
Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Farewell Party for Alderwoman Ringwood this Saturday

The City of Kingston Democratic Committee will be hosting a farewell party for 2nd Ward Alderwoman Jennifer Ringwood on Saturday, April 12th from 5-7pm at the Holiday Inn.

Jennifer is a great Democrat and has contributed a lot to the Democratic party in Ulster County. As a City lawmaker, she has brought important progressive issues to the forefront. I'm very sorry to see her go but am confident in her successor, Tom Hoffay's abilities.

Come out Saturday and show your support!


  1. Anonymous8:24 PM

    I guess one thing that we can thank her for is Senor not smoking right outside City Hall any longer or in TR Gallo Park.

  2. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Hahahaha ditto that.
    Anyone out there remember the old television show "Queen For A Day"? If the city repealed the graffiti law as it relates to property owners being required to clean up the graffiti they had nothing to do with, I would be happy to bring the crown myself and crown her. My mother used to use such expressions as "crowning someone", although they weren't connoting the highest form of praise lmao
    Oh well...

  3. Anonymous2:55 PM

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  4. Anonymous5:28 AM

    Is she gone yet? Please let me know? I went out for a walk in the swamp the other day and I was reluctant to burp for fear of violating one of her legacy pieces of legislation.SHREK


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