
Friday, April 25, 2008

Sottile Heads to Indiana to Stump for Clinton

Our great Mayor Jim Sottile is heading to Indiana to stump for Hillary in this critical Democratic primary that is coming up. Sottile who serves on Senator Clinton's national conference of Mayor's, will be talking about why Senator Clinton is the most qualified candidate to be our next President.

Make us proud, Mayor!


  1. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Didn't he support Pataki?

  2. Anonymous10:58 AM

    I love that our tax dollars are paying the mayor to work in Indiana while there are clearly problems he should be attending to in Kingston

  3. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Glad to hear things are going so well in Kingston that he can take some time for himself and nothing here needs his attention to get done.

  4. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Didn't he support Bradley?

  5. Anonymous12:02 AM

    Is Noble in command when he's out of town? Or is it DiBella?

  6. People need to get over that D.A.'s's unfortunate what happened and no one wanted Jon to win as much as I did but there is nothing we can do to change what happened.

  7. Anonymous6:39 AM

    The Bradley-Sennett issue is being dug up by Zimet supporters. They are trying to convince some Sennett supporters that Hein is nothing more than another Bradley, whatever that means. This is Zimet's only chance. Without that core of Sennett supporters to draw from, she has almost nothing. I read on another blog that she was done before she started and I couldn't agree more.

  8. Anonymous10:29 AM

    If you want to know who is in charge while Sottile is off playing out-of-state, simply look in the parking lot of City Hall.

    It's either a gray plumbing truck or a broom.

  9. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Hein supporters are BEGGING for the "Bradley Issue" to disappear.
    Why? Because Mr Hein's main constituency are those folks who actively campaigned against our Democratic nominee for DA. Unlike Susan Zimet, he is little known outside the reaches of the glass menagerie. He has never fought for the residents of Ulster County over issues that concerned them, nor does he have any understanding of the needs of individual townships. He switched his party affiliation based on who he had to answer to.

    The vast majority of grassroots Democrats know the score and will support Susan Zimet, a strong Democrat, whose core values don't change with the direction the wind is blowing. Done? We have just begun.

  10. Anonymous7:42 PM

    6:39 - as a Jon Sennett and Susan Zimet supporter, I couldn't disagree with you more. Core of Sennett supporters? Do you mean 2/3 of the county committee? Or are you talking about the 22% of the vote Bradley got in the general election, at $20 a vote? There are no parallels between Sennett-Bradley and Zimet-Hein. Unlike Bradley, Hein can do the job and is a Democrat. Hein didn't just blow into town and expect everyone to roll out the red carpet for him. However, I'm supporting Zimet because not only is she qualified, she has worked for the party and the county for many years. The Democrats are lucky (as is the rest of the county) that they have 2 qualified candidates running. Last year, they only had one: Jon Sennett. What was unfortunate was that the Bradley supporters had their heads so far up their asses that they failed to see what a loser they were backing. What hurts Hein is that they're the ones who are supporting him. Oh, and Jeremy, tell Jon Sennett to get over it - he'll be happy to hear that. Isn't there some saying like "those who forget history are condemned to repeat it"?

  11. 7:42 PM :

    I think if you ask Mr. Sennett he is moving forward. We can complain 100 times a day but Carnright is still our D.A. It makes me upset every time I think about it and I don't forget. However, if we don't move forward and build our party and work together, we will have more Republicans in high county positions.

  12. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Jeremy, I think you had talked about the fallout which will happen, and how you, and the committee will never forget those who supported Bradely and they will be delt with.

    BTW, so long as you continue to ommit posts which damages your main man, the Mayor, you will still a little boy. Did they teach you that in one of the 'workshops' you attended out in AK?

    What I had said about the Mayor, which Jeremy didn't post, was I find it surprising Hillary Clinton would accept the endorsement of a drink thrower.

  13. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Considering that no one knew who Bradley was before he announced for DA, and generally, no one knew who he was even if he was in the room and campaigning, it should be easy to simply forget him. He was a loser from the beginning, and he had no personality for a campaign. He lost and went back into the hole that he had crawled out of.

    Now he surfaces at the gym or around town hanging with his family and/or long time friends. He does not attend party meetings or events, and generally seems to be most comfortable staying to himself. Clearly, he was never cut out for a political race.

    Same is not true for Hein or Zimet. Both seem comfortable out and about, comfortable in a room full of people, and both seem to enjoy the challenge ahead.

    While we need to forget Vince and his pathetic and damaging campaign, we can't forget the lessons that we learned.

    As long as they both stick to the pledge not to run as a third party if they lose the nomination, the party should be fine. Sure it is just a pledge but it is our job to keep reminding them and driving the issue home so they do not change their minds.

    The difference between the two is going to be very clear. Hein greatest qualification is being an administrator. Zimet's main qualification is that she has always been an active and committed democrat.

    By the way, any word on Quigley? The word remains that he is committed and ready to run and is willing to put a boatload of his own money into this.

  14. Anonymous8:57 PM

    The only qualification for Co. Exec. is being an active and committeed Democrat???5:30PM, please, your killing me. That is exactly what voters all over the County don't want. Zimit is so full of herself she is floating in the clouds somewhere. She is like Dave d. they take credit for everything good the full Democratic caucus accomplished with the help of Mike Hein. How many times is she going to run for something and lose before she gets the message. Please, lets all hope Patterson gives her a job and we save Ulster County from a disaster. Does she ever stop talking about how great she is?????

  15. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Susan Zimet has won two elections for New Paltz Supervisor where she oversaw the generation of the town budget. She is in her third term as County Legislature with tremendous experience dealing with the issues of the county. She had the guts to run a credible race against an entrenched Republican when called upon to represnt the Democratic Party in an obviously uphill battle.

    Mr. Hein has received all his positions through appointments. His constituency is very narrow; well connected, but narrow. He has never personaly mediated or influenced one issue within Ulster County.

    The personal tone of Susan's detractors indicates their level of fear.

  16. Anonymous1:36 PM

    I said Susan's main qualification for the position is that she is a long time committed democrat. I certainly did not say that being a loyal democrat is a genuine qualification for the job.

    Personally, I was opposed to the charter in the first place and I think the executive office is going to add another layer of paperwork, expense, regulation and beaurocratic nonsense to an already bloated county government.

    When in doubt, add another layer of government. It hasn't worked up till now but it certainly will ensure that civil servants will have jobs.


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