
Friday, April 04, 2008


Sources very close to the Republican party tell Blaber News that James Quigley will run for Ulster County Executive and Tom Turco will run for County Comptroller. Mr. Quigley spent close to nine thousand dollars to try and defeat the County charter and now he wants to be our first Executive? Mr. Turco to the best of my knowledge has no financial background to be the County's chief fiscal officer. Looks as if the Dem's will have a cake walk this November.


  1. Anonymous8:20 PM

    If they were Democrats, you'd say they were the best thing since sliced bread.

  2. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Right now it seems like its Turco versus Auerbach. Jeremy, who do you back??

  3. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Quigley will outspend anyone. Turco is a dud, he has no chance.

  4. Anonymous10:41 PM

    8:20 Get your own blog and let us all know when you have gotten 110,000 hits. Jeremy has an audience and can say whatever he wants.

  5. Anonymous11:21 PM

    I have news for you. I have just as much a right to speak as Jeremy. This is America and all men are created equal -- even Democrats.

  6. Anonymous3:00 AM

    The Republicans are gonna make a comeback in the fall. Lots of moderates will be voting for McCain and those coat-tails will help Mr. Quigley, should he choose to run.

    Fred Smoot

  7. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Quigley is experienced in issues and factors outside of our County which effect economic opportunities for our children and families. He will do the best job! I hope he runs!

  8. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Quigley is the guy who did not want there to be a County Executive. He should pack it in now and tell his political masterminds Vince Guido and Joe Tuscano to stop wasting his money. Hein wins on looks alone.

  9. Anonymous11:27 AM

    With Quigley and Catalano running the show, get ready for 1980's, Al D'Amato style gutter politics. That is the way they roll. Dirty politics with no boundaries. Look at the campaigns they have been involved in as evidence.

    They spend heavily on negative, low life campaigning because they really do not have anything to offer. Just make the other guy look bad enough and anyone looks good.... even Quigley.

  10. Anonymous2:25 PM

    OH my..

    We not even into the county nominating conventions and already the bloggers here are snipping at one another over potential, not actual, candidates. Based upon my thirty years of political observation, this county exec race is going to be dirty, mean spirited coupled with the usual chaos and confusion thrown in. Business as usual.

  11. Anonymous2:32 PM

    11:27 - sounds like Quigley and Catalano took a page out of Rove's playbook...can you say Swiftboat?

  12. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Is this the same Quigly who illeagly funded the "Citizens for change in the Town of Ulster" as a second front for Republican Wies? If it is, why wasnt he and his disscredited Democratic lacky investigated for election fraud, and illeagle campaign contributions to the phony so called Citizens for change. I wonder what would happen the NYS board of election follows the phony paper trail of funding and the real truth behind Guido's payback aginst Werner, ( sensitive doucuments sent to Vince by his wife who was the Supervisors secreatry) who had to terminate his wifes employement. "Oh what a wicked web we weave, when first we lie and descive",Milton.

  13. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Quigley would be extremely good as comptroller with his background. Turco could not get elected dog catcher without daddy helping and it would still be close. Catalano makes Savago look smart the only one who wantedthe job and probably the only one who thinks he is doing a good job. if Quigley doesn'twant to run he should take control of the party, he has the organization skills. We are not pulling teeth

  14. Anonymous9:35 AM

    I heard you are you backing Auerbach. True?

  15. I have not committed to any candidate for Comptroller at this point.

  16. Anonymous10:00 PM

    I bet Quigley wont spend a penny of his own money on any of this..... you wait and see... the funny part is he will win


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