
Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Kirkland Ribbon Cutting Friday 4 PM

The grand opening of the Kirkland Hotel will take place this Friday, April 11th at 12pm and will go on until 5pm. The ribbon cutting ceremony is at 4pm. I actually have taken a tour of the Kirkland and the building is absolutely amazing. Mayor Jim Sottile and Kevin O'Connor of RUPCO should be given a tremendous amount of credit for recognizing the importance of this building's restoration.

The building will have a restaurant, office space and affordable apartments on the top floor. Attorney Jonathan Sennett, of Sennett Law is the first tenant to move into the Kirkland.


  1. Anonymous8:51 AM

    I would give them credit if it was rented already and earning back some of the $4 million they poured into it.
    There is not a restaurant in this area besides an Applebees or Red Lobster (thats just the kinda town we are) that can afford to pay the rent for that place, they have no parking for thier staff, let alone any patrons, and if you do dine there, you will get a beautiful view of skid row!
    Thats all that is in the corridor now and the rest of this city, thanks to your mayor!
    Who wants to dine there and watch the filth push thier carts and lay on the porches?
    You might, Ill pass!
    Office space?
    Who will want to have thier business there, when they have to run out every hour to feed a meter?
    We already established that there is no parking.
    Great idea to build a commercial building with no parking huh? We should be proud!
    Finally we get to the affordable problem. Why do we need to have this? Ill tell you why, you wants to pay top dollar for an apartment, that is located in the middle of neighboorhood that has not one person in sight that isnt on some type of assisted living? Face it Jeremy, this city is turning into a slum, and these people invested 4million on a building righ smack dab in the middle of it! Isnt there enough across the street? How many more families and persons does your mayor think we can afford to house? The people in this city are being forced from thier homes because of the ridiculous taxes, and you people think its a good idea to house more people that cant afford to fend for themselves or contribute?
    This building will be Jims legacy, and I think we should rename it now. How about "The Jim Sottile homeless shelter"
    Mark my words!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Speaking of big chain resturaunts, you know what would go GREAT there, a Fridays. Kingston needs a Fridays. But can you imagine if the only resturaunt with deep enough pockets like Fridays tried to open there? You'd have protests.

  3. Anonymous12:05 PM

    I agree with that comment.100 percent it will be a homeless shelter.

  4. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Wow, the previous comments show just how ungrateful and slimy Kingston locals have become! This renovation wasn't for you. This was for the purpose of attracting new people of better quality that see the beauty and history of Kingston. People that bring new vitality. The sooner you scum move away,the better off the community will be. I doubt that place will ever get as decrepit as it was again. It was a testament to the people that cared so little about their own city to stink the place up like that. Those Applebee and Red Lobster trash aforementioned are history.

  5. Anonymous2:57 PM

    You got to be joking right 8;30 pm.

  6. Anonymous6:13 PM

    tO 8:30
    Are you nuts?
    The Kirkland is surrounded by section 8 homes and bottle redeeming cart pushers.
    "Those Applebee and Red Lobster trash aforementioned are history."
    Have you ever drover past any local restaraunt and seen a line to get in?
    Applebees and Red Lobster have lines every night, these are the caliber of people that are here, because there is no workforce here anymore, just system drainers!

  7. Anonymous8:58 PM

    No I never drover past anything. Lines are for system drainers like you guys. If a restaurant has a line to get in, the prices are too low. You people just don't get it. If each one of you just bought an adjacent building and occupied it, there'd be no slumlording that you bitch about. Get off your slimy asses or hit the road. Your inability to restore your own city makes you the root of the problem. Too many slackers and too few real citizens. Btw, those fastfood chains are serving you frozen dogfood. You're risking your health and throwing away money to do it. Buy a building,shop at the grocery store and make a difference instead of draining the system dry. Every dollar you waste at Red Lobster or Applebees is a dollar used to CREATE skidrows. Bitching about the mess you made is pointless. Shut the fuck up about real citizens that spend real money to clean up your mess. You're damn lucky to even see it.

  8. Anonymous1:15 PM

    I do not dine at these facilities I was merely making a point.
    I do shop locally and prepare my meals because that is the way it sohuld be and dining out is a waste of cash around here.
    I do own a commercial property that is maintained perfectly and I do contribute to local business, but you cant honestly tell me that we are not overwhelemed by filth here anymore. Even you should be able to see that.

  9. Anonymous4:37 PM

    I see your "filth" as evidence of unfettered greed. I see the answer being urban homesteading of your rentals by upscale owners who could restore them to being townhouses. Those people are what renovations like the Kirkland are intended to attract. Gentrification is not a bad thing. City centers should not be used for the consolidation of homeless people. Reduction of available rentals raises rents and forces change. An increase of private homes is what is needed and the Kirkland was an eyesore to be remedied. I could have made ten apartments and slumlorded my hotel too, but that doesn't increase my property value or the values of my neighbors. Long term gain requires long term investment. You need a local incentive to encourage the gutting and reversion of tenements into homes. Not more affordable apartments. That part of the Kirkland I think was a mistake. It may be popular and PC but it's self-defeating.


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