
Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Hein Blows Away Woodstock Committee

I attended the Woodstock Democratic Committee on Monday night and listened to Mike Hein address their committee. As I have stated before, I'm supporting Hein and I hope everyone will join me. However, after hearing him speak to that committee, I have a totally higher level of respect for him then ever before. The one phrase to describe him is that there is no question he is the real deal. He's bright, extremely well spoken and knowledgeable about the issues facing our county. As a community we would be short changed if we did not elect Mike Hein as our first County Executive.


  1. Anonymous1:15 PM

    You have very little credibility when it comes to givning us a review of a candidate you have already said you are supporting.

  2. Anonymous3:03 PM

    I was there. I vouch for Blaber's comments. Hein was good. So was Al Lomita who spoke on Mike's behalf.

  3. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Until Hein rejects the conservative party endorsement, he is still a repugnican.

    Trying to justify it by claiming "fiscal" conservativism is a joke. I'm fiscally conservative too, but I'd never accept support from a group who is anti-choice, anti-gay, anti-poor people, anti-equality, anti-regulation, anti-environment, and anti-just about every other good thing the Democratic Party has championed.

  4. Anonymous9:55 PM

    6:37 What makes you think that Hein has accepted the Conservative Party nomination? He has not. Why don't you talk to him about it.

    Hein supports the arts, environment and programs that help the elderly. Sounds pretty Democratic.

    In fact, at the Woodstock Dem meeting he talked about one program that brought services closer to seniors and saved $40k a year on a lease for a building that was not needed. You don't need to put a label (fiscal conservative) on something that is a win-win for Ulster County taxpayers.

  5. Anonymous10:21 PM

    I;m a fiscal liberal, and a die-hard communist, but I like Mike Hein.

    To hell with Hein-Haters



  6. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Hein did not move the senior services out of the rental building, that was done by the legislatures public works committee. He should not talk about it as if he did it. It was a "Mike" alright, but it was not Mike Hein.

    He did his job and ADMINISTERED certain aspects of the move. The public works committee controls all county leases and make the decisions on who goes where. The bull work was done by the Buildings and Grounds department and that other Mike I mentioned.

    If Hein is going to continue to take credit for things he did not initiate, I think he will start hearing it from legislators.

  7. Anonymous7:44 AM

    It would appear that Hein has the support of the Conservatives, and he would like their nomination. Democratic candidates chances of being elected in November can be strenghtened by accepting the Conservative line because it undermines the possibility that their GOP opponent will get the Conservative votes. As long as Democrats will allow their candidates to accept the endorsement of political parties who hold objectional, mutally exclusive policy objectives this is going to occur. Seems to me the best thing progressives could do with a highly qualified candidate like Hein is to try to get their hooks into him (financial contributions and campaign volunteers) and try to drag him to the left. Get him on record for taking pro-choice, pro-civil liberties and equality, pro-environment, pro- every other good and decent thing government and collective action can accomplish for the people (including fiscal responsibility) and leave the conservatives with no other respectable option.

  8. Anonymous8:04 AM

    I can't accept Mike Hein's sudden switch to the Dems as soon as they took the majority of the legislature. Mike should tell us - on this blog - which tenets of the Republican Party he no longer could accept that made him switch to a Democrat, but he still agrees with the Conservative Party's ideologies (he is going for the Conservative Party endorsement or he wouldn't have Paul Hewitt as his treasurer). So, he doesn't like the Republican Party anymore, but he still aligns himself with the Conservatives. Sounds like a political opportunist...

  9. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Fiscally conservative is a good thing. Socially conservative,as in the conservative party, is a mental illness and should not have any place in politics. Fiscally liberal means you can't balance a checkbook. Any candidate that claims to be either fiscally liberal or socially conservative is not fit for public office.

  10. Anonymous9:35 AM

    The treasurer of Mike Hein's committee is the son of the chair of the Ulster County Conservative Committee. (HEWITT) Like Bradley, Hein went "to the right" first, to ensure he would have a ballot line on election day. Like Bradley, he will run as a spoiler if he does not get the dem nod. Did the Woodstock dems ask him about this????
    Hein will do as Bradley did, i.e., whatever Al Spada tells him to do!!
    Remember folks, we got a republican DA FOR FOUR MORE YEARS thanks to these very same folks...
    Is Hein promising jobs to people?? That is what I hear...
    when that gets out, it will be all over for Mr. Hein.
    The republicans will take this position, as they did 1818 Wall because Mr. Parate is running the dem party, and he too, takes his orders from Spada!!
    Get a frikkin clue, dems, these people will sell you for 5 bucks!!

