
Monday, March 03, 2008

The Obamika

This picture was sent to me labeled the Obamaika.... a picture taken at an Obama rally last week...not much I can add to this one.


  1. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Not big news. The Republican Party (on the national level, at least) has had radicals associated with it for years. [And the person in this photo may or may not even be a radical...]

    Seriously, so much has gone on (some of it noxious) in the field of politics in the last couple of decades, that I don't think any of these photos or add campaigns being released are going to influence too many people...

    Instead of choosing the best possible candidate, I think, for many of us, the issue is now trying to determine who is the least dangerous candidate --- and all of the invisible hats out there (the ones that don't show up in photos, but do show up in alliances and campaign contribution sources...) are pretty darn scary too.

    (Perhaps we all need to don our three-D vision goggles, for methinks there has been an eclipse of the truth... :)

    Just an opinion.

  2. Anonymous10:43 AM


    You should be ashamed. No reason to persecute anyone's choice of candidate, nor is it right to poke fun at someone's religious beliefs.

    It is clearly obvious you endorse Hillary Clinton. I respect that. You should respect other people's rights to their beliefs and their choices.

    It's that simple. Respect and common courtesy go a long way in a world with such short tempers.

    "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." Voltaire

  3. I should be ashamed? I'm posting a picture of a political candidate's name being on a's an interesting picture. Nothing more and nothing less.

  4. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Yes, but people who have been unfairly persecuted for thousands of years might see it differently. Remember your history lessons, young man.

  5. Anonymous5:03 PM

    wow...people need to lighten up

    first one assumes this is some sort of message about radical one assumes it is derogatory toward either Jews or Obama or both

    I am an Obama supporter and a Jew...I took it as nothing more than a fun and interesting photo

    relax's too short

  6. Anonymous8:59 PM

    The polls are always amusing, but doesn't Madsen live outside of Larkin's district?

  7. Anonymous8:38 AM

    The way I see it, Jeremy is just "riding the wave" - he isn't creating it. More and more IS being put forth in the news about Obama being some kind of guru or "cult figure." More and more is in the news about Obama's rallies being like "revivals," with people passing out and such...

    And, I've got to say that I think all of it is back-lash hype (just an opinion) - on one hand appealing to those who like the revival scenerio - on another hand revolting to those who have seen [I think this is being purposely created by the Far Right, the greatest OFFENDERS) what too much religious ferver, in collusion with the government, can wreak...

    What I see in Obama is someone that is at least trying to respond, verbally, to the masses -
    and there is bound to be a big effect in relationship to this, because SO FEW PEOPLE have LISTENED to the MASSES in such a LONG, LONG TIME...

    I don't have Obama, who is my favored candidate on a pedestal. I don't see Obama, as I read it somewhere recently, as some kind of "tin God." But I do see him as someone that DOES represent change (youth, vitality, enthusiasm, EARS...)- and change IS radically needed.

    Nah. It isn't Jeremy "lighting this fire." And, since it is being iit and fanned - I'm glad he is covering it in some manner so that people can respond.

    There are alleged "warts" or definitive "warts" attached to all of the candidates... mostly, but of course, in the financial department...

    But trying to paint Obama as a "cult leader" - or something of the sort - is probably not in the best interests of anyone...

    Besides which, history shows us that our rulers (and rulers in other countries) usually DON'T go THAT route until after they are elected (when they have executive power in hand) - which COULD shine forth - like it or not - from WHOMEVER our next President (Queen? King?) might be...

    I hold Obama in high esteem mostly because he appears to have EARS attached to his head...

    Locally, I sorta hold Alderman Mike Madsen (and a few other folks) in high regard for the same reason...

    Does that mean I am going to swoon in their presense? Nah.

    But it DOES instill hope. And we average folks could sure use a little bit of THAT!

  8. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Is it true that Clint Brown is Jewish?

  9. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Any Jewish person supporting Obama should be ashamed of themselves,, He is no friend of Israel !

  10. Anonymous4:17 PM

    2:14 PM Anonymous said...
    ---Any Jewish person supporting Obama should be ashamed of themselves,, He is no friend of Israel !---

    Why? Because his middle name is Hussein? You're an ass.

    Another piece of Clinton crap thrown against the wall to see if it would stick. It didn't, just like all the other mudslinging they've tried.

    The only Jew that doesn't like Obama is Joe Lieberman.


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