
Thursday, March 27, 2008

D.A. Carnright to Release Report on Jail Investigation

BREAKING NEWS : D.A. Holley Carnright will hold a press conference today at 11am to announce grand jury findings on the Ulster County Law Enforcement Center.

The jail and sheriff’s administrative office building was years late and millions over budget when it was finally opened last year.

I hear conflicting reports, some say an indictment 0r indictment(s) will be handed out, others have told me that no criminal charges will be found...I hope that is not the case. We'll see tomorrow. This is really the first time all eyes will be on our new district attorney...let's see how he does.


  1. Anonymous8:25 AM

    For your information:

    The sheriff's administrative office at UCLEC opened July 2006. In February 2007, approval was granted by the State Commission on Corrections to move inmates into the new facility from the old jail.

  2. Anonymous1:10 PM

    I think by virtue of the fact that there is a report would tell you that there will be no criminal charges. He would not annouce an indicitment at a press conference until he arrested those indicted first. Since there does not appear to be any arrest warrants filed there is no indictment.


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