
Friday, April 25, 2008

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Tomorrow, I will have an update on my trip to Arkansas. This conference really was great, I met a lot of great people and did training with top political consultants from across the Country. I also was fortunate enough to attend a lecture at the William Jefferson Clinton School of Public Service.

The reception at the Governor's mansion was also something that I will not soon forget. The one on one time that I had with Governor Bebe, A.G. McDaniel, the Speaker of the Arkansas House was great. Governor Bebe in particular was one of the most personable politicians that I have ever met, he is a regular person and made me feel at home. His Lt. Governor Bill Halter was the same way and will probably be President some day. We all had full access of the Governor's mansion and I had a good 20 minute conversation with the Governor.

Full update tomorrow.


  1. were you at the young elected officials thing? i had friends down at that...


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