
Friday, April 04, 2008

Auerbach Announces for County Comptroller

Below is a press release I received today.

BREAKING NEWS : Ellenville Village Manager, Elliott Auerbach, announced today that he will be a candidate for Ulster County Comptroller this November.

Auerbach, an Ulster County native and a life-long Democrat, brings the strength of his private and public sector background to the office of the County’s newly established position of chief accounting and reporting officer. The former three term Ellenville Mayor and Executive Director of the Rural Economic Area Partnership managed a family owned business for twenty years and enjoyed a series of successes in corporate America and private industry before returning to public administration in 2002.

Of late, Auerbach has been serving the people of Ulster County as Assistant Chairman and Assistant Secretary of the Ulster County Industrial Development Agency and as Secretary of the Ulster County Chamber of Commerce.

Ellenville Mayor Jeffrey Kaplan, who has endorsed Auerbach for Comptroller, remarked: “Elliott has the independence of mind to put the people of Ulster County ahead of party or politics. That’s why I think he’s the best person for the job.”

He is a graduate of Hofstra University with a degree in Economics-Business, has three adult children and lives in Ellenville with his wife Judi


  1. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Not another democrat named Elliot?!!

  2. Anonymous5:08 PM

    As a Democratic Committeeperson, I can assure you that Elliot will not have my support at the June convention. Elliot supported Bradley - he has poor character judgment and is untrustworthy. He put Ellenville in hock for $750K because he doesn't have a clue about accounting. He would make a terrible Comptroller - vote for Bill Reynolds!

  3. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Did Bill Reynolds openly support the Democratic nominee, Mr. Sennett? I have no dog in this fight, just want information.

  4. Anonymous6:14 PM

    This constant BS about anyone who supports Bradley is getting tiresome. Wait until one of these AH spewing this hate (some Sennet supporters) announce who they support for co. ex. (Susan Zimet)she will go down the toliet because of their crazy rantings.

  5. Anonymous6:47 PM

    First of all the guy sponsred a fundraiser for Sennett in Ellenville that I went to. This guy has more experience in public and private business than anyone running for county executive. We would be lucky to have him as comptroller he has been extremely successful at whatever he has done. This is the problem with this dem committee and why there needs to be a primary for both these positions. I do not want 250 people who, based on some of the comments here already, clearly have long standing agendas determining who my democratic nominee is.

  6. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Bill Reynolds supported Sennett. He had a sign out on his lawn.

  7. Anonymous9:13 PM

    It's not so much that Elliott supported Bradley, it's that he was an asshole toward Sennett. And, he flip-flopped - first he didn't support Sennett, then he did, then he didn't. He was rude and disrespectful toward Jon and his family on more than one occasion. He's mean-spirited and unqualified. And because he has those awful traits, it's unlikely he'll get the Dem nomination. Like it or not, the 320 committeepeople do determine who your Democratic nominee is - not because of their personal agendas like the Bradley supporters. The majority of the committee bases their votes on who is the most qualified candidate. Jon Sennett was (and still is) the most qualified, but the Bradley supporters continued to pursue their agenda based on a friendship. So 6:47, when you complain about long-standing agendas, start with why anyone supported Bradley - no one ever touted his abilities, their reasons were flimsy at best. I can't support Elliott because of his inability to think - and don't forget how he just screwed up Ellenville to the tune of $750,000. He can't handle the finances of the county.

  8. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Elliot brings balance and good representation from the southern part of Ulster County.

    My question is does Parate and/or Hein back Elliot's interest?

  9. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Eliot seems like a good choice.

    Has Reynolds announced he is running or is Jermey floating his name on his own?

    Pretty slick, he can say he never said he was running, only Jeremy did.

  10. Anonymous9:29 AM

    The Dem Comm makes an endorsement they do not determine who the nominee is. This is not and should not be about anything else but who has the best qualifications and best experience to be comptroller. Too frequently that is not what comes out of the committee. Right now Auerbach is the only candidate for comptroller and is clearly qualifed given his past experiences. To say he is "not qualified" shows either a personal agenda or ignorance of what the guy has done throughout his career. He is highly qualified for the position.

  11. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Auerbach will need to muster support based upon his abilities, such as they are(n't), because he will not have support based upon party loyalty. He agreed to "host" a fundraiser for Sennett, then made the Sennett Team take his name off the invite. Why? because HIS SON WENT TO LAW SCHOOL WITH BRADLEY'S SISTER.

    He was last quoted - only days before the election - as saying that the Wawarsing Democratic Committee supported Bradley. Not only was this disloyal, it was a lie.

    Is lying a qualification you value? Then go vote for him.

    I believe it was Confucius who said "Paybacks are a Bitch!"


  12. Anonymous11:18 AM

    If you idiots don't stop with all this nonsense about the last election, you will be looking a comptroller named Turco. Is that what you really want? If you think Mr. Auerbach is bad, wait until you get to know Mr. Turco.

    Democrats need to band together, select a candidate, get behind that candidate and win these offices. Period, bottom line, end of story. STOP WITH ALL THE BASHING!

  13. Anonymous11:41 AM

    What makes Auerbach qualified? How do you explain his screwing up the finances of Ellenville?

  14. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Talk about disenfranchising the voters. 320. Like the movie 300, we will now refer to the 'committee' members as 320. Perhaps they will share a similar fate.

  15. Anonymous7:36 PM

    It's a new ballgame. Dave Donaldson will be throwing his hat in the ring for comptroller

  16. Anonymous9:35 PM

    If the GOP can put up an election commissioner for Comptroller I don't see why the Dem's cant put up a high school teacher for Comptroller too.

  17. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Eliot Auerbach is not ethical and should not even be considered. His withdrawal of support last-minute from the White Wolf ordeal is typical. Party independence is synonomous with treason.


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