
Thursday, March 27, 2008

Molinaro Faces Challenge ....... Molinaro for NYS Assembly

Laurette Giardino, who ran unsuccessfully for East Fishkill town clerk last fall, on Monday announced she will challenge Republican state Assemblyman Marc Molinaro for the 103rd District seat in November.

Although, Marc and I are of different parties, he is an excellent public servant and he has my full support for reelection. The New York State Assembly is lucky to have a leader like Assemblyman Molinaro.
Visit Assemblyman Molinaro's website at :


  1. Laurette is a good friend of mine and I intend to work for her campaign this summer.

    The 103rd deserves a strong administrative savvy woman in charge.

    East Fishkill's loss is the Assembly's benefit. Way to go Laurette!

  2. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Joseph Huff is also running against Molinaro:

  3. Huff, Laurette, Manning....I'm supporting Molinaro no matter who the candidate is.

  4. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Molinaro has 13 yeas of executive experience, 10 years of work with small businesses and a passion for public service. I support him too!


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