
Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Mike Hein Hits the Airwaves....

Mike Hein, Democratic candidate for Ulster County Executive, is already
living up to his campaign slogan..."Leading the Way." Hein is launching
a cable TV ad blitz on CNN over the next three days to raise his
visibility among fellow Democrats who will be tuned in to watch the presidential
primary results from the Texas and Ohio."We need the right person with proven skills to lead Ulster County to a charter form of government in January 2009. The goal of the cable TV spots that will air locally is let voters know about my candidacy," said

Mike Hein has been Ulster County administrator for the past two years.
Working in close collaboration with the County Legislature, Hein was
able to deliver the first administrator's budget that cut spending.
Hudson Valley Business, a weekly business newspaper, recently

"Hein's wizardry has resulted in more reforms than happened over the preceding 20

Hein, who announced his candidacy for the post of county executive last
December, has 18 years of business and financial experience in the
private sector. Hudson Valley Business also said that Hein has delivered an
"...enormous turnaround from the crisis the county found itself in two
years ago."

I have day-to-day experience of being the chief budget officer for 300
million dollar organization with 2,000 employees. Those are irrefutable
credentials. There will be no on-the-job training needed," said Hein.
Hein was born and raised in Ulster County. "We have so much opportunity
and promise ahead of us in Ulster County. I am ready to lead the way to a
more efficient, cost-effective government. The cable TV spots are a signal
that I am in this race for the long haul," said Hein.

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