an additional 100 years, speaks wonders to how out of touch the Republicans are with main stream America.

On the Democratic side it's a very interesting race, no matter who wins the Democratic nomination, history will be made. For the first time ever, a major party will nominate a woman or an African American to lead their ticket. The debates and the ideas of the two candidates running are exciting and inspiring, it gives America a chance at hope for the first time in a long while. The race is a close one and most likely will not be decided tomorrow but I think we will have a clue of to who the front runner will be. It should be interesting.

I encourage Democrats to go out tomorrow and vote for Hillary Clinton. Hillary is by far the most qualified to lead our country on day one. Hillary will provide the change that we need in America.Hillary is the only candidate that has a true universal health care plan and she has a solid plan to bring our troops home withen 90 days of taking office.


California - Hillary and McCain

Illinois - Obama and McCain

New York- Clinton and McCain

Missouri - Clinton and McCain

Alabama - Clinton and McCain

Connecticut- Clinton and McCain

Tennessee - Clinton and McCain

Georgia - Obama and McCain

Arizona- Clinton and McCain

New Jersey - Clinton and McCain

Colorado - Obama and Romney

Delaware - Clinton and McCain

Kansas -Clinton GOP is on the 9th

Minnesota Clinton and McCain

New Mexico Clinton GOP June 3rd

North Dakota Clinton and McCain

Oklahoma Huckabee and Clinton

Utah Clinton and Romney

Massachusetts - Clinton and Romney

Arkansas - Clinton and Huckabee

Alaska - Clinton and McCain

Idaho- Romney and Obama


  1. Anonymous8:18 AM

    "Hillary is by far the most qualified to lead our country on day one."

    Wow, you don't just regurgitate Hillary Clinton talking points at all...

  2. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Hey that was a rebuttal to a Barack talking point. I don't think Jeremy is regurgitating Obama's rhetoric. What's the spread on Hill's delegate count? That's the real prediction. I'm hoping over fifty.

  3. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Sure looks like Ulster County is Hilary Country. Clean sweep.

  4. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Jeremy, how bout posting your score. It looks like you are better at picking football than primaries. :)

  5. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Tim Russett indicated that Obama won the delegate count on February 5th 840-830. With all delegates counted, including superdelegates, Hillary leads by 70.

    This is a horse race with two strong candidates.

  6. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Hillary for Secretary of the Treasury. Maybe she can loan the government money.

  7. Anonymous10:15 PM

    The delegates from California haven't been counted yet. NM still hasn't finished vote counting but they'll be evenly split. 7.5 million in just two days is a very nice return on 5 million. I think she'll turn around this economy very nicely as president.

  8. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Stick a fork in her.... she's done!!!


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