  11. Anonymous1:58 PM

    6:21 is right...Hein is taking credit (with his line "under my administration") where credit is due to the legislators. The blame wasn't placed on the Republican administrators (Smith and Darwak) for screwing up the county - the Republican legislators took the heat. So, why aren't the Democratic legislators getting credit for holding the line on taxes, etc.? Why are they sitting back and allowing Hein to brag about what a great job he's doing without giving them their due?

  12. Anonymous3:21 PM

    I have head that some legisltors are purposely letting him make claims of things he was not responsible for. They are supporting him and they will not challenge his honesty with the "my administration" crap he is saying every 5 minutes.

    He better be careful, if the Legislators get pissed, he will be made to spend more time at his desk and less time where he has no business being as administrator.

  13. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Hein is a phony. His spit shine smile and fancy suits will only get him so far. If you think for a Woodstock minute that he fooled anyone at that meeting you are smoking something.

    If you didn't read HonestAbe over on Kingston Truth, I recommend it. This post is going there just in case Jeremy decides he wants to start censoring again.

  14. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Just because some one is related does not mean that they have the exact same political beliefs.

  15. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Why are Democrats supporting Hein? He switched his registration to Democrat less than 2 years ago. He hasn't done anything for the Democratic party. Why are the supposed Democrats supporting him for what should be the most powerful political office in the county ?(with perhaps the exception of Congressman Hinchey - now there is a true Democrat) Why are they sabotaging the party? County executive can't be so difficult that the Democratic leadership can't find a real Democrat to support.

  16. Anonymous9:57 AM

    10:03 At least he will enter the nominating convention as an official Democratic candidate. He is a strong supporter of the arts, seniors and the environment. Does that sound like a Republican or Conservative?

  17. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Hey Mike!

    Just wait until you go before the
    Kingston City Democrats.

    They are a hard bunch to spin!

  18. Anonymous5:40 PM

    What exactly is so tough about spinning to the Kingston committee? They were gaga over young Vince and ate up his lines without hesitation. . .
    Mike (and all other potential candidates) need to be confronted with the biggest and most important questions out there.
    1) What went wrong last year?
    2) How do we avoid a repeat of last year?
    3) Are you going to run as a conservative if you lose the democratic nomination?
    My mind will not be made up until I hear each potential candidate answer these questions.
    Another Kingston Committee member

  19. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Mike Hein is the best thing that could happen to Dem's when they took over the Legislature. Democrats were smart to recognize his talents and appoint him their first Co. Adm. Dem's gave Mike Hein a directive, he produced results.

    He was told Dem's did not want a double tax increase. Hein took the County from a 39% property tax increase down to 7.5% the first year and down to 3.5 the second year. he can take credit because it was the Administrators budget that passed.

    You have to give credit where it is due. Yes some Legislators offer suggestions, however, you need the know how to implement.

    By the way I know of many who have been Dems for yrs. and done nothing for the party. He has been active from day one. Those rantings from some on this blog are from those that have an axe to grind or are jealous with envy that they can't compare. Judge him on his quilifications not "how long he has been a Democrat".

    Our party is one of inclusion. We should welcome any Republican willing to join with us. It is happening all over our Country. Jonathan Sennet has only been a Dem for a couple of years, yet many think he is the best thing since slice bread, He very well may be. I understand his wife might become a Dem. I would welcome her also.

    Democratic Legislators should be complimented for having the wisdom to appoint qualified people to carry through with the county's business. (Leg are P/T positions and most have full time jobs.) At least Hein changed his enrollment. There are many appointed Dept Heads who are still enrolled Republicas!!!!!!!

  20. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Hein and the others need to answer these questions too.

    Will you go to a primary if you lose the convention

    Will you run as a 3rd party candidate (conservative and/or independence party lines only)


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